Newsbusters "Yet when a pair of homegrown terrorists were arrested in Seattle last month before a planned attack on a military facility, the Times chose not to inform readers that the duo were Muslim-converts and the ringleader idolized Osama bin Laden.
"Now, roughly four weeks later, a sadly successful attack happened thousands of miles away, and the Times was more than happy to point fingers - prominently on its front page! - at American conservatives.
:In June of 2011, when Muslim Yonathan Melaku was caught in Arlington Cemetery with suspicious material and a notebook praising the Taliban, the networks him simply as "the suspect," "a 22-year old Ethiopian American” and a “lone wolf.”"
Pinning Breivik on critics of Islamization "Islam's enablers are already trying to take advantage of the situation. They are trying to take away our freedom of speech and freedom of expression by shutting down criticism of Islam and Islamization... to further their agenda, which is to make Islam and Islamic law supreme in the West. In that sense Breivik's actions must have seemed like a great gift and a great opportunity to them because it gives them a chance to use our revulsion in the heat of the moment to strip away our right to freely criticise Islam and Islamization, which would of course be a real boon to them as they try and turn Western countries into Islamic states."
Euro-killer ripped off peaceful Euro-critic "We will find out very soon if peaceful conservative bloggers in Europe are now going to be the targets of a hysterical smear campaign, or whether some of them will even be arrested.
"This is therefore a very serious smear, since the Politically Correct elite in Europe is quite willing to prosecute peaceful dissidents like Geert Wilders, who was just found innocent by a court of law in the Netherlands, on a charge of hate speech. De Wilders is a peaceful, sober, polite, anti-PC politician, a Member of Parliament in the Netherlands -- but you know what can happen to dissenters from the EU Orthodoxy."
Wisdom from Media Matters on scoring political points from violence "This was the tweet sent out by Media Matters when a radical environmentalist took hostages at the Discovery Channel in September 2010, and there was a concern about how violence by a “liberal” would be portrayed in the media:"...
Cal Thomas: And Now Norway
"Would Anders Behring Breivik have thought twice about his killing spree if he had known in advance that someone would shoot back? That is impossible to know. But if someone on Utoeya Island had returned fire, there's a possibility that far fewer would have been killed."