Monday, September 10, 2012

Now that the U.S. Is an Islamic State…

ROBERT SPENCER; "Obama has dealt a huge setback to any effort to compel Pakistan to drop its blasphemy laws."

 "A bipartisan group of six senators recently wrote to Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari, asking that he free Rimsha Masih, the eleven-year-old girl who was being held on blasphemy charges and is still under serious threat of mob violence and resumed prosecution even though she has been released on bail. The letter is a welcome indication that the world is finally noticing Pakistan’s blasphemy laws — but working at cross purposes with those who are trying to get Pakistan to scrap these laws is none other than Barack Obama, who is now doing nothing less than effectively enforcing them upon the U.S. military. The senators wrote to the wrong President."

God and the Democrats

Cal Thomas; Why Put God Back in the Democrat Platform? 
"Clearly the Democrats were embarrassed, but it doesn't really matter. Do you think God is impressed by a political platform that includes abortion-on-demand and same-sex marriage, not to mention debt as far as the eye can see? Not having God in this platform would have been fine with me."

It's Bill! It's BILL! IT'S BILL!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Cartoonists sum up the DNC

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
Rain of Error  "What a week it's been for the Democratic Convention. The "War on Women" party staged a salute to Teddy "Ladykiller" Kennedy, then put a serial abuser of women (and likely rapist) named Bill Clinton onstage. So delightfully wonderful was Clinton's speech that a rhapsodic Chris Matthews gushed that if the former president were somehow transported to Mars (we like the idea so far...) that he'd know how to have sex with the Martians."

Alan Caruba; Maureen Dowd Falls Out of Love

Dowd ("MoDo")
Warning Signs  "...She is a very good writer which, in itself, is reason enough to read her, but more importantly she is a weather vane pointing the direction that liberals are taking on issues, individuals, and events."
.... " Despite her liberal credentials, she is far less easily duped than most.
...."“In his renomination acceptance speech here on Thursday night, he told us that America’s problems were tougher to solve than he had originally thought. And that’s why he has kindly agreed to give us more time. Because, after all, it’s our fault.”
"Dowd picked up on a theme of Obama’s speech that was  missed by just about every other political pundit I heard or read in the days since."  (Emphasis added)

Dowd's NY Times article here.
"It’s depressing to look back and remember what soaring hopes we had for ourselves only four years ago. Did we overdo it with the Greek columns? Sheesh, a million people showed up for our inauguration. Now we brag when we break 10,000."
Mentioning Wall Street columnist Kimberly Strassel, Caruba writes: "her related column was not one of disappointment, but rather a sharp analysis of the destruction Obama has brought upon the Democratic Party that just nominated him for a second term." Read on:
Strassel: The Party that Obama Un-Built"It took Mr. Obama two years to destroy this potential, with an agenda that forced his party to field vote after debilitating vote—stimulus, ObamaCare, spending, climate change. The public backlash, combined with the president's mismanagement of the economy, has reversed Democrats' electoral gains and left a party smaller than at any time since the mid-1990s."

September; This month in WW2

World at War

German troops parade through Warsaw after the surrender
of Poland. Warsaw, Poland, September 28-30, 1939.
Timeline of WW2   1939 Timeline of WW2 - September - WW2 starts September 1, 1939
  • 1 September 1939 - Germany invaded Poland
  • 3 September - Britain, Australia, New Zealand and France declare war on Germany
  • September 4, 1939 - Royal Air Force attacks the German Navy
  • September 5, 1939 - United States proclaims its neutrality
  • September 10, 1939 - Canada declares war on Germany
In preparation for invading to the east, Hitler built the Westwall to hold back the French and British while Germany attacked Poland.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Your first 5 minutes at Marine Corps Recruit Depot - San Diego

Thinking of joining the Corps? Be advised:  I cannot believe how many recruits thought the first day they got to Boot Camp, they would be issued dress blues and let out onto the streets.
Also here.
Familiar sounds on the "grinder";  Also here. Here; 
In a few weeks, the motley crew in the video above will resemble the men in this video:

McCain calls Iran situation a ‘train wreck’

THE TIMES OF ISRAEL   "Former presidential nominee slams Obama for delaying ‘tough decisions’ on Iran, criticizes lack of war talk at Republican Convention, says situation in Syria ‘cries out for American leadership’"
"“Here’s the conundrum. The president of the United States has repeatedly stated that Iranian nuclear weapons (are) unacceptable. Now we watch as they move inexorably down that path… Right now I don’t see any exit sign. That doesn’t mean I’m predicting that there will be this conflict, but at the same time I don’t know a way out.”

" “One thing I’m pretty confident of is that that decision would not be made by the president of the United States before the November election,” he added.  
"McCain is scathingly critical of the political process in America today, blaming outside money for driving down the level of political discourse in 2012."

Andrew McCarthy; There’s More Missing from the Democratic Platform Than God and Jerusalem

Andrew McCarthy, who put the Blind Sheik behind bars in the first World Trade Center bombing, was arguably the most important prosecutor in the War on Terror. He is among the most authoritative writers anywhere on the dangers of Jihad. His distinguished legal career and expertise on national security matters will be invaluable to PJ Media and our readers.
Given his background, it’s no surprise that Andy is very interested in law and national security. Andy’s training is as a trial lawyer, not a journalist, which allows him to break down complicated events and legal principles into a narrative that commonsense people can wrap their brains around.
"Four years later, with Israel’s security situation dramatically — and not coincidentally — worse than it was when Obama was elected, Hamas and Hezbollah have been dropped from the platform. They have not changed, mind you. They continue, without a scintilla of apology, to deny Israel’s right to exist and seek its destruction. But they are this administration’s friends — or, at the very least, friends of its friends."

Want more? President Obama’s deputy national security adviser for homeland security, John Brennan refers to Jerusalem as "al-Quds"!  Yes, al-Quds. That would be Jerusalem — or, rather, what Islamists call Jerusalem.  From May, 2010.
I can’t help but note that Brennan’s insufferable remarks included the following: “In Saudi Arabia, I saw how our Saudi partners fulfilled their duty as custodians of the two holy mosques at Mecca and Medina.” As I discuss in The Grand Jihad (officially released next Tuesday), the main way they fulfill it is by banning non-Muslims from entering — so I’m wondering how Brennan managed to see how they do it.   Read the rest here.
 Jerusalem = al Quds

Here's that Carmel Pine Cone Eastwood article

Eastwood says his convention appearance was 'mission accomplished'
...."Nevertheless, the bitter criticism has continued.
"On Tuesday, Democratic Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, called Eastwood “the perfect icon of the Republican tea party: an angry old white man spewing incoherent nonsense.”
"Eastwood said people, including reporters, who were shocked by his remarks “are obviously on the left,” and he maintained that, while many Americans didn’t like the way he handled his convention appearance, millions more have something else on their minds.
"“A lot of people are realizing they had the wool pulled over their eyes by Obama,” Eastwood said."  pdf of the Eastwood article
Hat tip to Harley Standlee, Placerville, CA.

Speaking of "an angry old white man spewing incoherent nonsense"; here is a brief shot of Harkin telling Democrats to "stand up" for Paul Wellstone.

God, the Afterthought

David P. Goldman   "The Democratic Party didn’t quite succeed in banning God from its platform, but it did its best to ensure that no-one would listen to him by putting a liberal clergyman* who talks about anything except God in front of a deserted stadium. That checked the God box without allowing the Maker of Heaven to get a word in edgewise."
Monica Lewinsky's family rabbi for years
Contrast this with the benediction concluding the Republican National Convention that came from the country’s senior Catholic cleric, Cardinal Timothy Dolan, the archbishop of New York. He said in part:
Almighty God, who gives us the sacred and inalienable gift of life, we thank you as well for the singular gift of liberty. Renew in all of our people a respect for religious freedom in full, that first most cherished freedom. Make us truly free by tethering freedom to truth and ordering freedom to goodness. Help us live our freedom in faith, hope and love, prudently and with justice, courageously and in a spirit of moderation. Enkindle in our hearts a new sense of responsibility for freedom’s cause and make us ever grateful for all those who for more than two centuries have given their lives in freedom’s defense. We commend their noble souls to your eternal care as even now we beg your mighty hand upon our beloved men and women in uniform. May we know the truth of your creation, respecting the laws of nature and nature’s God and not seek to replace it with idols of our own making.
Dolan's prayer at the DNC was a major contrast to the atmosphere there. "In his closing benediction, Timothy Cardinal Dolan gave the kind of benediction that the Obama re-election campaign probably feared he would give when Dolan was initially rejected, and later approved, to give the closing prayer." The text of Dolan's prayer, where....
..".Cardinal Dolan Admonishes Democrats on Abortion, Religious Liberty"

Networks Ignore Cardinal's Benediction; Defends Right to Life and Traditional Marriage     "The only networks respectful enough to show the prayer in its entirety without interruption was Fox News, Fox Business  and C-SPAN. ABC, CNN, and PBS kept it in background while talking over it. MSNBC completely ignored it, cutting the audio feed to let their pundits share their opinions without distraction. CBS and NBC returned to local news affiliates as soon as he began."
Liberals go ballistic.  Strong Democrat language advisory in this.

Friday, September 7, 2012

"The Pacific": Marines of the Pacific - John Basilone

Youtube   After graduation from Marine boot camp, we were sent to Camp Pendleton for Infantry combat training. The road going past our regimental area was Basilone Road, which meant nothing to any of us. Now I can appreciate it.

Camp San Onofre section of Camp Pendleton Marine Base

"The Congressional Medal of Honor recipient who died on Iwo Jima — and whose heroism is resurrected in 'The Pacific' — is recalled by a World War II comrade."

The account does not jibe with the portrayal in the movie, however.