Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Five Biggest Reasons Republicans Keep Losing the Propaganda War

Pajamas Media  "Ask yourself: when was the last time you freely discussed any conservative view with friends at work, or on campus, or in public — without hedging your every word?"
 "Everywhere one goes, save conservative websites, Republicans are widely connoted with tinges of racism, hate, selfishness, greed, war-mongering, and conspiratorial theocratic designs against democracy. Fox News has some opinion shows that try to give an ounce of conservative balance to the airwaves and they’ve paid for it with an all out war declared against them by leftist activists."....
"Towards that goal, here is my top-5 list of why Republicans keep losing the propaganda war."

5. Modern media favors perception over reality, charisma over intelligence, and personality over character. Republicans remain the party dominated by reality, intelligent reason, and high character; they lose. "But liberal bias does stack the deck profoundly towards Democrats being able to field candidates with none of the essential reality, intelligence, and high character, as long as they possess the façade of charisma. Hence, we have President Barack Obama, in large part because his opponent possessed no media skills whatsoever.

4.  When openly mocked and ridiculed, Republicans are stymied  "Instead, McCain’s pitiful surrender to Goldberg’s propaganda ploy allowed the audience to conflate the original topic of Roe v. Wade (a Supreme Court decision) with a ratified amendment to the constitution. It was a moment that will live in American civics infamy.
"Until Republicans understand that that the Left lies with full intent to destroy America as we know it, the GOP will remain rhetorical road kill." 

3. Many Republicans don’t understand the Left’s value system and make the horrible mistake of projecting their own conservative values onto their opponents.  "In other words, for liberals the state is their church substitute. As they are inclined towards rejecting set guidelines of good and evil, they generally feel satisfied with themselves if they verbally and electorally support government “charity” as opposed to actually giving it themselves."

2. Republicans don’t know how to use their yang in the Democrats’ yin-dominated politics. When hit with a Democrat hissy-fit, Republicans cower like whipped dogs.  "Paul Ryan, the Republican, sees the coming debt train wreck and uses logic to draw up a real plan and publicly goes to bat for it. In response, the liberal group, Agenda Project, ran ads showing a Paul Ryan lookalike pushing granny over a cliff in a wheelchair."

1. Many Republicans have undiagnosed Stockholm Syndrome.  "When one side of a philosophical divide is willing to employ such bully tactics with ferocious tenacity, the other side understandably — quite humanly — begins to psychologically identify with their abusers, just as hostages come to identify with their kidnappers and abused spouses come to identify with their abuser. This phenomenon, called Stockholm Syndrome, now afflicts many Republicans and forces them into a defensive, fetal-like position more often than we would ever like to admit."

Emphases added. TD

1 comment:

Ronbo said...


Thanks for posting on the FFJ!

Socialists and Patriots are different types of people - the former are often violent parasites and the former are polite, rational and producers who tend to curb their rhetoric so as not to "offend" the unhappy baby with the facts.

Clearly, the time has come to slap the socialist babies across the face with the facts...and the brass knuckles.

This is WAR!

P.S. liberals no longer exist: the opposition are socialists, fascists, and communists who call themselves "Progressives" and should be treated like the scum they are!