NY Times Europe "The statue of a smiling Reagan, dressed in a crisp suit, was paid for by the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation as part of a worldwide effort to promote his legacy, according to the organization’s executive director. Similar events have been held in the last few days in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary." ....
"In a speech, Mr. McCarthy described Mr. Reagan’s fight not only against the forces of Communism, but against the “tyranny” of debt and big government. He and Mrs. Thatcher, he said, “did not move to the center to gather votes, they moved the center to them.” "
From the UK Telegraph "Mr Reagan's great political ally and friend, former prime minister Baroness Thatcher, was not able to attend due to her physical frailty, so Mr Hague paid tribute to the former President on her behalf: "Ronald Reagan was a great President and a great man. A true leader for our times. It was a pleasure to be his colleague and his friend and I hope that this statue will be a reminder to future generations of the debt we owe him," he said." Daniel Hannan: Ronald Reagan: Britain's finest friend, America's finest president "Every president from Theodore Roosevelt to George W Bush has been, in practical terms, pro-British: Barack Obama is the exception. No, what sets him apart is the magnitude of his achievement. At home, he reversed the disastrous decline of conservatism and began the work of constraining government. Abroad, as the inscription on his statue puts it, he won the Cold War without firing a shot." Daniel Hannan is a writer and journalist, and has been Conservative MEP for South East England since 1999. He speaks French and Spanish and loves Europe, but believes that the European Union is making its constituent nations poorer, less democratic and less free.
We look forward with anticipation to the erection of a statue of Barack Obama in the Luton district of London.