Thursday, March 20, 2014

The world as it is when the US gives up all her authority and responsibility

Republicans on Capitol Hill went on TV Tuesday and called Vladimir Putin's expansion policy something no one's seen since Adolf Hitler. For goodness sake, they know he is nothing like Hitler. He only annexed the Crimea, it's not like he made us buy health insurance. Argus Hamilton
WHAT'S NEEDED IS NOT A SPECIFIC MOVE ON THE CHESSBOARD, BUT A DIFFERENT PLAYER    "... what he is doing as President of the United States – hollowing out the armed forces, cashiering our most experienced and successful combat commanders, kowtowing to Iran, Russia, China, and Al Qaeda, crippling the American economy – is actually rather bold."
Pictured: the President and some of his voters:
WaPo: Obama doesn’t grasp Putin’s Eurasian ambitions   "It’s necessary, however, to take some of what Mr. Putin said seriously, because of the implicit threat it poses to European and global security. Mr. Putin advanced a radical and dangerous argument: that the collapse of the Soviet Union left “the Russian nation” as “one of the biggest, if not the biggest ethnic group in the world to be divided by borders.” That, he suggested, gave Moscow the right to intervene in Crimea, and, by extension, anywhere it considers ethnic Russians or their culture to be threatened."
We cannot let the trite comparisons with Germany of the 1930-40s inhibit us from making use of the wisdom and experience learned the hard way from the actions of dictators bent on conquest and the appeasement by free nations intimidated by their left at home.
Hitler's excuse for invading the following countries was based on protecting ethnic Germans living there: Austria, Czechoslovakia, the Sudetenland, western Poland; all to restore a "Greater Germany", having these absorbed Germans within it. The rest of Hitler's conquests were to give these Germans more room to live and farm.
Then, as now, any effort by free nations to resist the conquerors was met by cries of "warmonger!" promulgated by the left (the Pete Seegers and the Bruce Springsteens of that day) and led by communists. The Tunnel Dweller
  Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden
If the U.S. doesn't lead, the strongmen win. For them it's easier.    "This moment is not about Barack Obama. By now we know about him. This is about Vladimir Putin and the self-delusions of Western nations and their famous "fatigue." Vladimir Putin is teaching the West and especially the United States that fatigue is not an option."  Daniel Henninger, WSJ

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