Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Obama’s Twitter townhall: A win-win for the White House

Post Politics  "In the 2008 election, voters aged 18-29 comprised 18 percent of the overall electorate and voted for Obama over Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) by a 66 percent to 32 percent margin.
"In the 2010 midterms, voters 29 and under made up just 12 percent of the electorate and went for Democrats by a much slimmer 13-point margin — one of several factors in the GOP wave that swept the country.
"For Obama to win re-election next fall, he needs to replicate (or come close to replicating) his 2008 showing among young voters."

Obama’s Twitter Town Hall: Questions in 140 Characters or Less  "Users of the social networking service can post questions for Obama before and during the event, which starts at 2 p.m. Washington time. Questions should fit Twitter’s 140-character limit and include the hashtag #askObama.
"Representatives of San Francisco-based Twitter Inc. will determine which questions to pose to the president, White House director of digital strategy Macon Phillips and communications director Dan Pfeiffer said during a conference call yesterday."

And here's one from former congressman Anthony Weiner that, oh, my......please, no more photos.

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