Monday, June 16, 2014

"Betrayal in Benghazi" by Colonel Phil Handley-Confirmed Authorship! but Altered!

Truth or Fiction  "Summary of the eRumor:  This appears to be a commentary by Colonel Phil “Hands” Handley, U.S. Air Force (Retired) about the lack of response to the attack on the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi.

"The Truth:  Colonel Phil Hadley did write a commentary called "Betrayal in Benghazi" but this version, that went viral on the Internet, was slightly altered by someone who took the liberty to define some colorful acronyms used by the author.

"We found the genuine May 30, 2013 article posted on the
Front Page Website.

A real example of the eRumor as it has appeared on the Internet:

Colonel Phil "Hands" Handley is credited with the highest speed, air- to-air gun kill in the history of aerial combat. He flew operationally for all but 11 months of his 26-year career, in aircraft such as the F-86 Sabre, F-15 Eagle, and the C-130A  Hercules. Additionally, he flew 275 combat missions during two tours in Southeast Asia in the F-4D and F-4E. His awards include 21 Air Medals, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses and the Silver Star.
Here is what Col. Handley wrote in response to Panetta and Dempsey's claims there was no time to send help to Benghazi.

Betrayal in Benghazi... by Phil "Hands" Handley Colonel, USAF (Ret.)
The combat code of the US Military is that we don't abandon our dead or wounded on the battlefield. In US Air Force lingo, fighter pilots don't run off and leave their wingmen. If one of our own is shot down, still alive and not yet in enemy captivity, we will either come to get him or die trying.

Among America 's fighting forces, the calm, sure knowledge that such an irrevocable bond exists is priceless. Along with individual faith and personal grit, it is a sacred trust that has often sustained hope in the face of terribly long odds.
The disgraceful abandonment of our Ambassador and those brave ex-SEAL's who fought to their deaths to save others in that compound is nothing short of dereliction-of-duty. Additionally, the patently absurd cover-up scenario that was fabricated

in the aftermath was an outright lie in an attempt to shield the President and the Secretary of State from responsibility.
It has been over eight months since the attack on our compound in Benghazi . The White House strategy, with the aid of a "lap dog" press, has been to run out the clock before the truth is forthcoming.

The recent testimonies of the three "whistle blowers" have reopened the subject and hopefully will lead to exposure and disgrace of those responsible for this embarrassing debacle. It would appear that the most recent firewall which the Administration is counting on is the contention, "that there were simply no military assets that could be brought to bear in time to make a difference" mainly due to the unavailability of tanker support for fighter aircraft.

This is simply Bull Shit, regardless how many supposed "experts" the Administration trot out to make such an assertion. The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was half-way around the world, you don't just sit on your penguin ass and do nothing. The fact is that the closest asset was not half-way around the world, but as near as Aviano Air Base, Italy where two squadrons of F-16Cs are based. Consider the following scenario (all times Benghazi local): When Hicks in Tripoli receives a call at 9:40 PM from Ambassador Stevens informing him "Greg, we are under attack!" (his last words), Hicks immediately notifies all agencies and prepares for the immediate initiation of an existing "Emergency
Response Plan."

At AFRICON, General Carter Ham attempts to mount a rescue effort, but is told to "stand down." By 10:30 PM an unarmed drone is overhead the compound and streaming live feed to various "Command and Control Agencies" so everyone watching that feed knew damn well what was going on.

At 11:30 PM Woods, Doherty and five others leave Tripoli, arriving in Benghazi at 1:30 AM on Wednesday morning, where they hold off the attacking mob from the roof of the compound until they are killed by a mortar direct hit at 4:00 AM. So nothing could have been done, eh?
Nonsense. If one assumes that tanker support really "was not available" what about this: When at 10:00 PM AFRICON alerts the 31st TFW Command Post on Aviano Air Base, Italy of the attack, the Wing Commander orders preparation for the launch of two F-16s and advises the Command Post at NAS Sigonella to prepare for hot pit refueling and quick turn of the jets.

By 11:30 PM, two F-16Cs with drop tanks and each armed with five hundred 20 MM rounds are airborne. Flying at 0.92 mach they will cover the 522 nautical miles directly to NAS Sigonella in 1.08 hours. While in-route, the flight lead is informed of the tactical situation, rules of engagement, and radio frequencies to use.

The jets then depart Sigonella at 1:10 AM with full fuel load and cover the 377 nautical miles directly to Benghazi in 0.8 hours, arriving at 1:50 AM which would be 20 minutes after the arrival of Woods, Doherty and their team. Providing that the two F-16s initial pass over the mob, in full afterburner at 200 feet and 550 knots did not stop the attack in its tracks, a few well placed strafing runs on targets of opportunity would assuredly do the trick. Were the F-16s fuel state insufficient to return to Sigonella after jettisoning their external drop tanks, they could easily do so at Tripoli International Airport, only one-half hour away.

As for those hand-wringing naysayers who would worry about IFR clearances, border crossing authority, collateral damage, landing rights, political correctness and dozens of other reasons not to act -- screw them. It is time our "leadership" get its priorities straight and put America's interests first. The end result would be that Woods and Doherty would be alive. Dozens in the attacking rabble would be rendezvousing with "72 virgins" and a clear message would have been sent to the next worthlessP.O.S. terrorist contemplating an attack on Americans that it is not really a good idea to "tug" on Superman's cape.
Of course all this depends upon a Commander In Chief more concerned with saving the lives of those he put in harm's way than getting his crew rested for a campaign fund raising event in Las Vegas the next day. It also depends upon a Secretary of State who actually understood, "What difference does it make?", and a Secretary of Defense who was watching the feed from the drone and understood what the attack consisted of instead of making an immediate response that "One of the military tenants is that you don't commit assets until you fully understand the tactical situation." YGBSM! (You Gotta Be Shittin' Me)
Ultimately it comes down to the question of who gave that order to stand down? Whoever that coward turns out to be should be exposed, removed from office, and face criminal charges for dereliction of duty. The combat forces of the United States of America deserve leadership that really does "have their back" when the chips are down.

Comments in The Liberal Forum on this


"I would say every US fighter pilot, retired or on active duty, knows that
Panetta and Dempsey both are full of crap when they said there was no time
to send help to Benghazi. They claim it was a problem of "time/space." All
my friends and I said, "Bullshat." We know they could have gotten F-16s
there from Aviano.

" 'Hands" Handley is a well-respected USAF fighter pilot. Here is his short
resume and what he just wrote about Benghazi below that. If anything,
Handley is pessimistic in his timeline of when F-16s could have reached
Benghazi . I think they could have been airborne even sooner and turned
quicker at Sig. The decision to not try was not based on capability. We had
the operational capability in every way.

"I hope Handley's taxes are in order. His IRS audit is forthcoming.

Much more at this site.

Hat tip to Paul Van Alstine

Hey, this is way better than taking the fifth!

Sunday, June 15, 2014

A No-Action Figure

Kathleen Willey blasts Hillary's 'dead broke' claim

Bob Unruh
... "Fox News reported that the year the Clintons left the White House and were “dead broke” they actually earned nearly $12 million.

"The report said the Clintons technically were in debt when they left the White House, with liabilities between $2.3 million and $10.6 million and assets between $781,000 and almost $1.8 million. The liabilities were mostly legal expenses for the defense of Bill Clinton over the various scandals he triggered while in office.

"Hillary Clinton entered the Senate and began earning a $145,000 salary when they left the White House, and her husband’s pension was more than $150,000, Fox News said.

"Within a year, their assets were listed at between $6 million and $30 million. Liabilities were between $1.3 million and $5.6 million." ...


Dissing Christian prof costs college $700,000

World Net Daily
Mike Adams
... "A former atheist, Adams frequently received praise from his colleagues after the university hired him as an assistant professor in 1993 and promoted him to associate professor in 1998.

"But some of his views on political and social issues soon reflected his adoption of Christianity in 2000. Subsequently, his advocates said, the university subjected Adams to a campaign of academic persecution, including intrusive investigations, baseless accusations and other actions that culminated in his denial of promotion to full professor, despite an award-winning record of teaching, research and service.

"In his lawsuit against the university, attorneys argued that officials denied him a deserved promotion because they disagreed with the content of his nationally syndicated opinion columns that espoused religious and political views contrary to the opinions held by university officials."...

Mike Adams writes columns for Townhall and this is one example: Horton Hears the Who
Two years ago, I wrote an article about UNCW gay activist Brice Horton. This was after he tried to ban Chick fil-A from campus (all in the name of tolerance and diversity). I satirically responded by writing that he should be expelled from campus for his own intolerance. Now, just two years later, he's a proud UNCW graduate. I know this because he recently wrote me two emails. The content of the first email was pretty straightforward:
 Sent: Tuesday, May 20, 2014 5:49 PM
 To: Adams, Mike
   I hope you rot in Hell you piece of $h*t.
..".Of course, a major difference between the 60s and today is that these kids' future employers have access to the Internet. This means that when Brice Horton applies for a job, his prospective boss can run a Google search. When he types in Brice Horton, this column will likely be the first thing that pops up. " ...

Big Labor Makes Millions Off VA While Veterans Wait for Medical Care
we the people copy
.. "While our veterans are put on long waiting lists and while some die waiting for medical care in what appears to be a corrupt system, hundreds of union members were getting paid to do union business.

"In addition to giving bonuses to workers, we also pay labor union officials to push Big Labor’s leftist agenda during work hours.

“ 'Official Time” is the euphemistic term for union officials using work time and tax dollars to coerce more government workers into paying dues.

"The VA isn’t the only government agency that uses “Official Time: but they were by far the largest user of “Official Time.”

"The Washington Examiner reported:" ...

Radical Feminists Embrace #EndFathersDay

Father and child
 "It started as a joke, but the Twitter hashtag #EndFathersDay is being picked up by intolerant, sexist feminists and is now trending worldwide.

"The hashtag was a prank by “4chan,” an imageboard website, but it has been picked up as a rallying cry.

"First, the original post on 4chan:
Almost all cases of domestic violence, domestic rape, child abuse, adultery, and discontent in the home are caused by men, i.e. fathers. A holiday that celebrates this is another symptom of the disease known as the patriarchy, and has no place in a progressive society.... More... 

Lois Lerner’s Lost Emails: Questions for the IRS

Sharyl Attkisson    "In light of the disclosure, these are some of the logical requests that should be made of the IRS:
  • Please provide a timeline of the crash and documentation covering when it was first discovered and by whom; when, how and by whom it was learned that materials were lost; the official documentation reporting the crash and federal data loss; documentation reflecting all attempts to recover the materials; and the remediation records documenting the fix. This material should include the names of all officials and technicians involved, as well as all internal communications about the matter.
  • Please provide all documents and emails that refer to the crash from the time that it happened through the IRS’ disclosure to Congress Friday that it had occurred.
  • Please provide the documents that show the computer crash and lost data were appropriately reported to the required entities including any contractor servicing the IRS. If the incident was not reported, please explain why.
  • Please provide a list summarizing what other data was irretrievably lost in the computer crash. If the loss involved any personal data, was the loss disclosed to those impacted? If not, why?
  • Please provide documentation reflecting any security analyses done to assess the impact of the crash and lost materials. If such analyses were not performed, why not?
  • Please provide documentation showing the steps taken to recover the material, and the names of all technicians who attempted the recovery.
  • Please explain why redundancies required for federal systems were either not used or were not effective in restoring the lost materials, and provide documentation showing how this shortfall has been remediated.
  • Please provide any documents reflecting an investigation into how the crash resulted in the irretrievable loss of federal data and what factors were found to be responsible for the existence of this situation.
  • I would also ask for those who discovered and reported the crash to testify under oath, as well as any officials who reported the materials as having been irretrievably lost.
Full article

Stay away from this site if you are squeamish

PAT CONDELL: “Is it wrong to call Islamic savages, “savages?”

ISIS winning in Iraq despite being greatly outnumbered by 15 to 1 

‘This is our ball’: Iraqi jihadis cut off head for World Cup tweet  "Bloodthirsty Iraqi jihadists posted a photo of a Sunni police chief’s decapitated head online — along with a twisted joke about using it as a soccer ball at the World Cup on Friday.

“ 'This is our ball . . . It is made of skin #WorldCup,” the radical Islamic State of Iraq and Syria tweeted with the grisly image."

Will ISIS be operating human slaughter houses in Iraq as they are in Syria? (WARNING: Graphic)  "The barbarism exhibited by these ISIS Muslim savages is reminiscent of the violence perpetuated by the Ottoman Turks."

MSNBC water-carrier worries that current Iraq crisis will “drive Americans to blame Obama”   "Not that Obama’s unilateral decision, opposed by the military and intelligence experts, to pull out all the troops –  lock, stock, and barrel from Iraq – unlike what we did in successful post-war operations in Japan, Korea, and Germany, has anything to do with what Americans think about [this president]."
"Obama boasted, “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable, and self-reliant Iraq.”


Saturday, June 14, 2014

Gay pride flag hoisted above US embassy in Israel


... "Reaction from outside of the gay community to the sight of the American flag being accompanied by the rainbow banner was mixed.

“ 'I see that it is OK to put up a gay pride flag over an embassy but not ok for military members to espouse their religious beliefs in God," read a post on the Embassy's page, attributed to Grant Hix Jones. "I am ashamed to see those flags side by side.”

“ 'How is this "gay pride flag" representative of all Americans?" wrote a poster named James Brown. "This flag needs to come down.' ”

Gallup Concludes Hillary's Era of High Favorability Ending as Poll Numbers Plummet

Big Government  "According to a Gallup survey, only 54 percent of Americans now view Clinton favorably, which is her lowest rating since 2008. She had a 59 percent favorability rating before her book tour.

"Clinton, a potential 2016 presidential contender, is less liked when she enters the political arena, and her book tour is being run like a campaign. Clinton has already made plenty of blunders during her book launch, like claiming that she was "dead broke" after she and her husband left the White House, even though they bought two lavish homes in Washington, D.C. and New York."
Political Cartoons by Dana Summers
 Liberal L.A. Times Columnist: Hillary's 'Dead Broke' Retort on ABC Was 'Completely Tone Deaf'

ABCARIAN: It is just completely tone-deaf for a multi-millionaire presidential candidate, or former First Lady, or former Secretary of State, who’s married to a former President, to claim in way, shape or form that she was having trouble coming up with money for mortgages, or her child’s college education. These are people who – at the moment she left the White House, she had an $8 million contract for a memoir. Her husband was going out and making hundreds and hundreds of thousands of dollars per speech. I mean, you cannot complain about money if you’re in that kind of situation. Or you will be hammered over the head with it, as she has been, joyfully by Republicans.


Welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge in the UK

Up Pompeii
"It said "Music in the park" what I stumbled into was something different, It was in fact a Muslim festival celebrating something called Al Noor, the place was full of bearded men and hijab clad women - including children.

"I started to take some photos, what really caught my eye was the segregation - "bumper cars for women"
" 'I walked around for a while taking the odd snap here and there, it was not long - about 20 mins when a group of bearded men asked me why I was taking photographs and why was I there, it was quite clear that my presence was not required, I was not bearded or dressed in an Islamic fashion and I was clearly being asked to stop taking photos and to leave.

" 'This I did

" 'So much for the tolerance of Islam, so much for integration. welcome to the Islamic enclave of Redbridge

"What we have to remember is that all monies raised in such events funds the activities of Islam and funds the various organizations that wish to see this country become an Islamic state.

"These photos are big, to see them full screen  right click an view image"