Rick Moran "Except criticism of Obama going on vacation is not limited to the right - it is universal. Many on the left have taken the president to task, not only for vacationing while the rest of America is hurting, but also for his choice of vacation spot - the estate of a rich crony.
"This is hardly a "partisan" criticism and Frum would know this if he wasn't always so blessedly eager to tear at conservatives who don't think very much of him.
"I would also point out that criticism of Obama going on vacation predates the rebel march into Tripoli by several days. To suggest that the criticism is pushback against some imagined Obama triumph ignores that reality as well."
Libya Rebels Have Sold Gaddafi’s Chemical Weapons to Hamas and Hezbollah "
The United States’ credibility has been hurt worldwide by this military muddle. The unintended consequence of this ill-conceived action is, the world is a much more dangerous place for having meddled in what may have come and gone as a mild civil skirmish among Muslims. Why were we there? Why did we spend a billion dollars only to endanger Israel?"
US and Israeli intelligence agencies have tracked the WMD consignments from eastern Libya as far as Sudan in convoys secured by Iranian agents and Hizballah and Hamas guards. They are not believed to have reached their destinations in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip, apparently waiting for an opportunity to get their deadly freights through without the US or Israel attacking and destroying them.
"It is also not clear whether the shells and gases were assembled upon delivery or were travelling in separate containers. Our sources report that some of the poison gas may be intended not only for artillery use but also for drones which Hizballah recently acquired from Iran."
Still think Israel is the oppressor of the Arabs?