Friday, April 5, 2013

How Long Will Obama Continue the Diplomatic Charade with Iran?

Jonathan S. Tobin  "Acting on behalf of the United States and its allies, European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton had offered Iran the possibility of easing up on sanctions if only they would demonstrate that they were telling the truth about not working to build a nuclear weapon. But despite these high hopes and the certain knowledge that the West was willing to compromise about letting them keep some of their nuclear toys, the Iranians showed up today offering Ashton and company nothing."
Meanwhile, we show weakness by approaching them with a deal. What have we learned from History?
That we are obtuse.

“You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war.”
  Winston Churchill on Chamberlain’s return from signing the Munich Pact with Adolf Hitler. 

Wait, does this mean tax cuts help employment, and tax increases hurt it?

Instapundit  "HOW’S THAT HOPEY-CHANGEY STUFF WORKIN’ OUT FOR YA? ...  The Scary Thing Is That This Bad Jobs Report Wasn’t Even About The Sequester. It’s caused by the end of the payroll tax cut."....
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
From American Interest; Jobs Report? What Jobs Report? Hey Look, Gay Marriage!

We are, however, thrilled that we don’t have a Republican in the White House, because if we did, the press would be incessantly yammering about this bad news until we were all sick of it. As it is, they are likely to say as little as possible about what appears to be a massive failure of economic policy and go back to covering the really important issues, like gay marriage.
If a Republican president got very busy on social issues at a time of economic stagnation and disappointment, there would be earnest hand-wringing of the “What’s Wrong with Kansas” variety about how American rubes were being diverted from their true economic interests by the skillful manipulation of emotionally charged social issues and identity politics. This would be taken as a sign of the cynicism of the ruling party and the clueless credulity of the hypnotized voters.
Fortunately, we aren’t going to have to listen to any of that depressing rhetoric now. Social issues are good and important; economic questions like jobs and incomes and growth are a distraction from the real business of the people.

Political Cartoons by Henry Payne

Got this from my cousin in Oregon:

I was in Ft. Myers, Florida recently, and I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read: "I miss Chicago."
So, I broke out a window, stole the radio, shot out two of the tires, added an Obama bumper sticker and left a note that read, "I hope this helps!"

Essay: Political Correctness and the decline of our culture

Our Civilization "Political Correctness (PC) is the communal tyranny that erupted in the 1980s. It was a spontaneous declaration that particular ideas, expressions and behaviour, which were then legal, should be forbidden by law, and people who transgressed should be punished. (see Newspeak) It started with a few voices but grew in popularity until it became unwritten and written law within the community. With those who were publicly declared as being not politically correct becoming the object of persecution by the mob, if not prosecution by the state."

Read this entire essay here.

The author finishes with this:
Unless plain speaking is allowed, clear thinking is denied. There can be no good reason for denying freedom of expression, there is no case to rebut, only the empty slogans of people inspired by selfishness and unrestrained by morality. The proponents of this nonsense neither understand the implications of what they say, nor why they are saying it: they are insane; which must mean that any community that embraces Political Correctness has discarded sanity.
From The Decline Of Ideas

School asks deaf preschooler to change his sign language name  

What if we had left Saddam Hussein in power?

The Foreign Policy Initiative; Freeing Iraq From Saddam Hussein's Dictatorship Was Worth It  ...."Certainly, the U.S.-led coalition and the Iraqis paid a high price to liberate the country. But it is likely that the cost of allowing Saddam Hussein to remain in power would have been far greater over the long-term.
.... "Saddam likely would have reconstituted Iraq's weapons programs and re-emerged as a regional menace—just as the Iranians and North Koreans have in his wake. Indeed, the example of their nuclear programs reinforces the imperative of preventing rogue regimes from obtaining weapons of mass destruction."
But he did have sympathy from our left. American leftists never met a murderous dictator they didn't adore if he hated America.
"As U.K. Prime Minister Tony Blair said before the war began, "Ridding the world of Saddam would be an act of humanity. It is leaving him there that is in truth inhumane." "

Below: Sigh...if only. But now our foreign policy advisors are Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Sequester Lies; Where Are the Republicans?

Asylum Watch ; Because it's a crazy world out there and we have to live in it.
 "Are you  fed up with the lies told by our President, his Cabinet members, and other high level Democrats about the imaginary disastrous effects of the Sequester? There was no cut from anybody’s or any department’s budget in what remains of fiscal 2013 or any other year. The graph below shows the truth about federal government spending with and without the Sequester." (Source)

...."Are you  fed up with the lies told by our President, his Cabinet members, and other high level Democrats about the imaginary disastrous effects of the Sequester? There was no cut from anybody’s or any department’s budget in what remains of fiscal 2013 or any other year. The graph below shows the truth about federal government spending with and without the Sequester. (Source)"....

Don't Knox This 'Serious Network'

Ann Coulter  "Just days after the Turner Broadcasting System CEO claimed that CNN "is a serious news network," it aired a childish report on "Anderson Cooper 360" about convicted murderer Amanda Knox, which appears to have been written by Amanda's parents. Next up: "The Charles Manson story, reported by Squeaky Fromme."
"But as Alan Dershowitz has said, the American media just adore Amanda -- at best, a liar and terrible person, at worst, a murderer -- because she's pretty.

"That's how a "serious news network" operates."
Political Cartoons by Eric Allie

The Borking of Dr. Benjamin Carson; So much for Democrats being the great racial healers

The Obama years have seen race relations in America deteriorate sadly, but to discuss the subject openly is to risk financial ruin and blacklisting. Sadly now, we see what is beginning to happen to this decent man. Remember that many of these comments on Dr. Carson are made by those who honor people like Al Sharpton and Lewis Farrakhan.

BLACK RACISM AS A LIBERAL STRATEGY  "Racial tension, odious and vexing though it may be, is nonetheless merely a device being used by this administration and its surrogates to foment anger and resentment; indeed, there are many other fronts whereupon similar tactics are being implemented. A number of interwoven plans are coming to fruition at present, and the reason we are seeing displays such as Rev. Leon’s is because they are Obama-sanctioned, or are perceived to be.
"In other words, if it isn’t coming from White House operatives, it at least has the implicit approval of the president."

Dr. Ben Carson: An Unapologetic Conservative of Color Whom the Left Hates and Fears  "Mr. Terrell is not the first nor will he be the last to attack Dr. Carson. The contributors over at MSNBC have made it their mission to destroy Dr. Carson, whatever it takes. They see him as a direct threat to their narrative that minorities in America only achieve success through Liberalism, and that all opposition to President Obama’s vision of America is rooted in racism--not the logic that it has been tried before and failed several times over the course of history."  Then the author adds:
As a Conservative of Color, I myself have often said, “Watch how quickly your Liberal counterparts will take to personal attacks"--such as those of Terrell and Toure--"when you counter their ideas on government, race and personal responsibility.”
Besting the White House Marxists, Dr. Ben Carson style 
"Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis and any others with the cojones to speak out against the anti-American policies of the Obama regime should take a page from the book of the savvy Dr. Ben Carson."....

Ann Althouse quotes: Ben Carson "Wears the Mask."   " I don’t doubt that Carson was a conservative even then. I knew plenty of black people who loved their community and hated welfare. But white conservatives were never interested in them, and they were never as interested in Ben Carson as they are right now."

Related:  BET Is Part of the Problem  "Yet what does Bob Johnson's network glorify and promote? ...BET's programming is replete with sexual, profane, and violent content. ...What's worse, much of this content is aimed at children and teenagers. Bombarded with such imagery, what are many young black men going to replicate as they mature into adulthood?"
Dr. Ben Carson has been called a “Political Mandingo” and Uncle Tom on the pages of Daily Kos and elsewhere, and Republican’s “black friend” by Touré Neblett,
"This really is a disgusting argument, that every time a black conservative rises it is just a charade, the white man’s dream to fool everyone.  The argument presupposes that true blackness only belongs to Coates and not to Allen West, or Mia Love, or Dr. Ben Carson, or other black conservatives."

White liberals don’t like being called racist

Liberals gone wild: Phoenix to Recruit Minority Lifeguards – Even If They Can’t Swim

The Gateway Pundit
In a staggering case of affirmative action gone wild, officials in a major U.S. city are actually recruiting minorities to be lifeguards at public pools even if they’re not good swimmers. It’s all in the name of diversity.
Evidently officials are willing to compromise those “effective services” at 29 public swimming pools spread throughout the city. To diversify the lifeguard force, Phoenix will spend thousands of dollars to recruit minorities even if they’re not strong swimmers, according to an official quoted in a news report. Blacks, Latinos and Asians who may not necessarily qualify can still get hired, says the city official who adds that “we will work with you in your swimming abilities.”
This EU cartoon should apply here just fine

Unlike ObamaCare, the Republican Plan Will Work

Ben Domenech "The eight points that I noted as principles shared by the overwhelming majority of Republicans approach health care from a different perspective than Ezra and the Democrats. The accusation on Ezra’s part is that Republicans think we have too much insurance. He’s basically right – but there is a difference between saying “we have too much insurance” and saying “we have too many people insured”. It’s important to be careful here, because we’re judging how a Republican plan would work against how Obamacare’s supporters claim it would work, or ought to work. Democrats see getting insured as an end; but for Republicans, more healthy people is the end."
Emphasis added.
Benjamin Domenech is editor of The Transom

Obamacare Incompetence

Rush Limbaugh discussed the Joe Klein article below on his show Wednesday saying,  I Don't Think Obamacare Can Work, and Obama Doesn't Care If It Does or Not 
 At the future Obama library and Institute for Social Justice, whatever they call it, there aren't gonna be any testimonials to the details of Obamacare in any of the displays. There's just gonna be a plaque: Obama, first president to get national health care.  'Cause there isn't gonna be any praise to sing about this.  Mr. Klein, all Obama cares or knows about is that he successfully moved one-seventh of the US economy to government control.  And in his world, that equals compassion, power, and success.  The details of this, that's so beneath him.  He doesn't have time.  It's for other people to work that out.  In fact, I would venture to say that if somebody told him there was an implementation problem, he'd say, "Well, fix it," and move on to whatever else interests him that day or that moment. 

Joe Klein   "Let me try to understand this: the key incentive for small businesses to support Obamacare was that they would be able to shop for the best deals in health care superstores — called exchanges. The Administration has had three years to set up these exchanges. It has failed to do so.

"This is a really bad sign. There will be those who argue that it’s not the Administration’s fault. It’s the fault of the 33 states that have refused to set up their own exchanges. "Nonsense. Where was the contingency planning?"....

Remember that Obama said in 2008 that in ten years we would be Arab-oil free?