Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Nobody messes with Joe

Mr. Biden, I'm 'Absolutely Comfortable' with Mothers and Fathers
"Given these facts, you can imagine the surprise of many when Vice President Joe Biden recently said that he's "absolutely comfortable" with same-sex "marriage."  He reportedly made this statement partly based upon meeting a same-sex couple with children.  Translated appropriately, Mr. Biden is "absolutely comfortable" with circumstances where children are intentionally deprived of either a mother or a father.
"And why are these children deprived of that?  Because some other adult decided that the particular child at issue does not require either a mother or a father.  Thus, the desire of adults to have a motherless or fatherless family have trumped the needs of the child."

Breakpoint: Lesbian Studies Fail the Test  "Getting back to the results in the lives of children, Stanton points out that young people raised in homes with homosexual parents are more likely to be homosexuals later in life and to engage in risky sexual behaviors."

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