Dems plan to neutralize Obamacare as an election issue ... "This sounds all well and good, except Republicans basically hardly need to lift a finger. What will drive people to vote is their personal experience with Obamacare and from what we've seen so far, those experiences do not favor the Democrats. Higher premiums, coverage they don't want, being kicked off their insurance and unable to keep their doctor - all of this and more will make whatever the Democrats say about Obamacare seem hollow and empty."
In a recent debate, I pointed out that far from helping the uninsured, Obamacare had created millions of new uninsured. My opponent responded, “Whenever you try something this big, there are always going to be some bumps in the road.”
That statement sums up the totalitarian mindset of the hard left, which is, “the ends justify the means.” So what if millions lose their insurance? We are on the bumpy road to nirvana, where everyone has access to the same level of care, regardless of income. If a relative handful of people are inconvenienced, injured, or even killed, well, that’s too bad for them!
In a recent debate, I pointed out that far from helping the uninsured, Obamacare had created millions of new uninsured. My opponent responded, “Whenever you try something this big, there are always going to be some bumps in the road.”
That statement sums up the totalitarian mindset of the hard left, which is, “the ends justify the means.” So what if millions lose their insurance? We are on the bumpy road to nirvana, where everyone has access to the same level of care, regardless of income. If a relative handful of people are inconvenienced, injured, or even killed, well, that’s too bad for them! It’s all for the greater good. To make an omelet you have to break some eggs!