Friday, October 11, 2013

The way out; If only Obama will allow negotiations

Why is Obama so full of malice and intransigence with Republicans yet such a docile doormat for America's enemies?
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
Charles Krauthammer   "For all the hyped indignation over GOP “anarchism,” there has been remarkable media reticence about the president’s intransigence. He has refused to negotiate anything unless the Republicans fully fund the government and raise the debt ceiling — unconditionally.
For all his protestations about protecting the full faith and credit of the United States — jittery markets are showing that his brinkmanship could have precisely the opposite effect — the president’s real intent is to score a humiliating victory over the GOP."
Can the Republicans hold out with all this media pressure?
"Even worse for Democrats, their current partisan advantage is a wasting asset. The rule is simple: shutdown good, debt ceiling bad. Every day the debt ceiling approaches, President Obama’s leverage diminishes."

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