Sunday, June 15, 2014

Big Labor Makes Millions Off VA While Veterans Wait for Medical Care
we the people copy
.. "While our veterans are put on long waiting lists and while some die waiting for medical care in what appears to be a corrupt system, hundreds of union members were getting paid to do union business.

"In addition to giving bonuses to workers, we also pay labor union officials to push Big Labor’s leftist agenda during work hours.

“ 'Official Time” is the euphemistic term for union officials using work time and tax dollars to coerce more government workers into paying dues.

"The VA isn’t the only government agency that uses “Official Time: but they were by far the largest user of “Official Time.”

"The Washington Examiner reported:" ...

Radical Feminists Embrace #EndFathersDay

Father and child
 "It started as a joke, but the Twitter hashtag #EndFathersDay is being picked up by intolerant, sexist feminists and is now trending worldwide.

"The hashtag was a prank by “4chan,” an imageboard website, but it has been picked up as a rallying cry.

"First, the original post on 4chan:
Almost all cases of domestic violence, domestic rape, child abuse, adultery, and discontent in the home are caused by men, i.e. fathers. A holiday that celebrates this is another symptom of the disease known as the patriarchy, and has no place in a progressive society.... More... 

Lois Lerner’s Lost Emails: Questions for the IRS

Sharyl Attkisson    "In light of the disclosure, these are some of the logical requests that should be made of the IRS:
  • Please provide a timeline of the crash and documentation covering when it was first discovered and by whom; when, how and by whom it was learned that materials were lost; the official documentation reporting the crash and federal data loss; documentation reflecting all attempts to recover the materials; and the remediation records documenting the fix. This material should include the names of all officials and technicians involved, as well as all internal communications about the matter.
  • Please provide all documents and emails that refer to the crash from the time that it happened through the IRS’ disclosure to Congress Friday that it had occurred.
  • Please provide the documents that show the computer crash and lost data were appropriately reported to the required entities including any contractor servicing the IRS. If the incident was not reported, please explain why.
  • Please provide a list summarizing what other data was irretrievably lost in the computer crash. If the loss involved any personal data, was the loss disclosed to those impacted? If not, why?
  • Please provide documentation reflecting any security analyses done to assess the impact of the crash and lost materials. If such analyses were not performed, why not?
  • Please provide documentation showing the steps taken to recover the material, and the names of all technicians who attempted the recovery.
  • Please explain why redundancies required for federal systems were either not used or were not effective in restoring the lost materials, and provide documentation showing how this shortfall has been remediated.
  • Please provide any documents reflecting an investigation into how the crash resulted in the irretrievable loss of federal data and what factors were found to be responsible for the existence of this situation.
  • I would also ask for those who discovered and reported the crash to testify under oath, as well as any officials who reported the materials as having been irretrievably lost.
Full article

Stay away from this site if you are squeamish

PAT CONDELL: “Is it wrong to call Islamic savages, “savages?”

ISIS winning in Iraq despite being greatly outnumbered by 15 to 1 

‘This is our ball’: Iraqi jihadis cut off head for World Cup tweet  "Bloodthirsty Iraqi jihadists posted a photo of a Sunni police chief’s decapitated head online — along with a twisted joke about using it as a soccer ball at the World Cup on Friday.

“ 'This is our ball . . . It is made of skin #WorldCup,” the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria tweeted with the grisly image."

Will ISIS be operating human slaughter houses in Iraq as they are in Syria? (WARNING: Graphic)  "The barbarism exhibited by these ISIS Muslim savages is reminiscent of the violence perpetuated by the Ottoman Turks."

MSNBC water-carrier worries that current Iraq crisis will “drive Americans to blame Obama”   "Not that Obama’s unilateral decision, opposed by the military and intelligence experts, to pull out all the troops –  lock, stock, and barrel from Iraq – unlike what we did in successful post-war operations in Japan, Korea, and Germany, has anything to do with what Americans think about [this president]."
"Obama boasted, “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.”


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Gay pride flag hoisted above US embassy in Israel


... "Reaction from outside of the gay community to the sight of the American flag being accompanied by the rainbow banner was mixed.

“ 'I see that it is OK to put up a gay pride flag over an embassy but not ok for military members to espouse their religious beliefs in God," read a post on the Embassy's page, attributed to Grant Hix Jones. "I am ashamed to see those flags side by side.”

“ 'How is this "gay pride flag" representative of all Americans?" wrote a poster named James Brown. "This flag needs to come down.' ”

Gallup Concludes Hillary's Era of High Favorability Ending as Poll Numbers Plummet

Big Government  "According to a Gallup survey, only 54 percent of Americans now view Clinton favorably, which is her lowest rating since 2008. She had a 59 percent favorability rating before her book tour.

"Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential contender, is less liked when she enters the political arena, and her book tour is being run like a campaign. Clinton has already made plenty of blunders during her book launch, like claiming that she was "dead broke" after she and her husband left the White House, even though they bought two lavish homes in Washington, D.C. and New York."
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
 Liberal L.A. Times Columnist: Hillary's 'Dead Broke' Retort on ABC Was 'Completely Tone Deaf'

ABCARIAN: It is just completely tone-deaf for a multi-millionaire presidential candidate, or former First Lady, or former Secretary of State, who’s married to a former President, to claim in way, shape or form that she was having trouble coming up with money for mortgages, or her child’s college education. These are people who – at the moment she left the White House, she had an $8 million contract for a memoir. Her husband was going out and making hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech. I mean, you cannot complain about money if you’re in that kind of situation. Or you will be hammered over the head with it, as she has been, joyfully by Republicans.


Welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge in the UK

Up Pompeii
"It said "Music in the park" what I stumbled into was something different, It was in fact a Muslim festival celebrating something called Al Noor, the place was full of bearded men and hijab clad women - including children.

"I started to take some photos, what really caught my eye was the segregation - "bumper cars for women"
" 'I walked around for a while taking the odd snap here and there, it was not long - about 20 mins when a group of bearded men asked me why I was taking photographs and why was I there, it was quite clear that my presence was not required, I was not bearded or dressed in an Islamic fashion and I was clearly being asked to stop taking photos and to leave.

" 'This I did

" 'So much for the tolerance of Islam, so much for integration. welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge

"What we have to remember is that all monies raised in such events funds the activities of Islam and funds the various organizations that wish to see this country become an Islamic state.

"These photos are big, to see them full screen  right click an view image"

Illegal Immigration and Eric Cantor

Victor Davis Hanson   "Eric Cantor’s luck ran out, when his long insistence of pushing immigration-reform legislation finally coincided with a massive and sudden rush of thousands to the U.S. border
from Central America. That lining up of the planets explains why a good but obscure candidate beat a supposedly invincible insider. There are a number of elements to the illegal-immigration debate that really tick off people of all races and classes and drive them to the polls in a way the alliance of the Chamber of Commerce and La Raza activists can never comprehend.

"One, the issue really has become an elite/mass split. The left-wing identity-politics crowd knows that such huge numbers of illegal immigrants preclude easy assimilation and integration." ...

Obama failures and false promises creating Mittmentum for 2016?

Legal Insurrection  "Has Mitt being right about just about everything, and Obama being a failure, finally made the case that Mitt didn’t make in 2012?"
"The latest frontrunner talk among the Republican insiders and DC media types is none other than Mitt Romney.

"But are Americans ready for a third run for President by the 2012 GOP loser to Barack Obama?

"With the economy in virtual stagnation for six years, Russia annexing Ukranian territory and Islamic terrorists on the doorstep of Baghdad — Mitt Romney (circa 2012) suddenly seems like a wise soothsayer:
“I’m saying in terms of a geopolitical opponent, the nation that lines up with the world’s worst actors, of course the greatest threat that the world faces is a nuclear Iran, and nuclear North Korea is already troubling enough, but when these terrible actors pursue their course in the world and we go to the United Nations looking for ways to stop them, when [Syrian President] Assad, for instance, is murdering his own people, we go to the United Nations and who is it that always stands up for the world’s worst actors? It is always Russia, typically with China alongside, and so in terms of a geopolitical foe, a nation that’s on the Security Council, that has the heft of the Security Council, and is of course a massive security power — Russia is the geopolitical foe.” – Mitt Romney, October 2012

Cleveland: Black Teen Sucker Punches Then Pummels 10-Year-Old White Girl While Calling Her A “Cracker”…

Weasel Zippers   "Paging Al Sharpton."

CLEVELAND, Ohio – Cleveland police are calling the Wednesday assault of a 10-year-old West Side girl a “hate incident,” according to a police report.
The suspect in the attack is a 13-year-old girl.
The victim was riding a scooter in their First District neighborhood when the suspect punched her, knocking her to the ground, the victim’s mother told police.
The suspect, who is black, continued to punch the victim, who is white, while calling the girl “cracker,” the mother told police.
A Cleveland police spokesman said officers are investigating the attack as a juvenile assault. A narrative included with the police report lists the case as a “hate incident.”
Keep reading…

Friday, June 13, 2014

On Hillary

Hillary’s Bad Week  "The presumed 2016 candidate has bounced boisterously from gaffe to gaffe."

Hillary: Russian Reset 'A Brilliant Stroke'  " In an interview to promote her book on BBC, Hillary Clinton called the Russian so-called reset "a brilliant stroke." The statement came in response to a question about whether she was in retrospect embarrassed about the policy." 

Hillary Clinton: Taliban Five Not a Threat to U.S.  ... "Adopting Mrs. Clinton’s own reasoning, I don’t see the, shall we say, remarkable judgment she exhibited at the State Department as a threat to her presidential ambitions, not at all."

President Obama Wasted American Victory and Lost Iraq: What Now?

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel
NRO   "This is what happens when a president declares an end to a war that wasn’t truly over."
"What now? Obviously we cannot return in force on the ground. The American people simply would not abide it. But we’re not helpless and can at least take action to prevent total disaster. I suggest five steps:"
1. Provide air support if necessary to protect the Kurds, our most faithful Iraqi allies for more than a generation. If we allow the Kurds to be swallowed up in the fighting, we’ll send a disastrous message to all our close allies that we are utterly faithless — that indeed our friendship is deadly....
2. Condition any direct military support for the Maliki government on the removal of Iranian forces from the country. The United States Air Force must not become close air support for the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, thereby using American air power to turn southern Iraq into a virtual Iranian province. There are reports of thousands of Shiite fighters rallying to defend Baghdad, and it’s possible that they’ll be able to at least stabilize the front. If they can’t — and if they’re Iraqi and not Iranian — we should consider American strikes to keep the capital from falling.
3. Defend our embassy.... Jihad thrives on victory, and the image of occupying the American embassy would lift the Sunni radicals far more than any victory thus far.
4. Demand an overhaul of the Obama national-security team. That team — including of course Susan Rice and the hapless secretary of defense — is completely out of its depth. ...We have to replace the political hacks with warriors, or the war will come home once again.
5. Educate the American people. This is perhaps the most difficult task. The American people have to understand that the violence sweeping the Middle East has direct implications for our own security. The jihadists fighting each other are doing so only as a prelude to taking on the real enemy — the United States. A “Fortress America” approach can keep out large groups of terrorists, but it doesn’t take large groups to wreak havoc. We have to demonstrate to our citizens that the Obama Doctrine of withdrawal and defeat is the pathway to genocide abroad and violence at home. It may be too late for Iraq, but it’s not too late for Afghanistan. Total withdrawal there will likely yield similar results.