Newsbusters "Following a story from “national investigative correspondent” Michael Isikoff in which “ investigative reporter” Bill Dedman had the gall to complain “we waited longer for these records than Sarah Palin was Governor, almost a thousand days,” NBC’s David Gregory recognized, in an understatement: “As Mike and his team are finding, not a lot of bombshells here.”"....
ISIKOFF: The e-mails have lots of redactions, and so far, there are no bombshells, but they do show Palin's irritation with what she calls the “lamestream media.” Writing from the McCain campaign trail, she writes in one e-mail: “It drives me crazy to catch all the corrections.” And in an earlier e-mail, “I feel like I'm at a breaking point with hurtful gossip.” Lester?
Perhaps they could find much juicier emails on the Obama Administration's correspondence with the NLRB over their Boeing suit, or any of their SEIU correspondence. TD
You think all those cyber sleuths searching Sarah Palin’s e-mails would get a similar thrill looking at, say, Gov. Deval Patrick’s BlackBerry? "The answer is no, and not just because MSNBC would never mobilize an army of reporters to go after a Democrat. The real reason people will never see Patrick’s e-mails is because they can’t."
Via Instapundit
Release the Redacted Transcript! "I posted some thoughts on the media’s Palin/Obama paper-trail hypocrisy last Friday. Around the same time, Gateway Pundit’s Jim Hoft highlighted the continued refusal of the LA Times to release the unseen but nonetheless famous video tape in which Obama toasted Rashid Khalidi at a testimonial dinner likely also addressed by Bill Ayers (h/t Glenn Reynolds). Will we ever get to see that tape, and if so, how best to shake it loose?"
Via Instapundit;
More Here.
AP Crushed That Palin Emails Reveal No Dirt "But isn’t it funny how citizens and news organizations have never asked for Mr. Obama’s emails. Or Nancy Pelosi’s. Or Harry Reid’s. Or Barney Franks."....
"Or perhaps the delay was because the ‘powers that be’ were hoping to release them after Mrs. Palin had announced she is running for the 2012 nomination. But they got frustrated by the delay, and decided they should try to knock her out even before she threw her hat into the ring."
TD personally likes Palin as an excellent vice-president, but Democrats seem to feel she would be a real winner as president. Why else would they and Hollywood "elites" be obsessed with destroying her?
Palin's Trig Letter "The Briton* writes that far from being embarrassed by any findings in the trove of her electronic missives, Palin "is likely to emerge from the scrutiny...with her reputation considerably enhanced."".... (emphasis added TD) "Among some 13,000 messages was an unexpected, revealing and touching email from Palin to friends and family.
"It was initially written, obviously not for publication, in April of 2008 just a few days before....
...the arrival of her fifth child, Trig, who was born with Down syndrome. In her email Palin imagines a letter from God to the family about to launch on its challenging child-rearing experience together.
"Here is Palin's entire letter:"
Which of these two people does Hollywood admire and respect?