National Review Online "Barack Obama today held a “Twitter Townhall,” at which the president agreed to answer questions posed to him on Twitter (marked by the #AskObama hashtag). The tweets were filtered by “a Twitter Search algorithm” that aimed to “identify the most engaged-with Tweets,” but were also subject to further filtering by a panel. So no one will have been surprised by the absence of anything particularly damning or controversial.
"Here are a collection of the tweets the president would presumably rather had not been posted:"...
"Tweet of the Day, however, goes to the unknown Kevin Smith, whose verdict read:"
Heritage Foundation has five questions it is asking Obama for his Twitter Townhall. Here's one:
"Here are a collection of the tweets the president would presumably rather had not been posted:"...
"Tweet of the Day, however, goes to the unknown Kevin Smith, whose verdict read:"
I have never seen anyone who can talk so much and still say absolutely nothing of any intelligence #askobama
The New RepublicObama’s Twitter Town Hall and His Guarded, Lame Approach to Social Media "Perhaps Obama let his guard down that day, just slightly, because of the debate’s novel format. Perhaps the lesson he took away was that he should never to do that again. But, if social media are ever really going to matter in the conversation between the president and the public, the guarded, lame approach Obama has taken won’t cut it."
Heritage Foundation has five questions it is asking Obama for his Twitter Townhall. Here's one:
You said it wasn’t a good idea to raise taxes in a recession but that is all you offer now to fix debt. Why? #AskObamaPresident to solve nation’s problems in 140 characters or less "A tough constitutional question on the debt ceiling or the War Powers Act would alone make this worth watching, but since part of this exercise is to brand a guy who’s overseeing a ruinous entitlement load as somehow the “candidate of the young,” we’re bound to see some oddball, lighter-side crap too. In fact, check out the word cloud of Twitter questions for O from Detroit. The most troubled major city in America, and yet the topic du jour is … UFOs. What a waste. "