Noisy Room "The high priests who run the Church of Man Made Global Warming call anyone who doesn’t become disciples of the environmental whacko movement, “Deniers;” an attempt to discredit folks who don’t agree with a junk science whose main purpose has nothing to do with saving Mother Earth and everything to do with wealth redistribution. Scientists who don’t sign on to this massive hoax are, after all, “denied” federal grant money or “denied” publication in professional circles; hence the term “deniers” seems quite appropriate.
"Speaking of deniers…"Thursday, September 29, 2011
Democratic Gov. Bev Perdue's Joe Biden Moment
First it was a joke. Then it was hyperbole. Now it's sarcasm
""The next time they tell you how stupid Sarah Palin is or Michele Bachmann, just think back to this day and North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue," said Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host." (Emphasis in the original)
N.C. Gov. Beverly Perdue: Let's 'Suspend' Elections to Fix America
""The next time they tell you how stupid Sarah Palin is or Michele Bachmann, just think back to this day and North Carolina Governor Beverly Perdue," said Limbaugh, the conservative talk show host." (Emphasis in the original)
N.C. Gov. Beverly Perdue: Let's 'Suspend' Elections to Fix America
"I think we ought to suspend, perhaps, elections for Congress for two years and just tell them we won't hold it against them, whatever decisions they make, to just let them help this country recover. I really hope that someone can agree with me on that," Perdue said. "You want people who don't worry about the next election."
What was Bev Perdue thinking? |
Bernie Goldberg: Trust in Media Low Due to Love Affair With Obama
Newsbusters "With regard to the Christmas Day front page Post article, Goldberg neglected something even more indicative of media bias that day.
"As NewsBusters reported at the time, not only was that puff piece on the front page of the Post, the revelation about the Obama transition team's report on contacts with former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich was placed on page A3.
From MSNBC: Obama magazine covers fly off newsstands
"...Barack Obama is the new golden child in the celebrity weekly world. "Just hours after the elections, two of the most successful brands — People and Us Weekly — stocked newsstands with issues that featured the president-elect on the cover, while the competition went with more ordinary celebrity fare. According to early sales figures, People and Us made the right call."
From Nov, 2008this...
Iranian Pastor Faces Execution for Refusing to Recant Christian Faith
Legal Insurrection Quoting Fox News:
An Iranian pastor who has refused to renounce his Christian faith faces execution as early as Wednesday after his sentence was upheld by an Iranian court.And from the comments to this post:
"Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, who maintains he has never been a Muslim as an adult, has Islamic ancestry and therefore must recant his faith in Jesus Christ, the 11th branch of Iran’s Gilan Provincial Court ruled. Iran’s Supreme Court had ordered the trial court to determine whether Nadarkhani had been a Muslim prior to converting to Christianity.
So sad for this Pastor and his family. Why aren’t those Muslims who tell us Islam is a tolerant religion, and say they are moderates, standing up and condemning this? Have I missed the outcry of support for this Pastor from the US Muslim community?
Related: Iran: Government Takes Child "Security officers reportedly took the child as a way to pressure the Christian family and other Christian converts. Mohabat News reports that the security agents threatened the couple, saying, “If you want your child back, you must file a complaint against your fellow Christians in prison.” " |
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
California Education Becomes Indoctrination
The Trumpet "The bill requires all public schools to incorporate into their social studies program the achievements and contributions of homosexuals, lesbians and transvestites to society. Proposed by Democrat Sen. Mark Leno, SB 48 was victorious with a 23-14 vote in the State of California senate and a 49-25 vote in the Assembly.
The Pro-48 site Equality California
More here: “The FAIR Education Act enables all California students to learn an honest account of history, which includes the contributions of women, people of color, LGBT people, people with disabilities, and other historically underrepresented groups,” said Gay-Straight Alliance Network Executive Director Carolyn Laub. “This coalition is determined to protect the FAIR Education Act and stop the extremist effort to censor LGBT people and people with disabilities from history.”
The entire state has become San Francisco. Lets hope the movement doesn't cross borders.
Repeal Prop. 48
Here is where Prop 48 advocates can go to discuss their ideas, if you care to know.
I visited the school of my childhood this summer and a rush of pleasant memories flooded my mind. But then the realization came that this was no longer that school; it had become a re-education and indoctrination center advocating ideas that nearly all of the population once saw as immoral and reprehensible. All things we had known to be wrong had become acceptable -even mandatory-and what had been good was now evil.
What a terrible loss our society has suffered. TD
Hat tip to Russ McGlenn, Santa Maria, California
Google Image |
"“Current California law already mandates that schools teach about Mexican Americans, African Americans, Asian Americans, American Indians, entrepreneurs, labor and women. This bill now adds gays, lesbians, bisexual and transgender people, as well as those with disabilities, to the list of groups that must be included in history lessons” " The 49-25 margin and the 23-14 margin shows you how entrenched the left is in California and that this is indeed the voice of the California people who voted them into office.
The Pro-48 site Equality California
More here: “The FAIR Education Act enables all California students to learn an honest account of history, which includes the contributions of women, people of color, LGBT people, people with disabilities, and other historically underrepresented groups,” said Gay-Straight Alliance Network Executive Director Carolyn Laub. “This coalition is determined to protect the FAIR Education Act and stop the extremist effort to censor LGBT people and people with disabilities from history.”
The entire state has become San Francisco. Lets hope the movement doesn't cross borders.
Repeal Prop. 48
Neutrality Not Good Enough for Gay Activists–Only Promotion Will Do "Today, activist groups, including the National Center for Lesbian Rights, announced they filed a lawsuit against the Anoka-Hennepin School District in Minnesota. Among other things, they are demanding that the school repeal a curriculum policy directing educators to remain neutral on controversial sexual topics in the classroom."
What happens when SB 48 becomes law. ...."4. Teachers will be made to positively portray homosexuality, same-sex "marriages," bisexuality, and transsexuality, because to be silent can bring the charge of "reflecting adversely" or "promoting a discriminatory bias." "
I visited the school of my childhood this summer and a rush of pleasant memories flooded my mind. But then the realization came that this was no longer that school; it had become a re-education and indoctrination center advocating ideas that nearly all of the population once saw as immoral and reprehensible. All things we had known to be wrong had become acceptable -even mandatory-and what had been good was now evil.
What a terrible loss our society has suffered. TD
Hat tip to Russ McGlenn, Santa Maria, California
Hey, Truthers! Al Qaeda To Ahmadinejad: Stop Saying We Didn’t Do 9/11, You’re Just ‘Jealous’
Yeshiva World News "In the latest issue of its English-language magazine, Inspire, Al Qaeda lit into Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s repeated statements that 9/11 was the work of the American government.
"“Al Qaeda … succeeded in what Iran couldn’t,” wrote an author named Abu Suhail, the Jerusalem Post reported. “Therefore it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so? Conspiracy theories.”"
Would somebody please forward this on to Rosie O'Donnell and her fellow"truthers" for me?
Encore post: Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
"“Al Qaeda … succeeded in what Iran couldn’t,” wrote an author named Abu Suhail, the Jerusalem Post reported. “Therefore it was necessary for the Iranians to discredit 9/11 and what better way to do so? Conspiracy theories.”"
Would somebody please forward this on to Rosie O'Donnell and her fellow"truthers" for me?
Encore post: Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report
Six Ways to Fix These Painfully Embarrassing GOP Primary Debates
Pajamas Media "This really needs to be the last electoral cycle where MSM leftists receive such a perfect perch to land their cheap shots."....
"In addition to “gotcha” questions posed by media personalities evidently seeking to embarrass the speakers, of whom far too many have been on stage at the same time, and to invite them to trip over their shoelaces while making the media personalities look cool, there are other, related problems."....
"The current candidate “debates” are neither of manageable scope nor do they offer the viable candidates adequate opportunities to prepare and then to make their positions on specific topics both clearly understood and difficult to distort. If they are to become meaningful in the candidate selection process,
substantial changes are needed." (Excerpt below)
"In addition to “gotcha” questions posed by media personalities evidently seeking to embarrass the speakers, of whom far too many have been on stage at the same time, and to invite them to trip over their shoelaces while making the media personalities look cool, there are other, related problems."....
"The current candidate “debates” are neither of manageable scope nor do they offer the viable candidates adequate opportunities to prepare and then to make their positions on specific topics both clearly understood and difficult to distort. If they are to become meaningful in the candidate selection process,
substantial changes are needed." (Excerpt below)
Today, the questions fall into two main categories.If Obama loses, no one can blame the liberal media. "One place that Democratic contenders go for positive publicity is the network morning shows. Their audiences are diminished, but they remain a powerful national platform, especially for female voters. Rich Noyes and Geoff Dickens of the Media Research Center have demonstrated how ABC, CBS, and NBC set a pretty pleasant table for the Democratic candidates (and potential candidates like Al Gore) from January 1 through July 31, 2007." Brent Bozell
The first is gotcha queries that seek to trip up the victim with some past inconsistencies or try to force an admission that he really has no chance, as happened back in August when Fox’s Chris Wallace asked Newt Gingrich about his troubled campaign.
The second is just plain-stupid questions. In New Hampshire, CNN’s John King asked former Sen. Rick Santorum whether he preferred Jay Leno to Conan O’Brien (answer: neither) and grilled Herman Cain about how he likes his pizza (deep dish). The idea was to show the candidates’ human side, but the result was to display the frivolousness of the moderator.
What the Betrayal of Czechoslovakia in 1938 Can Teach Us About The World and Israel Today (Unless you are a "progressive" and cannot be made to learn from history).
Barry Rubin "...Analogies with Nazism and the 1930s are overused today, made even more tasteless and cliché-ridden by the fact that many of those using them know very little about the situations then and now."
Bad cause, good cover story:
Misunderstanding the enemy’s ideology, means, and goals"
Resuming: But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn some important lessons:
And here: Brzezinski (from the Carter administration, incidentally) fantasizes about US shooting down Israeli planes
Also: Obama Defense Dept: We’re Not Going To Attack Iran, And If Israel Tries We Might Shoot Down Their Jets
All this just to show you how cowardice in the face of ruthlessness is reflected in history and how those who yield to it will be regarded. Of course that is after it is too late and millions of innocents have been long dead. TD
Bad cause, good cover story:
The oppressor |
Today, many people cannot believe that a humanitarian issue for which a real case can be made might also block understanding of a wider danger and the creation of a worse humanitarian issue.The Palestinians are suffering, they say. The Palestinians want a state. These are problems worthy of a solution, but what kind of a solution? Like saying the proletariat has poor living conditions or bigotry against Muslims is a bad thing, these are true enough statements — but not ones that should overwhelm common sense and a legitimate self-interest.Even the detail of blaming Benjamin Netanyahu and Israel’s current government has a parallel in the 1938 case: the problem is portrayed as the intransigence of Benes (pictured here), rather than that of Czechoslovakia as a whole. (Incidentally, after 1945 when he returned to power, Benes expelled by law virtually all of the country’s Hungarian and German minorities.)Resentment for the “troublemaker,” who is just trying to survive:
The oppressed victim |
Chamberlain believed that Hitler just wanted dominance over Czechoslovakia, and that there would be no more claims. In the same manner, much of the media, university, government complex (MUG) of today thinks that an independent Palestinian state would be the end of history — after which there would be no more aggression, claims, demands, or crises.Much more at the link...
Resuming: But that doesn’t mean we can’t learn some important lessons:
– Don’t buy humanitarian explanations for aggressive and radical demands.
– Identify your enemies correctly, and know their ideology, goals, and tricks.
– Don’t be angry at the intended victim, and accept lies about it by your own common adversaries.
– Don’t engage in a process of progressive surrender, in which a chain of unilateral concessions are substituted for standing on principle and demanding one’s own interests be respected.
– Think about whether a proposed solution is really lasting, or is just going to make things worse.
– If you fear to confront an aggressive dictatorship or ideology, you will end up confronting it on worse terms.
"It is forgotten how much antagonism there was at the time against Czechoslovakia"While we're in this groove, how about this comparison of Obama to the Vichy French?
And here: Brzezinski (from the Carter administration, incidentally) fantasizes about US shooting down Israeli planes
Also: Obama Defense Dept: We’re Not Going To Attack Iran, And If Israel Tries We Might Shoot Down Their Jets
All this just to show you how cowardice in the face of ruthlessness is reflected in history and how those who yield to it will be regarded. Of course that is after it is too late and millions of innocents have been long dead. TD
Alan Caruba:The World is Having a Nervous Breakdown
Warning Signs ...."Few arrive at a nervous breakdown overnight. It takes time and a variety of bad decisions or bad luck or both. After blaming George W. Bush and Republicans for his problems, Obama has taken to blaming bad luck. Does he even know that people have concluded the economy is now officially and completely his fault? "
- Rule Number One: Almost everything the government touches, it ruins in some fashion. At the very least, it increases its cost of operation.
- Rule Number Two: The government’s primary function is the defense of the nation against attack. As Ronald Reagan said, “Nobody ever started a war with us because we were too strong.”
- Rule Number Three: Government exists due to its ability to tax and spend other people’s money. Spending always needs to be restrained.
- Rule Number Four. Government will always produce more laws and regulations than are needed. It should be restrained. (See the U.S. Constitution).
The Intercontinental Railroad
How ironic that Obama points with pride at the American Railroads when we all know how liberals hate the companies that built them. Moreover, we all know they could not have been built today because of the Obama base: the EPA, environmentalists, Fish and Wildlife and anyone who plans to vote for Elizabeth Warren.
Name one single ingredient of a railroad that the left would not have tried to shut down: land acquisition? Raw materials? Coal? Shaping of the roadbeds? Cutting forests and building bridges? Heaven forbid that a protected species dwells in the path of a future roadbed,
Motto of the left: NO YOU CAN'T! TD
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
How photojournalists manipulate the news
Media – Photo journalism behind the scenes "Reporters in war zones risk their lives to tell us what is going on and without their reports we would be much less informed. We should, and we are, grateful for what they do. Thanks to their work we are aware. But as the old adage goes: there is more to a picture than meets the eye. What we see is not what is, but what we are shown. And that always originates from a perspective. Hardly truly objective, and not necessarily innocent." Via Caroline Glick
See the revealing perspective of this video:
See the revealing perspective of this video:
America the adequate |
Charles Krauthammer: Return of the Real Obama ; President Obama shifts from a phony centrism back to his social-democratic core. "The authentic Obama is a leveler, a committed social democrat, a staunch believer in the redistributionist state, a tribune, above all, of “fairness” — understood as government-imposed and government-enforced equality.
"That’s why “soak the rich” is not just a campaign slogan to rally the base. It’s a mission, a vocation. It’s why for all its gratuitous cynicism and demagoguery, Obama’s populist Rose Garden lecture on Monday was delivered with such obvious — and unusual — conviction."
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