Saturday, March 22, 2014

Krauthammer: Obama’s pathetic response to Putin’s invasion of Crimea

Political Cartoons by Glenn McCoy
Charles Krauthammer    ... "During the Ukrainian prime minister’s visit to Washington last week, his government urgently requested military assistance. The Pentagon refused. It offered instead military ration kits."
"Putin mobilizes thousands of troops, artillery and attack helicopters on Ukraine’s borders and Washington counters with baguettes, American-style. One thing we can say for sure in these uncertain times: The invasion of Ukraine will be catered by the United States.
"Why did we deny Ukraine weapons? Because in the Barack Obama-John Kerry worldview, arming the victim might be taken as a provocation. This kind of mind-bending illogic has marked the administration’s response to the whole Crimea affair."

ELIZABETH WAHL: I Was Putin’s Pawn

"What it was like to work for the Russian propaganda machine, and why I quit on live TV."

Politico   ... "My heart racing, I took my earpiece out and got up from the anchor chair. As I gathered my belongings, the news director said he wanted to have a word with me in his office. He asked me why I did it, as though I had some reason other than the one I had just announced on live TV. I explained that it really was because of the propaganda RT [Russia Today] was pushing about Ukraine. Then I left the building and walked a couple blocks to a restaurant to sit down and let the reality of what I did settle in.

"Fifteen minutes later, my phone started ringing." ... Full article


Fred Phelps, 1929-2014; " … God still hates fags.” (UPDATED)

Luckovich cartoon: Fred Phelps dies
... "Phelps’ most public era began in 1991 after alleged homosexual activity in a local Kansas park brought on his first protests. Taking his crusade national, he thrust himself into the spotlight for picketing after the 1998 murder of gay college student Matthew Shepard.
"Westboro Baptist picketed at the funerals of victims of everything from tornadoes to AIDS to school bus crashes, declaring the deaths retribution for society’s acceptance of homosexuality. The family says it spends $250,000 a year on travel, and the church’s website now claims to have staged more than 53,000 pickets."
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler

Don't Give Away the Internet! UPDATED: Counterpoint from Legal Insurrection

140321internet control

Big Peace   ..."As former senior State Department official Christian Whiton has observed, there are predictable consequences to having the “directory and traffic signals of the Internet” come under the control of such hostile forces, including the following: 
  • Greater control over the content of the Internet, including censorship, by governments who regard it as a threat to their holds on power.
  • Impediments to technological innovation as bureaucrats and hostile governments seek to dictate what can and cannot be done with the net.
  • UN taxation of domain name registrations and, in due course, other Internet transactions. Such international taxation will make the United Nations even less accountable and afford it the latitude to fund activities detrimental to U.S. interests and those of its allies.
  • Control of the Internet can allow it to be used as an instrument of warfare. While the United States has refrained from making such use, allowing actual or potentially hostile powers to exercise such control may mean the Internet is simply disabled at a critical moment, or perhaps employed against us.
LI #13 Twit Blocked Turkey
"One of the memes hitting the blogosphere recently has been that the US just “gave up control of the internet”.
"This week on Canto Talk, Legal Insurrection’s Mandy Nagy explained why that wasn’t the case.   Legal Insurrection

Friday, March 21, 2014

Hitler at 50: Color Photos of a Despot’s Birthday

Time Life   "We do not usually give so much space to the work of men we admire so little.
"So began a remarkable editor’s note to LIFE’s readers in an April 1970 issue of the magazine, introducing a photographer named Hugo Jaeger — a man who, the note pointed out, “was a fascist before the Nazi party was formed.”
"In that issue, LIFE published a series of startling color pictures that Jaeger made in the late 1930s and 1940s, when he enjoyed unprecedented access to the Third Reich’s upper echelon, traveling with and chronicling Adolf Hitler and his Nazi cohorts at massive rallies and, frequently, in quieter, private moments, as well. Jaeger’s photos were, it turned out, so attuned to the Führer’s vision of what a Thousand Year Reich might look and feel like that Hitler declared, upon first seeing the kind of work Jaeger was doing: “The future belongs to color photography.' ”
"Here, in grudging acknowledgment of the scope of Jaeger’s achievements as a photographer — acknowledgment, in other words, of the work of a man we admire so little — presents a series of color pictures from the over-the-top celebrations in Berlin marking Hitler’s 50th birthday (April 20, 1939), as well as some of the ludicrously gaudy gifts bestowed on the German leader by his Nazi peers and sycophants.
"Seen today, Jaeger’s photographs elicit an unsettling sense of both dismay and dread: dismay at the sheer scale of the tribal, nationalist madness that once, not so long ago, convulsed a country of millions; and dread at the horrors that, we know, such madness was soon to unleash."
How amusing that Werner Klemperer, the man who will one day play Colonel Klink on "Hogan's Heroes" portrays a sadistic jurist in the movie. 


World's worst hunting dog

Hat tip to Danny Balmer, Bay City, Oregon

Too Busy to be President

American Thinker   "None other than the truly sycophantic thinks for a second that President Obama cares a whit for anything that does not involve
fundamentally altering the social composition of this country.  Or golf.  During the five-plus years that we have been without a real president, meaning one who actually was aware of all aspects of the position and tried, even just a little, to perform them, everything that was predicted to occur during his tenure has materialized.  We are weaker, less respected, less feared, less liked and, well, just less.  No surprise there, really.  Conservatives had this guy figured out early in the first campaign, and they were spot on.  No record, no experience, no consistency, no integrity, no background, no evidence of morals, no normal friends or associates, and no supporters who cared more about their country than about their silly self-congratulation over electing the first black man who seemed just like them: unserious.

Democrats and foreign affairs; the charge of the lightweight brigade

Moscow completes Crimea annexation as Ukraine moves West   "The latest U.S. sanctions, which targeted Putin’s chief of staff along with other senior Kremlin aides and four businessmen considered to be his lifelong friends, dealt a painful blow to Russia. Obama also warned that more sweeping penalties against Russia’s economy, including its robust energy sector, could follow."
The Incoherence of Western Foreign Policy   "The crisis in Ukraine is just the latest in a long series of foreign policy failures brought about by the incoherence in our thinking about foreign relations. On the one hand, we have championed ethnic-national self-determination as the highest international good, while on the other we have assumed that all these various nations and peoples share the same ideals, principles, and goods, and so can comprise a transnational order that will eliminate war and conflict and create peace and prosperity. Over a hundred years of history reveal these ideals not just to be incompatible, but also to foment and worsen inter-state violence."  Bruce S. Thornton

Apologies to Charlie Brown

Hat tip to Walt Stier; Santa Maria, Ca

"President Obama takes a big risk and scores a win for democracy -- and no one gives a damn."

Credit where credit is due.
Foreign Policy  "President Obama pulled off a master stroke this week. He deployed U.S. military force in support of an infant democracy that desperately needs our help. The result was a resounding success, a vivid illustration of how the United States can put its unchallenged power to positive ends.
"He did it, once again, by sending in the SEALs, the U.S. Navy's famous special forces. But this time they weren't double-tapping a terrorist. Instead they seized a mysterious tanker that had skipped out of Libya with a shipment of oil that one of the country's rogue militias was trying to sell on the open market. By doing it the SEALs foiled a potentially game-changing challenge to the authority of Libya's hard-pressed government -- one of the very few in the Arab world to have actually been elected by its own country's people." 
The Pentagon said the tanker will return to Libya under the control of sailors from the destroyer Stout, above.
The Pentagon said the tanker will return to Libya under control of the destroyer Stout.

Obama: ‘Immigration People’ Won’t Find Out About Illegal Relatives if You Enroll in Obamacare

Photo credit: AFP PHOTO / Saul LOEB
"As part of his Obamacare enrollment pitch, President Obama assured a Hispanic audience that the immigration status of family members will not be flagged as part of the process.
“ 'If you have a family where some people are citizens or legally here, and others are not documented, the immigration people will never get that information,” Obama said on Locura Deportiva, a radio show on the sports channel Univision Deportes.
"Addressing a recurring concern among Latinos with “mixed family [immigration] status,” Obama noted during his Tuesday appearance that Obamacare enrollees would qualify “regardless of what your family’s status is.'
Remember this if-you-like-your-plan-you-can-keep-it type of promise made by this president? 

[Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security Jeh] "Johnson recently conceded to a congressional hearing that the administration’s unique border security metrics inflate deportation figures because they include “turn-backs” at the border."
Wilson vindicatedand here:
"Joe Wilson was right when he said "You lie." 
"To my knowledge, the only truth that Obama has ever uttered is that "He would fundamentally change America." 
"And he is doing just that with lies and deceit."

Thursday, March 20, 2014

News in brief

Special consideration shall be given to women and/or minority defined as: Native American, Asian American, Latino, African American and those of the non-Christian faith.
...Colorado Mountain College (CMC) is prohibiting adjunct professors from working over 30 hours per week to minimize the large financial impact of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). ...
"In the mid-2000s, far left activist Stoney Cooks, served as Sheila Jackson-Lee’s Chief of Staff and Administrative Assistant.
"In 1967, Cooks was one of forty-one Americans who traveled to communist Czechoslovakia to meet with representatives of the North Vietnamese communist government and the Viet Cong.
"The American delegation included members of Students for a Democratic Society and other leftist groups. According to one participant, the meeting had been initiated by the North Vietnamese and the Americans “were expected not only to oppose the war in Vietnam but also to favor, on balance, an NLF (National Liberation Front) victory.”
Media Research Center
The UC Santa Barbara Department of Feminist Studies  "It’s not a department of women’s studies, but a department of feminist studies."

Related: The Neo-Porn Feminists  "Or, how the Left destroyed feminism."
 "Would we be surprised, at this point, to see an op-ed by a self-proclaimed feminist who argues that sleeping with her married boss for a promotion is “liberating” and “empowering”?" ... 

Hillary’s incoherence   ... "Going further, Clinton declared herself “personally skeptical that the Iranians would follow through and deliver” if an agreement were reached.
"At the same time, Clinton said she supports the Obama administration’s negotiations with Iran. And she praised John Kerry’s efforts. Clinton believes that the U.S. should “give space of diplomacy to work” and should not impose new unilateral sanctions on Iran. She is nothing if not cliche-ridden."

Los Angeles City Council Blames Fracking for Earthquake    “ 'My first impression is that sounds implausible,” seismologist Lucy Jones said. “The earthquake was so deep. Induced earthquakes are almost always shallower than this.' ”  Rizzoli and Isles notwithstanding.  Silliness.

Now on to the all-important NCAA picks by the picker-in-chief:
Political Cartoons by Nate Beeler
Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel