NBC Washington: Rally at World War II Memorial Ends at White House Naturally, being NBC, there is little mention of the blame these people have given to Barack Obama for this shutdown. But know this: Turns out, the orders to close off the memorials and to deny death benefits to the families of the Fallen came directly from...the budget office of the White House.
Park Service: Administration- NOT House Republicans- ordered WWII memorial closed ..."A spokesperson from the National Park Service confirmed Wednesday morning that Washington D.C.’s World War II Memorial was ordered closed by the White House Office of Management and Budget."....
From Legal Insurrection: Liberation of WWII Memorial; "They're carrying the barricades!"
Beth @betbell3
Heap of "Barrycades" that were carried to the WhiteHouse by the Vets..
Get that Confederate flag out of there! The guy carrying it is either an idiot or an Obama supporter trying to discredit the entire protest. You can be sure MSNBC and the rest of the ObaPress will show film of this jerk.