Thursday, October 11, 2012

The tyranny of political correctness and the intolerance of the left

A summer of intoleranceChick-fil-A controversy is only the most recent in a series of examples of intractable actions.
"Sadly, controversies such as the one that Moreno's overblown comments helped create grow more frequent, and Chick-fil-A is only the most visible target. Advocates for "tolerance" increasingly push traditional ideas on marriage, family, life and faith out of public life.
"The intolerant forces of the new "tolerance," it seems, don't have room for "Chick-fil-A values." It was a very hot summer of intolerance toward such traditional viewpoints."
Edwin Meese, the former U.S. attorney general, is chairman of the Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Jennifer A. Marshall is director of Heritage's DeVos Center for Religion and Civil Society
"Over the past four years, elected Democrats—President Barack Obama, (former) Congressman Tom Perriello, Delegate David Toscano, and others—have suggested or employed coercive tactics in coordinated effort to quell conservatives’ free political expression. 
The culmination of these attempts:".... 
"In his own backyard, Thomas Jefferson’s vision of a free and orderly society—self-governed by responsible and knowledgeable individuals—is crumbling under the dominion of Marx-inspired elected officials. These, and their sympathizers, have become brazen in their oppression campaign as demonstrated by the incidents referenced above and in the video: The Violent Democrat War on Free Speech."  Hat tip to Common Cents

Elizabeth Warren supporters shout anti-gay slurs at Scott Brown staffer

"Via Instapundit, let’s see if this gets as much play in the Boston media,Brown staffer heckled by Warren supporters for being gay:"   And speaking of Elizabeth Warren...

Video: Unions Fine Members Who Don’t Show Support For Elizabeth Warren…

Roseanne Barr: Mitt Romney is 'Pro Rape'
I'll check with Juanita Broaddrick on that and get back to you. TD

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