Dear Attorney General:
In case it has escaped your attention, you and YOUR PEOPLE, including Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Mayor de Blasio and most members of the Democrat Party, have allowed yourselves to become agents of hatred and racial enmity of such intensity as to threaten the general peace and well being of the American people.
..."Your bias against law enforcement officials is particularly distressing when it stokes the fires of hatred against police." ...
NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE : Ferguson's Media Darling Flames Out "Joshua Williams was the liberal-media darling of the Ferguson protests; now he’s an alleged arsonist."
... "During the Ferguson protests, Williams perfected the skill of catching the attention of journalists and using them to elevate his claims of police brutality to national attention. Quoted or photographed in countless articles in publications including the New York Times and USA Today, Williams claims police in Ferguson, Mo., targeted him because he is black. The truth, caught on tape by National Review Online, is much different."...