Sunday, July 3, 2011

Our enemies rejoice as wounded US lion withdraws from Afghanistan

The Australian   "Many in the US and across the world wonder if Obama's speech - and the broad bipartisan support for it - is yet another sign of America's decline. American power and weakness is often a matter of perception.
"From the Taliban's perspective, the withdrawal is a sign of US weakness and their impending victory.
"Not only the Taliban will see it this way: Iran and Syria's regimes and the malignant units in the Pakistani military and secret service see a weak America that roars but retreats when the going gets tough.
"The short-term benefits of abandoning counter-insurgency may be politically appealing. The long-term costs may be greater than Obama anticipates."
This is not the Democrat Party of Harry Truman any more. (Really? What was your first clue?)

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