Thursday, April 4, 2013

The Borking of Dr. Benjamin Carson; So much for Democrats being the great racial healers

The Obama years have seen race relations in America deteriorate sadly, but to discuss the subject openly is to risk financial ruin and blacklisting. Sadly now, we see what is beginning to happen to this decent man. Remember that many of these comments on Dr. Carson are made by those who honor people like Al Sharpton and Lewis Farrakhan.

BLACK RACISM AS A LIBERAL STRATEGY  "Racial tension, odious and vexing though it may be, is nonetheless merely a device being used by this administration and its surrogates to foment anger and resentment; indeed, there are many other fronts whereupon similar tactics are being implemented. A number of interwoven plans are coming to fruition at present, and the reason we are seeing displays such as Rev. Leon’s is because they are Obama-sanctioned, or are perceived to be.
"In other words, if it isn’t coming from White House operatives, it at least has the implicit approval of the president."

Dr. Ben Carson: An Unapologetic Conservative of Color Whom the Left Hates and Fears  "Mr. Terrell is not the first nor will he be the last to attack Dr. Carson. The contributors over at MSNBC have made it their mission to destroy Dr. Carson, whatever it takes. They see him as a direct threat to their narrative that minorities in America only achieve success through Liberalism, and that all opposition to President Obama’s vision of America is rooted in racism--not the logic that it has been tried before and failed several times over the course of history."  Then the author adds:
As a Conservative of Color, I myself have often said, “Watch how quickly your Liberal counterparts will take to personal attacks"--such as those of Terrell and Toure--"when you counter their ideas on government, race and personal responsibility.”
Besting the White House Marxists, Dr. Ben Carson style 
"Bob Woodward, Lanny Davis and any others with the cojones to speak out against the anti-American policies of the Obama regime should take a page from the book of the savvy Dr. Ben Carson."....

Ann Althouse quotes: Ben Carson "Wears the Mask."   " I don’t doubt that Carson was a conservative even then. I knew plenty of black people who loved their community and hated welfare. But white conservatives were never interested in them, and they were never as interested in Ben Carson as they are right now."

Related:  BET Is Part of the Problem  "Yet what does Bob Johnson's network glorify and promote? ...BET's programming is replete with sexual, profane, and violent content. ...What's worse, much of this content is aimed at children and teenagers. Bombarded with such imagery, what are many young black men going to replicate as they mature into adulthood?"
Dr. Ben Carson has been called a “Political Mandingo” and Uncle Tom on the pages of Daily Kos and elsewhere, and Republican’s “black friend” by TourĂ© Neblett,
"This really is a disgusting argument, that every time a black conservative rises it is just a charade, the white man’s dream to fool everyone.  The argument presupposes that true blackness only belongs to Coates and not to Allen West, or Mia Love, or Dr. Ben Carson, or other black conservatives."

White liberals don’t like being called racist

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