Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge in the UK

Up Pompeii
"It said "Music in the park" what I stumbled into was something different, It was in fact a Muslim festival celebrating something called Al Noor, the place was full of bearded men and hijab clad women - including children.

"I started to take some photos, what really caught my eye was the segregation - "bumper cars for women"
" 'I walked around for a while taking the odd snap here and there, it was not long - about 20 mins when a group of bearded men asked me why I was taking photographs and why was I there, it was quite clear that my presence was not required, I was not bearded or dressed in an Islamic fashion and I was clearly being asked to stop taking photos and to leave.

" 'This I did

" 'So much for the tolerance of Islam, so much for integration. welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge

"What we have to remember is that all monies raised in such events funds the activities of Islam and funds the various organizations that wish to see this country become an Islamic state.

"These photos are big, to see them full screen  right click an view image"

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