Friday, October 12, 2012

So This Is What "God D*mn America" looks like.

American Thinker   "Four years ago, our media overlords assured us that President Empty Chair was really Candidate Empty Pew -- a parishioner who sat for 20 years in Reverend Jeremiah Wright's nutty, hate-mongering church and never heard a single word."
...".Well, America's chickens are surely roosting overtime now.  Surveying the wreckage of the country formerly known as the leader of the free world, you may be forgiven for suspecting that Obama did indeed overhear a sermon or two during his loyal decades in Wright's Trinity Church.  Wright preached against "middle-classness," and hey, Obama's certainly taken care of that!  In fact, even master debater Joe Biden admits that the middle class has been "buried" in the last four years."

Thursday, October 11, 2012

RNC releases web video blasting VP Biden for laughing during debate


Fred Barnes; Biden Bombed  "You don’t win a nationally televised debate by being rude and obnoxious.  You don’t win by interrupting your opponent time after time after time or by being a blowhard.  You don’t win with facial expressions, especially smirks or fake laughs, or by pretending to be utterly exasperated with what your opponent is saying."

And It’s Joe Biden for the … Laugh   "In some rather inappropriate moments — like talking about the deadly attack on the Benghazi consulate or Iran’s nuclear program — the dispassionate, staring-at-the-podium Obama was replaced by incredulous, animated, smirking-his-pearly-whites Biden.

"But point for point, smirk for smirk, zinger for zinger — and both men got their share in — there was clear partisan divide on who the winner was, leaving how the middle received the face-off for the pollsters to judge.
" “I have to say that Biden did to Ryan what Cheney did to Edwards in style and demeanor and authoritah,” wrote The Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan, who ripped Obama’s performance last week.
"“My CNN colleagues all seem to think it was a draw. I don’t agree. Biden clearly the winner,” tweeted Piers Morgan, who early in the night chided the veep, “Joe, seriously, STOP SMIRKING. This is serious stuff. Be Vice-Presidential.”"

The tyranny of political correctness and the intolerance of the left

A summer of intoleranceChick-fil-A controversy is only the most recent in a series of examples of intractable actions.
"Sadly, controversies such as the one that Moreno's overblown comments helped create grow more frequent, and Chick-fil-A is only the most visible target. Advocates for "tolerance" increasingly push traditional ideas on marriage, family, life and faith out of public life.
"The intolerant forces of the new "tolerance," it seems, don't have room for "Chick-fil-A values." It was a very hot summer of intolerance toward such traditional viewpoints."
Edwin Meese, the former U.S. attorney general, is chairman of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Jennifer A. Marshall is director of Heritage's DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society
"Over the past four years, elected Democrats—President Barack Obama, (former) Congressman Tom Perriello, Delegate David Toscano, and others—have suggested or employed coercive tactics in coordinated effort to quell conservatives’ free political expression. 
The culmination of these attempts:".... 
"In his own backyard, Thomas Jefferson’s vision of a free and orderly society—self-governed by responsible and knowledgeable individuals—is crumbling under the dominion of Marx-inspired elected officials. These, and their sympathizers, have become brazen in their oppression campaign as demonstrated by the incidents referenced above and in the video: The Violent Democrat War on Free Speech."  Hat tip to Common Cents

Elizabeth Warren supporters shout anti-gay slurs at Scott Brown staffer

"Via Instapundit, let’s see if this gets as much play in the Boston media,Brown staffer heckled by Warren supporters for being gay:"   And speaking of Elizabeth Warren...

Video: Unions Fine Members Who Don’t Show Support For Elizabeth Warren…

Roseanne Barr: Mitt Romney is 'Pro Rape'
I'll check with Juanita Broaddrick on that and get back to you. TD

10 Questions for the Vice Presidential Debate

Heritage;   10 Questions; five on Domestic policy and five on  foreign policy. 
Don't take Biden for a fool in this debate; he goes for the jugular. But first he will praise and stroke Paul Ryan to throw him off before going into his blue-collar anger schtick.
I could put a bunch of stupid-Biden cartoons in here, but they do not reflect the demagogue we will see tonight.
Biden: 'You Ever See Me Rope-a-Dope?'

So, what's rope-a-dope? 
Today rope-a-dope refers to any strategy that involves "playing the loser" to "come out the winner." Rope-a-dope strategy implies the need for sharp technical skills to "take the hits" on the downside, and shrewd timing to break through at the proper moment to claim victory. Political strategists, pundits, politicians, business men and even combat tacticians use the phrase to refer to risky maneuvers that take one from a position of the seeming underdog to one of victor.
NRO;  Joe’s World; Always on the wrong side of history.   "That is, even if he scores some sort of debate “win” on a foreign-policy question — say, by breaking out a consonant soup of foreign-leader names and treaty acronyms — it won’t change the fact that Biden just might be, in Charles Krauthammer’s memorable formulation, “the Herbert Hoover of American foreign policy,” holding the record for being wrong on the most issues.
"Which ones? Well, in the interest of space, let’s stick to the top five:"

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy

Mother of state department official killed in Benghazi attack says she can't trust Obama administration - because it won’t tell her how he died Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

UK Daily Mail;  

"'I told Obama personally, I said, look, I had him for his first 17 years and then he went into the service, then you got him.
"'And - I won't say it the way I said it - but I said you screwed up, you didn't do a good job, I lost my son. And they said, we'll get back to you. We - I promise, I promise you. I will get back to you.
"Cooper told Smith that the administration could at least keep her apprised of the investigation, and she agreed, saying: 'That would be so nice. That would at least acknowledge that I have a right to know something, something other than, we're checking up on it, or trust me.
'I like that one the best of all. Trust me. I will let you know.
"'Well, I don't trust you anymore. I don't trust you anymore. You - I'm not going to say lied to me, but you didn't tell me and you knew.' "
Video at the link.

Hillary's damage control (of her political career)

American Thinker; "According to their recent declaration, North Korea now has missile technology that can reach US soil.  Iran is on the brink of having a nuclear weapon. Pakistan is in a state of diplomatic flux.  Israel holds our allegiance in doubt. And the untenable situations of Iraq and Afghanistan remain, untenable.  Syria? Egypt? Being Secretary of State is tough duty and perhaps merely keeping the status quo is a victory and a job well done.  But, accolades laid at the pumps of Hillary for good performance appears more suggestive than actual achievement."

What you say when you can't blame George Bush

Obama on Debate: 'I Was Too Polite'  "After calling Mitt Romney a liar, suggesting that Jim Lehrer had a screw loose, and blaming Big Bird for President Obama’s abysmal presidential debate performance, the Obama campaign has finally settled on a message: Obama was simply too polite. Yes, the candidate who has termed his political opponents “enemies” and suggested that his followers physically accost those enemies was just too nice."

Ann Romney: Obama Campaign Resorting To 'Sandbox' Tactics   " "I mean, it's sort of like someone in the sandbox who lost the game and kicks sand in someone's face and says 'you liar'," Ann Romney said. "To me it's poor sportsmanship." "
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

Do any of Obama's supporters even care about the whole Benghazi mess?

The left-leaning Buzzfeed calls this ad "brutal". They say, "Though it runs a little long, the Heritage Foundation's excellently crafted new video is worth a watch for anybody who's a fan of political attack ads — or wondering why the Obama Administration is facing so much criticism in the aftermath of the Benghazi attack."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
From Hope n' Change; Honesty is the Best Foreign Policy
[Romney] "was able to single out the president's failures in Syria, Yemen, and Somalia. Criticize Mr. Obama for failing to even voice support for the people's uprising in Iran, while simultaneously doing nothing substantive to prevent Iran ("A tiny country that poses no serious threat,"according to Barry in 2008) from obtaining nuclear weapons to obliterate our ally Israel. Or make that former-ally, since Romney concedes damage repair will be needed after Obama's policy of "creating daylight" between the U.S. and Israel."

Benghazi and the bureaucrats  "This is not going to end well for the Obama forces. Michael Kinsley, who has been watching DC  from the progressive camp for decades, today writes a prophetic column, " President (gulp) Romney?" "

The article cites this Buzzfeed post about the trap Jay Carney has put himself into.
"Jay Carney said Wednesday that he “never said we don't know if it's terrorism,” but dodged in September when asked directly if it was a terrorist attack."
Video: 10/10: "I never said, I never said we don't know if it's terrorism."

Video: 9/14:  " in response question if it was a terrorist attack: "We don't have and do not have concrete evidence to suggest this was not in reaction to the film." "

Ann Coulter asks, Got Racism?

Ann Coulter  "Meanwhile, my new favorite actress, Stacey Dash, sends an inoffensive little tweet supporting Mitt Romney and is buried in tweets calling her "an indoor slave" and a "jiggaboo," who was "slutting (herself) to the white man." (And those were just the tweets from the Obama 2012 Re-election Campaign!)"
...After President George W. Bush appointed Condoleezza Rice the first black female secretary of state, she was maligned in racist cartoons portraying her as Aunt Jemima, Butterfly McQueen from "Gone With the Wind," a fat-lipped Bush parrot and other racist cliches.

Actress Stacey Dash loved Obama in 2009   Then she tweeted this:
Lloyd Marcus; Black Actress Supports Romney: Welcome Home Sista!   "I have about had it with the arrogant bullies on the Left. Who died and gave them authority to decide who is a racist? The Left believes they have the ultimate card to trump any and all opposition to their master plan to implement a Socialistic/Progressive anti-American agenda. We who love America have had it with the Left’s, if-you-disapprove-of-the-direction-Obama-is-taking-our-country, you’re a racist nonsense. The reality is anyone who votes for Barack Obama is stuck on stupid, a lazy loser or a racist."
Via Black Quill and Ink

From Wake Up Black AmericaClueless, racist, intolerant liberals attack actress Stacey Dash for supporting Mitt Romney.
"Now you may be thinking that's impossible, progressives are about diversity, tolerance, compassion, harmony, rainbows and puppies and such, right? Well that isn't the case and never was. They do not tolerate any racial minority not marching in tune to their ideology and supporting their democratic candidate."

The Republican Jewish Coalition produced a short documentary showing yet again how hostile Obama is to Israel.

"Perilous times", by Caroline Glick   "Please share it with everyone you know who is planning to vote for this man again next month. I don't want anyone to have the excuse that they didn't know. If people don't know it's because they don't want to know, or because they don't care. They will share in the responsibility for what comes next. 
"It will be their fault."

From the comments to this article: 
There is no question, no not one, that should remain regarding the position of this 'tyrant in the making' towards Israel. But not only towards Israel, but to the very country that he so surreptitiously handed over to the MB.

If there is an election in the US and he is elected again, humanity is at risk through his enabling policies.

Evolution and Trends in Terrorism Tradecraft

By Rich Terrell, who had the phrase "26 days" next to today's, er, um...cartoon

STRATFOR Report on Terrorism  "This inability to conduct attacks in the West and the frustration it causes, along with the downfall of the transnational al Qaeda core organization, may be causing the remaining jihadist groups to focus more on operations in their local areas -- places where they have the skilled operatives and materiel to conduct successful attacks.

"This means that Western diplomatic missions, hotels and businesses located in these areas will remain vulnerable to attack. With these militant groups in possession of shoulder-launched surface-to-air missiles like the SA-7, there is also a lingering concern over the possibility of an attack against a Western aircraft in such areas."  Read more: Evolution and Trends in Terrorism Tradecraft | Stratfor 

Cartoon: Romney's a Flat-earther!