Heritage "In stark contrast, the Obama Administration’s response has been to avoid calling the attack terrorism, let alone terrorism motivated by a radical Islamic ideology. Instead the Administration, via the State Department, said it stood with the U.K. in the face of “such senseless violence.”
"Senseless violence? One can hardly term a targeted attack on a U.K. soldier in broad daylight — where the assailants gleefully admit the radical motivation behind their attack — “senseless violence.”
"Yet, use of this terminology is nothing new for the Obama Administration. “Senseless violence” is the Administration’s catch-all phrase loyally called upon whenever motivations for a despicable act should not be ascribed, lest someone take offense."
The West's Timidity toward Terrorism "Americans of an anti-terror bent are quick to point to these incidents as further proof of the Islamization of Europe, and to harshly judge the men of Europe's meek response. Before we judge their response too harshly, a review of our own recent man-caused disasters might be in order."
"The truth is that most Westerners simply don't have the moral courage to criticize another culture, no matter how repugnant to humanity many of its adherents are."
Jihad Butchery in London and the Big Islamic Lie "Despite the continued Big Islamic Lie being enunciated by Britain's political elites -- most notably Prime Minister Cameron himself -- the savage jihadist murder of Lee Rigby validates the legitimate concerns most ordinary Britons already had about normative Islam.
"Ultimately, to preserve their liberties, the British people must force chronically capitulating political leaders to act decisively against sharia encroachment -- violent and nonviolent alike. Mervyn Hiskett identified the crux of the problem already in 1993:" Read more...
Impeding our stand against the terrors of Islamic domination are the useful idiots among us: Islamophobia Watch; Documenting anti Muslim bigotry