Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Miley Cyrus and American culture

Lib: “When I See Miley Cyrus Slap That Black Woman’s Butt I Think About The Way Enslaved Black Were Whipped For White Entertainment”… "This insane rant is courtesy of Aura Bogado, who is an editor at lib rag Colorlines and a contributor to the far-left The Nation:'"

 Victor Davis Hanson; An American Satyricon   "Transvestitism and sexual ambiguity are likewise Petronian themes; in our day, the controversy rages over whether convicted felon Bradley Manning is now a woman because he says he is. The politically correct term “transgendered” trumps biology; and if you doubt that, you are a homophobe or worse. As in the Roman Satyricon, our popular culture also displays a sick fascination with images of teen sex. So how does one trump the now-boring sexual shamelessness of Lady Gaga — still squirming about in a skimpy thong — at an MTV awards ceremony? Bring out former Disney teenage star Miley Cyrus in a vinyl bikini, wearing some sort of huge foam finger on her hand to simulate lewd sex acts."
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert
Parents Television Council Condemns VMA Awards, Calls for End of Bundled Cable   "The Parents Television Council, outraged at the sexually acts displayed at Sunday's MTV Video Music Awards (VMAs) has called for Congress to pass the Television Consumer Freedom Act of 2013."
Miley Cyrus Simply Followed Crude Culture's Marching Orders  "No one is calling for a creative boycott. It's just an example on how little negative effect such a performance can have on a career.
"Cyrus may never earn the "respect" of her more talented peers, but it's clear that's not her goal. Besides, our culture prefers young performers to let it all out hang out rather than let their art speak for them."

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