Heritage "Should society throw people into jail who admittedly did nothing blameworthy just to set an example for others? That is exactly what the Center for Progressive Reform has suggested doing in a recent report on the Occupational Safety and Health Act."....
...."Under this doctrine, a corporate officer is personally criminally liable for the actions of his or her employees, regardless of whether the corporate officer knew or should have known of the criminal conduct."....
..."The responsible corporate officer doctrine turns the job of a corporate officer into a gamble. Corporate officers have to bet their freedom that employees will perform their duties lawfully in an environment of thousands of regulations. A loss on that bet could land them in prison. There are ways to promote workplace safety without throwing blameless men and women in prison. Rather than expanding the use of the responsible corporate officer doctrine, justice requires that it should be done away with.."
Via Overcriminalized.com
Dumb Laws in California
- In San Jose and Sunnyvale it is illegal for grocery stores to provide plastic bags. http://www.dumblaws.com/law/2028
- Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500 feet of a tavern, school, or place of worship.
- Sunshine is guaranteed to the masses.