Thursday, January 2, 2014

Kinda Funny But Kinda Sad

Political Cartoons by Eric Allie
By Richard Fernandez at PJ Media  "Perhaps the saddest and funniest story in recent days comes from Forbes. Merrill Matthews, himself an insurance industry leader, writes about how  his industry was led on by the golden visions of Obamacare only to find itself in a waterless desert.  While being courted by the president they were shown fleeting glimpses of gold and jewels.  But what they got instead was a website that wouldn’t accept payments and a set of rules that forced them to accept non-paying customers, retroactively.
"He concludes that “health insurers are being battered by Obamacare and they deserve it.”  And while he feels sorry for them he’s looking for a violin small enough to do justice to the suffering they are experiencing.
Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
"Maybe he can find an even smaller one for Pajama Boy. After he finishes his chocolate he might try his Obamacare policy on for size. Running a close second for the story of tragi-comic news of the year is an article in the Huffington Post which is somewhat jarringly headlined: ”Doctor Shortage Looming As Obamacare Rolls Out”. Signing up hard as it was and paying your premium, difficult as it may be, turns out to be the easy part."  Full article
Richard Fernandez was an early joiner of PJ Media, and he is a longstanding PJ Columnist.
Richard has been a software developer for nearly 15 years. Before that, he worked in forestry, assisted in the negotiations between Muslim rebels in the southern Philippines and the Cabinet, organized tribespeople in the Philippines and played a role in the anti-Marcos movement.
On his PJM blog, titled Belmont Club, Richard provides a discussion of history and history in the making:

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