Newsbusters "As NewsBusters previously
reported, MSNBC’s Melissa Harris-Perry and a panel of comedians last weekend senselessly mocked a picture of former Governor Mitt Romney’s family because it included his adopted black grandson.
"Although she’s already apologized on Twitter, Harris-Perry began her show Saturday with a heartfelt apology much of the time fighting through a lump in her throat and tears (video follows with transcript and commentary):" ...
"As Fox News media analyst Howard Kurtz
asked Friday, "[H]as the channel developed a culture in which harsh personal attacks are encouraged, or at least tolerated?"
"As the answer to this question is a resounding "Yes," it behooves the powers that be at this network to examine exactly what is the culture there that would encourage a child of an interracial family to mock an interracial family all because its patriarch is a Republican."
Thomas Lifson asks, Has Melissa Harris-Perry learned anything? "Harris-
the community," and
likening "Obamacare" to the n-word. Her most famous image, that will haunt her until her death, is the notorious tampon earrings moment."
"Perry has a history of outrageous, unhinged progressive provocations, such as claiming that children don't belong to their parents, but to "
the community," and
likening "Obamacare" to the n-word. Her most famous image, that will haunt her until her death, is the notorious tampon earrings moment. "