The Patriot Post "The solution isn't even a return to the status quo as it stood before the current administration began its war on American exceptionalism. We cannot return to a system that alternates between Republican and Democratic Progressives. We must make a break with the post-Reagan past. We must return to the fundamentals that made America the greatest nation the world has ever known: individual liberty and free enterprise safe guarded by a written constitution, and a federal representative republic operating on democratic principles.
"The solution is simple. How we get there is the subject of this article and hopefully a sign pointing in the direction of change."
This article then discusses what the author feels this nation must do:
"First we have to unleash the primary engine of our greatness, our people."....
"Next we have to unleash our corporations."....
"What about foreign Affairs?"....Given the present world situation, I do not see how this Ron Paulish policy can be implemented, as much as we might like to.
The article finishes with this: "Our current leaders work to manage the decline of America. However, those of us who refuse to accept the inevitability of this decline can turn it around. We can stand in the gap and bring forth the re-birth of America. So, if we have the will and the courage we can have some real hope for a change."
This is posted only for your consideration and the Tunnel Wall does not necessarily agree with all this author's points, such as his view of banks. I cannot say that I want a Pelosi-Reid-led congress to have that much control over our money.
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion for Southside Virginia Community College. He is the author of the History of the Future @ View the trailer for Dr. Owens' latest book @ © 2010 Robert R. Owens
"The solution is simple. How we get there is the subject of this article and hopefully a sign pointing in the direction of change."
This article then discusses what the author feels this nation must do:
"First we have to unleash the primary engine of our greatness, our people."....
"Next we have to unleash our corporations."....
"What about foreign Affairs?"....Given the present world situation, I do not see how this Ron Paulish policy can be implemented, as much as we might like to.
The article finishes with this: "Our current leaders work to manage the decline of America. However, those of us who refuse to accept the inevitability of this decline can turn it around. We can stand in the gap and bring forth the re-birth of America. So, if we have the will and the courage we can have some real hope for a change."
This is posted only for your consideration and the Tunnel Wall does not necessarily agree with all this author's points, such as his view of banks. I cannot say that I want a Pelosi-Reid-led congress to have that much control over our money.
Dr. Owens teaches History, Political Science, and Religion for Southside Virginia Community College. He is the author of the History of the Future @ View the trailer for Dr. Owens' latest book @ © 2010 Robert R. Owens