American Thinker "It appears that even liberals can't stomach the relentlessly partisan slant of MSNBC news coverage, where the president is hyped, his initiatives dutifully praised, and Republicans predictably bashed. Their on air personalities are shrill, their political analysis so banal, it elicits somnolence in most viewers. About the only thing the network has going for it is the untentional hilarity that ensues when the hosts try to turn some Obama failure into a roaring success.
"Can't wait for their coverage of Obamacare rollout next month."
Maddow's Dishonest Scare Parade on NC Voting "Last night the great David Webb filled in for Sean Hannity on Fox News. Webb put on Allen West and Juan Williams to talk about urban malaise. The visuals at Fox must have been too much for Rachel Maddow, because she put up an hour-long show designed to scare people about voting rights. Her already small audience might have been even smaller otherwise."
"Can't wait for their coverage of Obamacare rollout next month."
Maddow's Dishonest Scare Parade on NC Voting "Last night the great David Webb filled in for Sean Hannity on Fox News. Webb put on Allen West and Juan Williams to talk about urban malaise. The visuals at Fox must have been too much for Rachel Maddow, because she put up an hour-long show designed to scare people about voting rights. Her already small audience might have been even smaller otherwise."