Why is it in Russia's interests to help Obama save face with this plan?
If Obama and Democrats look inept, chances are they will be turned out of office in the next election, and which party do you think Putin would rather deal with?
The Obama Administration has been a godsend to Russia, first by giving up a missile defense intended for our Eastern European allies at no cost to the Russians. Then there was the promise of "flexibility" Obama gave to Medvedev along with turning against the allies who have stood alongside us against the Communists since World War 2, such as the UK and Israel.
Not least is the philosophical kinship Democrats now have with socialist nations and a stronger emotional tie with those nations opposing free enterprise and capitalism.
Putin knows a good thing when he sees it and Americans should be embarrassed.
The Tunnel Dweller
NY Times; Obama Backs Idea for Syria to Cede Control of Arms
"President Obama on Monday tentatively embraced a Russian diplomatic proposal to avert a United States military strike on Syria by having international monitors take control of the Syrian government’s chemical weapons."
The Monday Fox All-Star panel discusses this latest break: Video.
Krauthammer’s Take: Russian Proposal a Way to Let Obama ‘Off the Hook’ “ 'They’re going to seize the political opportunity and pretend it’s a real option which it really isn’t,” he said".
Israel Laughs at Obama's 'Face-Saving' Syria Deal
"President Barack Obama switched gears Monday, embracing a Russian-backed proposal to have Syria transfer its chemical weapons stockpile to international control--an idea that emerged from a gaffe earlier in the day by Secretary of State John Kerry. The proposal may allow President Obama to "save face" as defeat looms in Congress for his attack resolution, but Israeli leaders openly scorned the idea of trusting Syria to obey international monitors given that the regime has flouted similar measures on arming Hezbollah."
Pacifists being pacifists: Human Rights Activists Planning Syrian Trip to Forestall U.S. Strike
Where were these people when Syrians were being gassed? What have we heard from them regarding the execution of Syrian soldiers?
Peace In Our Time: Obama Caves to Putin, Assad, Iran
"On Monday, the Obama administration, overcome by its own frantic confusion over a situation of its own making in Syria, fainted into the arms of Russian President Vladimir Putin – and, in the process, appeased the Syrian regime after Bashar al-Assad gassed some 1,429 people in Damascus last month."...
Do not judge Neville Chamberlain too harshly by this comparison with Obama and today's Democrats. At least when Chamberlain realized he had been played by a dictator, he grew a pair and announced a red line at Poland that he really meant. He and his countrymen enforced this red line at tremendous cost to their nation, but then the United Kingdom was not infected with the silliness we see in today's western people. TD
Max Boot; The Long-Term Prospects of the Syria Deal "This offers the Obama administration an obvious out from what looked to be a losing vote to authorize military action against Bashar Assad. But is it a real out or a mirage?"