M. Catharine Evans "Days after liberal-minded symphony attendees sat quietly while direct action protesters disrupted their evening out, red-blooded Americans attending a baseball game in St. Louis went toe to toe with Michael Brown’s defenders."
"A few weeks ago, the stadium was the scene of a foiled demonstration. Organizers Sarah Griesbach and Elizabeth Vega, two middle-aged white women who wore Cardinals jerseys, unfurled a protest banner and were instantly met with shouts from sports fans. The same women were also behind the October 4 St. Louis Symphony demonstration. After the failed ballgame protest, the duo from an upscale neighborhood decided that a symphony hall would be a better location."
"Apparently, according to tweets, the protesters faced off with Cardinals fans outside the exit and re-entry gate for smokers. Not a great idea.
"A few weeks ago, the stadium was the scene of a foiled demonstration. Organizers Sarah Griesbach and Elizabeth Vega, two middle-aged white women who wore Cardinals jerseys, unfurled a protest banner and were instantly met with shouts from sports fans. The same women were also behind the October 4 St. Louis Symphony demonstration. After the failed ballgame protest, the duo from an upscale neighborhood decided that a symphony hall would be a better location."
"Apparently, according to tweets, the protesters faced off with Cardinals fans outside the exit and re-entry gate for smokers. Not a great idea.
"In the Stadium video, a Michael Brown activist can be seen holding the American flag upside-down. The defiant act did not go over too well. In contrast to the symphony attendees, the baseball crowd shouted the demonstrators down. Loud chants of "USA! USA!” drowned out what sounds like 'f*** you' coming from the Brown mob." Full article.