Tuesday, November 8, 2011

“You need someone like me in Washington,”: Romney’s curious timing in his support for abortion

Collins Report  "During a September 2002 meeting with NARAL Pro-Choice Massachusetts Willard Romney made this implied promise, “You need someone like me in Washington.” "Both Willard and the baby killing ghouls of NARAL knew what was being discussed. He was running for Governor of Massachusetts and clearly looking past his anticipated victory to a day when he could stop pretending he cared about pro-life issues and show his true devotion to their “cause” from the White House."

And the article has this to say about Romneycare: 

"True to his promises to the abortionists in 2006 Romney passed his universal health care plan now known as Romneycare because it became the model for Obamacare. The language of the bill included increased state funds for abortions and Planned Parenthood was named as an overseer of the plan."

Mitt Romney Evolution

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