Ann Coulter "Elizabeth Warren, who also goes by her Indian name, "Lies on Race Box," is in big heap-um trouble. The earnest, reform-minded liberal running for Senate against Scott Brown, R-Mass., lied about being part-Cherokee to get a job at Harvard."
"Family lore is not proof. Proof is contemporary documentation, produced under penalty of perjury, such as a census record. My mother told me she found me under a rock, but I don't put that on job applications."
"For liberals, it should be a mortal sin: Elizabeth Warren cheated on affirmative action."
Elizabeth Warren and What Really Makes a Native American
"Seeking clarification, I called the Cherokee Nation and spoke with spokeswoman Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, who said that to be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, one must provide proper documentation of direct descent from someone listed in the Dawes Rolls (closed more than a century ago) to obtain a tribal citizenship card."
"Family lore is not proof. Proof is contemporary documentation, produced under penalty of perjury, such as a census record. My mother told me she found me under a rock, but I don't put that on job applications."
"For liberals, it should be a mortal sin: Elizabeth Warren cheated on affirmative action."
"Seeking clarification, I called the Cherokee Nation and spoke with spokeswoman Lenzy Krehbiel-Burton, who said that to be a citizen of the Cherokee Nation, one must provide proper documentation of direct descent from someone listed in the Dawes Rolls (closed more than a century ago) to obtain a tribal citizenship card."