'Most transparent' White House ever rewrote the FOIA to suppress politically sensitive docs
via Memeorandum "The rewrite came in an April 15, 2009, memo from then-White House Counsel Greg Craig instructing the executive branch to let White House officials review any documents sought by FOIA requestors that involved "White House equities."
via Memeorandum "The rewrite came in an April 15, 2009, memo from then-White House Counsel Greg Craig instructing the executive branch to let White House officials review any documents sought by FOIA requestors that involved "White House equities."
That phrase is nowhere to be found in the FOIA, yet the Obama White House effectively amended the law to create a new exception to justify keeping public documents locked away from the public."
The Devious Secret of Obamacare ... "First, a little background. Bill Hobson is not my real name. My spouse was concerned that, if I used my real name, the IRS would come after us. A few years ago I would have considered such thoughts paranoid. Now, under Obama's IRS, I suspect that she might be right." (Unlike the Russians, this writer does fear our government under Pelosi, Reid and Obama's Democrats)
"Through much of this process I've thought about the Georgetown law student who said that tearing apart what was, arguably, the world's best health-care system and replacing it with Obamacare was necessary because she needed her birth control pills paid for, since -- she claimed -- it was a women's health issue."
The world seems to be indeed losing respect for President Obama, but worse yet, it has to lose all respect for the American people who voted him into office not once, but twice. TD