Thursday, May 2, 2013

From Die Welt, Germany; "America’s Credibility Is at Stake"

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
America’s Credibility Is at Stake  "Nevertheless, America is bound to react to Assad's use of the nerve gas sarin. American President Barack Obama drew a very clear red line months ago for the use or even the movement of chemical weapons.

"America's credibility is thus at stake, especially since the president has drawn another, far more important red line: that Iran cannot under any circumstances become a nuclear power. The Iranians will know how seriously they should take this threat if America now remains passive.

"That does mean that America should react with ground troops or a full-scale war. The West could follow the example of Assad, who has escalated his war against the rebels and his own people step by step in the past months. The West could do exactly the same."
Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez
George Will says Obama is right on Syria   "People who talk incessantly often talk imprecisely, and Barack Obama, who is as loquacious as he is impressed with his verbal dexterity, has talked himself into a corner concerning Syria and chemical weapons. This is condign punishment for his rhetorical carelessness, but the nation’s credibility, not just his, will suffer. His policy is better than his description of it, and his description is convoluted because he lacks the courage of his sensible conviction that entanglement in Syria would be unwise.
"Nine months ago, Obama said: “We have been very clear to the Assad regime . . . that a red line for us is we start seeing a whole bunch of chemical weapons moving around or being utilized. That would change my calculus.” This is less a policy than a large loophole masquerading as a policy."
Emphasis added.
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

With Obama’s Syrian Crawfish, the Israeli attack on Iran will have to be decisive

Israel stands alone  "Bible prophecy is definitive about one central point in the "end times", and that point is that Israel will stand alone in the world, with no "earthly" support. I say no "earthly" support, because God will certainly stand with Israel during the last days, as shown dramatically in the passages of Ezekiel 38-39. When the epic invasion of Israel takes place, as described by Ezekiel, there are no nations standing with Israel. Only God. Zachariah 12:3 also makes the same point:
"On that day, when ALL the nations of earth are gathered against her, I will make Jerusalem an immovable rock for ALL the nations."
Infidel Bloggers Alliance  "All these actions are MORE likely because IMHO, not one mullah, and CERTAINLY not Khameini believes Obama a serious person in this vein.
"Australia has said ‘the U.S. would be ill advised to take their participation for granted’ in action against China.
"If even in places like Australia they are wondering why they should blindly follow our lead, if their benefit is not now more with neutrality or China than the USA, can there be any doubt about what is being considered for policy in Tehran? In Beijing? In Pyongyang? In Moscow? 
"In these considerations can we see the result of a weaker USA."
Israeli officials at a ceremony in Kiel, Germany
 to receive a Dolphin-Class submarine.
 "The Rahav submarine is extremely versatile with a range of capabilities enabling it to adapt to a multitude of missions. The submarines are the multiplier force of the Israeli Navy, the IDF, and the State of Israel."

America’s Most Feared Economist

Ann Coulter   "You can tell the conservatives liberals fear most because they start being automatically referred to as "discredited." Ask Sen. Ted Cruz. But no one is called "discredited" by liberals more often than the inestimable economist John Lott, author of the groundbreaking book More Guns, Less Crime: Understanding Crime and Gun Control Laws .
"Lott's economic analysis of the effect of concealed-carry laws on violent crime is the most thoroughly vetted study in the history of economics, perhaps in the history of the world." ....

Will the Captain go down with the ship?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wheel of Fortune's Pat Sajak pokes fun at nanny Michael Bloomberg

"Wheel of Fortune is playing in front of crowds at Madison Square Garden in New York City this week. Host Pat Sajak took the opportunity to poke a little fun at America’s leading  paternalist, Michael Bloomberg. Sipping from Big Gulp-sized soda — with many in the audience laughing on — Sajak informed the crowd that he had just discovered “cola is better with trans-fats in it.”

"Why did he do it?

' “Not much to say. It was Monday night on Wheel, our first night of four weeks at Madison Square Garden in New York. Not sure why everyone laughed; I was just thirsty,” Sajak told Human Events."

Pat Sajak Slams 'Racist' Baiters  From 2010; "Pat Sajak, the host of the Wheel of Fortune has written a column in Human Events slamming those who would call opponents of ObamaCare racist:" Sajak's article:
Opposed to Obamacare? Then You Must Be a Racist  "Welcome to post-racial America, where those who oppose a piece of legislation must defend themselves against the scurrilous charges of a man who seems much better suited to reviewing “Cats”.  (He liked it, by the way.) This was a particularly shameful column, and the millions of Americans who oppose this legislation are owed an apology. Are they right? Are they wrong? Let’s discuss it. Let’s debate it. Let’s yell and scream if we want to. But would it be too much to ask that we approach the matter based on its merits and leave the psychobabble to Dr. Phil?"


More on the Benghazi Whistleblower

Rich Terrell, who needs to be re-educated
Real Courage: The Benghazi Whistleblower   "I could easily not say this and avoid a lot of trouble, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it.  We're losing our language.  Words mean things.  The way we're defining "courage" is kind of curious to me.  A pro basketball player announcing that he likes to have sex with other men, in my book, in a comparative sense, is not courageous, when compared, say, to a whistleblower trying to set the record straight about what happened in Benghazi." Rush Limbaugh

Issa: President's Remarks Only Help to Intimidate Benghazi Witnesses
Also this.

Obama Presser: Not Sure What Happened; We Will Investigate  "Question two related to the ongoing situation in finding the truth about Benghazi, specifically that some people were being stonewalled from testifying. The president had not heard of intimidation tactics being used against the whistle blowers but his team would investigate and he would get back with information."

He looks like a man who would rather be opening a library than governing a country " I had to laugh at a couple of his comments.  Wonder how bad this guy would look if he actually had a media that was aggressive and asked tough questions?"
Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
GOP persists with questions about Benghazi attack  "Sens. John McCain, R-Ariz., Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., and Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., called again for the formation of a joint select committee to investigate the handling of the attack. They said the committee was needed in light of new revelations about Benghazi, including reports that some whistle-blowers are "afraid to testify." "

Krauthammer: Obama Claiming Ignorance About Benghazi Survivors Is "Stunning"   "The president's answer? He hadn't heard about that. That could be true, a little bit hard to believe. That was, I thought, rather stunning. Since he knew that the first question would go to Ed Henry, and since Ed Henry is from FOX News, and there was a big story on FOX News last night."

How long before this reporter is fired and/or sent to sensitivity training?

ESPN supports Broussard after controversial Jason Collins comments
"Nearly all the immediate reaction from present and past athletes was supportive, but in an appearance on ESPN’s “Outside the Lines,” Broussard was asked for his personal opinion on Collins’s comments, and he didn’t hold back. He said he believes homosexuality is an “open rebellion” against God and discussed how that jibes with his views on tolerance.
" “I’m a Christian. I don’t agree with homosexuality. I think it’s a sin, as I think all sex outside of marriage between a man and a woman is,” he said...“L.Z. [Granderson, a gay sportswriter and ESPN contributor] knows that. ... He knows where I stand, and I know where he stands. I don’t criticize him, he doesn’t criticize me, and call me a bigot, call me ignorant, call me intolerant.
Hat tip to Jeff Hayden, Plano, TX

ESPN Analyst Chris Broussard Launches K.I.N.G. Movement To Unite And Empower Christian Men

"Isn't that the whole point of freedom?  Isn't tolerance tolerating people that disagree with you?  So Jason Collins comes out, and he's gay, and whoever publicly doesn't sign on to it has to be silenced, may be punished, fired, penalized." Rush Limbaugh 

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Choice New Names For The Washington Redskins!!

Yid With Lid  "Washington DC council member David Grosso says the name Washington Redskins is “racist and derogatory,” and that “it’s time to make a change.” "
Grosso’s resolution suggests “Redtails” as a new nickname. He says it would honor the Tuskegee Airmen and allow the team to maintain its fight song and color scheme with a few minor changes.

...."If the DC City Council is so extremely PC that they want a name change maybe the team could pick one of these:
  • Thank God We're Not The NY Jets: OK a little long but it's a chant that should be heard in every NFL stadium. 
  • An Animal Name?  Many Pro-football teams have animal names, the Dolphins, Jaguars, Cougars, and Superbowl winner the Ravens.  How about an animal associated with the nation's capital such as The Lame Ducks.
  •  Washington D.C. is the seat of the federal government, other teams have taken their names from federal institutions such as the former baseball team the Senators.  Football is a sport with large menacing athletes, so perhaps they could adopt the name, The Bloated Bureaucracy. 
Tampa Bay has the Buccaneers, Oakland has the Raiders, why can't Washington have  The Taxers or even The Redistributors. 
 Hat tip to Jeffrey Dunetz

Whistleblower Lawyer: State Dept Spokesman 'Either Incompetent or Liar'

Big Journalism  "Attorney Victoria Toensing represents a whilstleblower from the State Department who is intent on telling the truth about the attacks on the US Consolate in Benghazi on Sept. 11, 2012. Yesterday she went public with the news that the State Department is refusing to grant her security clearance so that she can properly represent her client as the House Oversight committee prepares for investigative hearings on the attacks.

The Benghazi Whistle Blowers

"Yesterday we reported that Benghazi whistle-blowers were being threatened with the end of their careers if they talk to Congress. We also learned that the whistle-blowers' attorneys were not being given the clearance they needed to be able to advise their clients.

"During his press conference this morning the President pulled the perfect "Sgt. Schultz" claiming that he knew nothing about the threats/lack of legal clearance for the Benghazi whistle-blowers."

RickMoran; Administration threatens Benghazi whistleblowers   "When Rep. Trey Gowdy said over the weekend that new hearings on Benghazi by the Government Oversight Committee would be "explosive," he apparently wasn't exaggerating. There is also a special operations member who claims that the Obama administration could have flown military assets to Benghazi within 4 hours - plenty of time to deal with the second attack on the safe house.
"This is why the administration just wishes Benghazi would just go away."
The Benghazi open wound  "And as usual, Fox News is driving the media investigations.
Victoria Toensing, a former Justice Department official and Republican  counsel to the Senate Intelligence Committee, is now representing one of the  State Department employees. She told Fox News her client and some of the others,  who consider themselves whistle-blowers, have been threatened by unnamed Obama  administration officials

Benghazi is a huge scandal waiting to engulf the Obama administration if the eyewitness-backed facts of incompetence and negligence ever make it into public view. But when asked about it, the president, speaking to reporters on Tuesday, insulted the intelligence of the American public. 

CBS also covers it!  "On Friday, House Oversight Committee chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., followed up with a letter to Secretary of State John Kerry, accusing the State Department of impeding or delaying the Oversight Committee's investigation into the Benghazi attacks by restricting access to witnesses; insisting that all documents, even unclassified material, be reviewed privately; and "requiring a State Department minder to be present when investigators review evidence." A State Department spokesman says the agency is in the process of reviewing Issa's letter."

Former Israeli Prime Minister booed in NYC for advocating Israel commit national suicide by giving up MORE land to its enemies for nothing in return

BareNakedIslam   "Over the weekend former Israel Prime Minister Ehud Olmert spoke at a conference organized by the Jerusalem Post in New York City. Speaking to an audience of thousands of Jewish and non-Jewish Israel supporters, Left Wing ‘Judenrat’* Olmert reiterated his long-standing policy of a major Israeli withdrawal from much of Judea and Samaria (renamed West Bank by Arab occupiers)."   Watch video

*Judenrat : Definition: (plural Judenräte) "Jewish council" (German) - Usually referring to a group of Jews who enacted the German laws in the ghettos.
From the Holocaust Glossary

ObamaCare's Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Program; a "circular firing squad"

Galen Institute   "One of the most common — but highly inaccurate — criticisms of Republicans is that they don’t have a plan to fix the significant problems of the American health-care system. High-risk pools are one idea Republicans already have, and have been part of the House leadership’s reform plan since before Obamacare was enacted. Such pools are designed to hold down the cost of private insurance by removing the most expensive people from the normal market.
"This safety net makes sense politically, offers a solution that helps vulnerable people, and redirects existing Obamacare spending to actually helping sick people. But conservatives have to give up their circular-firing-squad habit."
Grace-Marie Turner, president of the Galen Institute, promotes an informed debate over free-market ideas for health reform.
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
"The Galen Institute has many plans to counter the march toward government-controlled medicine, and we believe we can shift the debate toward free-market ideas. Using our communications and coalition-building expertise, we work to:
  • Educate policymakers about the dangers that government control over the health sector pose to our economy and our society;
  • Reach out through the media to educate the public about the crucial importance of continued innovation to advance medical progress; and
  • Attract new audiences to our message through the use of our popular newsletter, our websites, and a variety of new media tools.