Pabulum from the POTUS "This man, our President, is the emptiest suit of empty suits. There is no there there. "
...."He has devastated American medical care, intentionally; he wants it redistributed from the rich to the poor. The result is that no one
but the very rich will get good care, if any care at all."
...."He took credit last night for our oil production even though he has done everything he can to impede it."
.... " There is not a single person in the Obama administration that measures up to any one of those former or current philosophical geniuses. Not one. He has surrounded himself with lesser beings than himself which is proof of his narcissism and a tragedy for our country.
By Patricia McCarthy, who otherwise thought Mr. Obama was a genius.
AP ‘Fact-Checks’ Obama’s Latest SOTU Address
"Fact check: Less than meets eye in Obama speech"
"He’s ordering a
higher minimum wage for a sliver of the workforce, which affects no one now and not many later."
... "Oh, and never mind that this tiny sliver of federal workers are mostly janitorial and cafeteria workers
who just happen to be represented by the SEIU. The union that seems to own Obama lock stock and barrel."
Snow jobs and minimum honesty: Fact-check roundup on SOTU
"Perhaps because Barack Obama managed to “win” Politifact’s Lie of the Year in 2013, we have a few media outlets on the case today —
the Associated Press, Glenn Kessler at
the Washington Post, and
Politico all got rapid research completed overnight. What nuggets did they find?" ...
The TOTUS Who Can’t Look America in the Eye "Not once — not even once — did the man who claims to be the legitimate leader of our nation ever look me, and all the other watching citizens of this nation, in the eye during his State of the Nation speech. He was a dash-top bobble-head, swinging back and forth from prompter to prompter.
"Good grief! The man can’t uncouple himself from his comfort-zone technology for even a moment to look Americans in the eye just once, and give us some sense of our comfort that he is sincere."
“The world is literally about to blow up,” Graham said, saying he completely disagrees with Obama on Iran policy.
Political Wire: ..."Obama's State of the Union was agreeable in tone -- he laid out what he was for (on the economy, immigration, health care) but did so hoping that some Republicans could agree with him. It wasn't confrontational. And not surprisingly, it tested well:" ...
Obama Draws Chuckles At SOTU When He Says He’s Trying To Fix Healthcare
Consider the source line of the night: "If you like your
health insurance you can keep your health insurance—PERIOD..
"If you like your
doctor ,you can keep your doctor—PERIOD…
"Global warming is a fact —PERIOD
Ted Cruz reacts to State of the Union: Obama doesn't need a pen, he needs an eraser " 'When the president says that he has a pen and he has a phone -- if you want to bring back opportunity, he doesn't need a pen, he needs an eraser," Cruz said. "He needs to start erasing the job-killing regulations, the job-killing taxes. He needs to start erasing the damage that Obamacare is doing to millions of Americans.' "
MSNBC's(!) Howard Fineman: Obama Not Taken Seriously Around Town
"This is a huge acknowledgement by Fineman, who has been second only to Matthews as chief MSNBC Obama cheerleader."