TheGatewayPundit "But remember this: This many years into the War on Terror, the only anti-Muslim violence in the US has been a few sponsors pulling out from All-American Muslim, because it was a third-rate reality show. We’re a tolerant people. We welcome people who want to be here. That should include welcoming pretty darned good quarterbacks who are also Christians."
"For the past year, Tebow has been vilified for his displays of faith on the field and in interviews."
"Players from other teams have mocked his one-knee genuflection after a touchdown and his prayer circle with team members. Now, however, rival teammates are joining the circle in thanksgiving for a game well played. Let's face it: spoiled thugs have inundated the NBA and NFL, and perhaps it will take a miracle to bring some respect back to the games.
"Some, of course, are feverishly wishing for an end to Tebow's string of "miraculous" victories. To them, Tebow is dangerous because he represents the power of faith and good, clean living."
This following admonition is from the Matthew Henry commentary on Matthew 10:22:
Tim Tebow and the media "A lot of major league athletes are Christians. A lot of them invoke God or make personal expressions of faith at some point in their games. That’s been the case for a long time. Why are the media obsessing on this quarterback and his particular witness to faith?"
Below is a quote from a site that doesn't seem to abide Christians and considers them to be the enemy:
If Tebow wins the Super Bowl, against all odds, it will buoy his faithful, and emboldened faithful can do insane things, like burning mosques, bashing gays and indiscriminately banishing immigrants. While America has become more inclusive since Jerry Falwell’s first political forays, a Tebow triumph could set those efforts back considerably.(Update) Why Tebow? Why Now? From American Thinker" Sex abuses on the young and innocent went on for years, in most cases ignored by those who could have put an end to it. When it comes to American athletes, their sins are largely tolerated and even glorified in our sick and hedonistic culture.
"For the past year, Tebow has been vilified for his displays of faith on the field and in interviews."
"Players from other teams have mocked his one-knee genuflection after a touchdown and his prayer circle with team members. Now, however, rival teammates are joining the circle in thanksgiving for a game well played. Let's face it: spoiled thugs have inundated the NBA and NFL, and perhaps it will take a miracle to bring some respect back to the games.
"Some, of course, are feverishly wishing for an end to Tebow's string of "miraculous" victories. To them, Tebow is dangerous because he represents the power of faith and good, clean living."
This following admonition is from the Matthew Henry commentary on Matthew 10:22:
...It appears plainly, that all who will live godly in Christ Jesus must suffer persecution; and we must expect to enter into the kingdom of God through many tribulations. With these predictions of trouble, are counsels and comforts for a time of trial. The disciples of Christ are hated and persecuted as serpents*, and their ruin is sought, and they need the serpent's wisdom. Be ye harmless as doves. Not only, do nobody any hurt, but bear nobody any ill-will. Prudent care there must be, but not an anxious, perplexing thought; let this care be cast upon God.... *And many commercial TV evangelists don't help.
Tim Tebow and the media "A lot of major league athletes are Christians. A lot of them invoke God or make personal expressions of faith at some point in their games. That’s been the case for a long time. Why are the media obsessing on this quarterback and his particular witness to faith?"