Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Gingrich Schools NBC's Curry on Liberal Media Obsession With Cain Controversy

Newsbusters  "Well, that will be up to the American people. If they conclude that anonymous allegations from people who don't want to be identified, involving purely civil activities, that the American people could well decide that they want a solution-oriented leader more than they want a scandal. I think it has probably surprised most professionals that Herman has done as well as he has over the last week, but we'll see if this has legs or not. I think he's got to handle it his own way."

Obama as president, foreign and domestic

Updated: Herman Cain pictured and discussed

"Information is already coming out that could potentially raise questions about her motives. For example, she has a history of financial troubles and legal accusations:"...
In exploring all this, we must be careful not to treat Bialek in the same sleazy way Clinton's people -especially James Carville- treated the women who came out against his actions. But we also do not want to treat Mr. Cain as those same people treated Ken Starr. This article concludes with these words:
"Unfortunately, some Cain supporters have taken the criticism of Bialek to another level entirely by engaging in personal, sexist attacks. This was deplorable when Clinton’s supporters did it to his accusers, and it shouldn’t be tolerated by conservatives today."
What Clinton would say...
What Clinton would do...
Publish this: Witness: Cain accuser hugged him during Tea Party meeting a month ago  
The Cain Encounter ...
They hugged each other backstage in a full embrace like old friends.
She grabbed his arm and whispered in his left ear.
She kept talking as he bent to listen, and he kept saying “Uh, huh. Uh, huh.”

Neal Boortz: Herman Cain's new accuser:   "Then, as now, Allred was concerned about one thing … promoting Gloria Allred.  Every single time we had a NARTSH convention we would know that at some time Gloria Allred was going to stage some sort of a publicity stunt to promote herself… usually during the awards luncheon."....
"Let’s add to the mix the fact that Allred is a stalwart leftist Democrat. "....

Now I’ve known Herman Cain for a number of years as well … though not 20. I am absolutely confident in the man’s character and honesty. I truly believe that his affable personality and consistent good humor was the impetus for those sexual harassment situations in the ‘90s. Some women had incredibly large chips on their shoulders – and were just waiting for any excuse at all to scream abuse.
"As for Gloria Allred’s blonde? I will predict that this will be shown to be a complete fraud. We’ll see."

"What he must do is gather up a couple of dozen very attractive women (for reference, please view a photo of his accuser, Ms. Bialek) who will state clearly, and for the record, that they worked with Herman Cain here, there and everywhere else with absolutely no hint of such behavior. If he were a serial predator, he'd be rather hard pressed to find 24 women who could make such a statement."
Brit Hume Calls Herman Cain’s Political Survival Over Sex Scandal ‘Almost Impossible’

Neil Braithwaite: Herman Cain: The mask is off  "Basically, Herman Cain's supporters seem to have a great deal of respect and trust for the man. They see him for what he has made himself out to be and are rewarding him with their loyal support.
"If nothing else, Herman Cain has been a breath of fresh air in the polluted atmosphere of Washington politics - and many Americans were just beginning to breath it all in."

“You need someone like me in Washington,”: Romney’s curious timing in his support for abortion

Collins Report  "During a September 2002 meeting with NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts Willard Romney made this implied promise, “You need someone like me in Washington.” "Both Willard and the baby killing ghouls of NARAL knew what was being discussed. He was running for Governor of Massachusetts and clearly looking past his anticipated victory to a day when he could stop pretending he cared about pro-life issues and show his true devotion to their “cause” from the White House."

And the article has this to say about Romneycare: 

"True to his promises to the abortionists in 2006 Romney passed his universal health care plan now known as Romneycare because it became the model for Obamacare. The language of the bill included increased state funds for abortions and Planned Parenthood was named as an overseer of the plan."

Mitt Romney Evolution

Those who produce and those who don't

Monday, November 7, 2011

Herman Cain discussed

Politico's story  Quite specific with disturbing detail. Lucky for her she didn't try this with a Democrat. Via Lucianne

Conservative Daily News  "Bialek seemed confident, well-spoken and quite put-together.  She did not carry an air of fake desperation or duplicity, but she was also rather emotionless considering she was speaking of such a disturbing event.  The press conference seems to raise more questions than answers."

The Cain Mutiny: Good Questions, Dumb Questions  "As Andrew Klavan wrote earlier today, the world is as unfair as you think it is. Clinton, Kennedy(s), John Edwards…they all get away with their activities for a time because the press covers for them. We all know this. It’s baked into today’s political reality. The press that has run thinly sourced stories against John McCain ...Ricky Perry ...and Herman Cain while covering for Democrat after Democrat is not to be assumed to be a neutral player. It isn’t fair, but that doesn’t mean conservative blogs should try to out-do the MSM at its own game. It’s immoral, and we can’t.

"A presidential candidate who is worth your time and support not only knows all this, but understands it and factors it into their campaign."

Andrew Klavan:  Why We Should Be Unfair to Herman Cain

"We're from the mainstream media and we're here to help."
"And what if a drunken Republican senator had accidentally dropped a car containing his adultery mate into the water? What if he had sauntered back to his hotel to clean up while the poor woman desperately pounded on the car window until she drowned horribly? Would conservatives have re-elected that man? Would they have declared that man “The Lion of the Senate?” The very idea makes one ill. Conservatives would have demanded his arrest and trial with a single voice."....
"And yes, it’s unfair. But there’s a reason it’s unfair—a reason it should be unfair. There’s a reason we right wingers vet our candidates while the left adulates theirs, a reason we condemn our miscreants while the left elevates theirs, a reason our news outlets cover stories that the left covers up."
"The reason is:  we’re the good guys. We have to do what’s right. The left doesn’t. Sorry, but that’s the way it works."  More... 

Is Jon Corzine “Too Big To Be Indicted”?

Is Jon Corzine “Too Big To Be Indicted”?  "Customer funds are supposed to be sacrosanct. If Corzine and team violated the integrity of these funds which it appears they did, then I believe the fullest extent of the law should be applied. Will it?
"Let’s forget about Corzine and redirect our focus to those who made their living at the firm. How many thousands of innocent individuals and families will now suffer because of the blindness and egos of Corzine and his team?"  Larry Doyle

Corzine’s latest fall

Sunday, November 6, 2011

SEALs Killed Osama Bin Laden Within Minutes, New Book Reveals

Yeshiva World News  "Pfarrer’s book reveals that the Seals’ nickname for bin Laden and his deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri, were Bert and Ernie, the Courier Mail reports.
"When they were first told they were going to Pakistan to pick up a high-value person who was holed up in a high-walled compound, they asked, “So is this Bert or Ernie?” "....
"Pfarrer’s book, according to the Post, also reveals that the SEALs were angry with President Obama for announcing bin Laden’s death on TV just hours after they completed the mission on May 1."  (Emphasis sarcastically added.)

"Navy Seals speak out: How we killed 'Bert' Laden (sic - despise Dumb0 for leaking...)"  "He said the men were angry with President Barack Obama for announcing Bin Laden’s death on TV just hours after they completed the mission on May 1.
" "There isn't a politician in the world who could resist trying to take credit for getting Bin Laden but it devalued the 'intel' and gave time for every other Al-Qaeda leader to scurry to another bolthole," he said.
" "The men who did this and their valorous act deserve better. It's a pretty shabby way to treat these guys." "


SEAL Team 6 Unhappy With Obama Taking Bows   "Bin Laden Raid Yields Intel on Ayman al-Zawahiri.  "Wouldn't it have been nice if the intelligence community had been given a week to work with this "mother lode" of information before Obama started taking bows? He just. couldn't. wait. Of course, the cockroaches scattered immediately. Amateur hour."

LA Times: Jonah Goldberg: Why the hurry to gloat about Bin Laden?  "I'm no expert on such matters — though I've talked to several about this — but even a casual World War II buff can understand that the shelf life of actionable intelligence would be extended if we hadn't told the whole world, and Al Qaeda in particular, that we had it."....
"In other words, it seems that from the get-go the White House planned to announce the news as quickly as possible. Why? Nobody I've talked to can think of a reason that doesn't have to do with politics."
Like a kid with a new toy.

Alan Caruba: Time to Rid the Streets of the "Occupy" Movement

Warning Signs  "Is there any doubt left in the minds of observers of the Occupy Wall Street movement tends toward violence and is in need of control? The mayors of the cities—some seventy at last count—that are being occupied need to crack down on it.
"Not all agree, of course. Among the list of the Occupy movement are the following organizations and individuals that have expressed support or sympathy:"
Communist Party, USA
American Nazi Party
Revolutionary Communist Party
Industrial Workers of the World
International Bolshevik Tendency
International Socialist Organization
Marxist Student Union
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Party for Socialism and Liberation
President Barack Obama*
Vice President Joe Biden*
Former House Speaker, Nancy Pelosi*
The Revolutionary Guards of Iran
Communist Party of China
Louis Farrakhan, National of Islam
Black Panthers
(*Why is there no shame and revulsion among most Democrats at what that party has become? TD)

"Further back in history, one recalls the mobs that brought down the Weimar Republic in Germany and opened the doors to the Nazi movement. Earlier, mobs led by Bolsheviks deposed the Russian czar and imposed some seventy years of Communist control there. It is not surprising, therefore, that so many communist organizations and nations support the Occupy movement or that Wall Street is its target."

 I fully agree with Mr. Caruba and we must commit now to back our law enforcement people because every effort will be made by the left to publish videos of "police brutality" and the press will be more than accommodating. Check out this internet result for Cop Watch. Even more disturbing is this.
The Tunnel Dweller
The new radicals have a stranglehold on the message, and none more so than George Soros, who, despite his billions, fits the model of the 1930’s communist infiltrators who tried to exploit America’s racial failings, not to achieve justice, but to destabilize the government and foment revolutionary change.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Victor Davis Hanson: Occupy What?

Victor Davis Hanson  "Occupy Wall Street follows three years of sloppy presidential name-calling — “millionaires and billionaires,” slurs about Las Vegas and the Super Bowl, profit-mad, limb-lopping doctors, introspection that now is not the time for profits and at some point we should cease making money, spread the wealth, punish our enemies, and all the old Obama boilerplate. Someone finally got the message about the evil 1%.
"When Ms. Pelosi and President Obama voice support for the protestors, we enter 1984. Does that mean that the Pelosis now pull their millions out of Wall Street, that the First Family eschews the 1% at Martha’s Vineyard and Vail? That Obama turns his back on Wall Street cash, and, for once, accepts public funding for his 2012 campaign? Postmodern class warfare is an insidious business, and hinges on its advocates not looking in the mirror."
"These are upside down times. The EU that was to be our model is in shambles. The supposedly white right-wing champions a Herman Cain, with deep South baritones and youthful experience with Jim Crow. Yet both are considered suspect, while a Hawaiian prep school, Ivy League graduate, with contrived black cadences, is the better representative of the African-American experience. Never have Americans’ prospects seemed brighter—vast new energy reserves, an unmatched military, disarray in Russia, the Middle East and Europe—and never have been Americans been more conditioned and readied for decline." Emphasis added.
Political Cartoons by Bob Gorrell

Conservatives need not apply

1948 cartoon still relevant today. Maybe more so

This was sent by a fellow Marine stationed with me back in 1958 at Marine Barracks, Hawthorne, NV.
"What can a cartoon produced in 1948, teach us today, that's of any value? You'd be very surprised! Pay close attention! Keep in mind this was done in '1948'. Keep telling yourself that as you view it."

"Make Mine Freedom" From the blog The Edge by Bill Pyatt, Hawthorne, NV

Hat tip to Robert Hope, Sacramento.