About Logan's Warning; "The primary mission of this website is to educate non-Muslims on the ideology and practice of Islam and to Islam's threats to our free and open society. The goal is to assist in developing legislation to defeat the dangerous Sharia movement underway here in America. Violence is not the answer, nor is it acceptable."
Muslim in America to Logan’s Warning: We WILL OVERTHROW the US Government!
A Muslim is being deceptive to non-Muslims about Islam by only telling them only part of the story, or by flat out lying. (Their religion instructs them lie.) Then I expose their deception and lies. After that their response is to usually pull a Houdini and disappear from the conversation. But the conversation I had on YouTube with Jihadifanclub (who I had written about back in 2011) took a different turn. This traitor to America came right out and stated, “We as Muslims will overthrow it”.
Muslim in America to Logan’s Warning: Convert, Accept Islamic Rule, or Else….
"Last week the insidious Islamic organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MAPC), once again used the freedoms of America against America,and held a teleconference on “Islamophobobia”. Muslims use the term “Islamophobia” as an attack tactic in an attempt to bully and silence those who criticize Islam. What MPAC and other insidious Islamic organizations like CAIR do not tell you is that the term was born in Iran back in 1979 following the Islamic Revolution."
Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….Part II
"In the closing of the article I asked where Ali’s true loyalty lies, with America or the Koran? Between his attempts at intimidation, non-responses to me, and the following video, I’m going with the Koran. Maybe Ali would like to come here and prove me wrong?"
Muslim in America to Logan’s Warning: We WILL OVERTHROW the US Government!
A Muslim is being deceptive to non-Muslims about Islam by only telling them only part of the story, or by flat out lying. (Their religion instructs them lie.) Then I expose their deception and lies. After that their response is to usually pull a Houdini and disappear from the conversation. But the conversation I had on YouTube with Jihadifanclub (who I had written about back in 2011) took a different turn. This traitor to America came right out and stated, “We as Muslims will overthrow it”.
Muslim in America to Logan’s Warning: Convert, Accept Islamic Rule, or Else….
First we will invite you to Islam or you let Islam rule without any oppression. Then the last alternative is to fight your army. Like I said before bringing family values to a society is not oppression.Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….
"Last week the insidious Islamic organization, the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MAPC), once again used the freedoms of America against America,and held a teleconference on “Islamophobobia”. Muslims use the term “Islamophobia” as an attack tactic in an attempt to bully and silence those who criticize Islam. What MPAC and other insidious Islamic organizations like CAIR do not tell you is that the term was born in Iran back in 1979 following the Islamic Revolution."
Turning the Tables on MPAC and Muslim Attorney Wajahat Ali….Part II
"In the closing of the article I asked where Ali’s true loyalty lies, with America or the Koran? Between his attempts at intimidation, non-responses to me, and the following video, I’m going with the Koran. Maybe Ali would like to come here and prove me wrong?"
All emphases in the original.
When Islamists speak, remember that lying is permissible and even recommended
After 9-11, I was invited by a Muslim co-worker to attend an informational talk on Islam hosted by the local Islamic Center. I brought up the subject of Israel's right to exist in their present location and the Imam answered yes; when I quizzed him further, he reemphasized his answer.
Only later did I learn the teaching of Taqiyya and realize that I had been finessed. TD