Friday, December 26, 2014

The 11 Most Politically Correct Moments on College Campuses in 2014

Katherine Timpf has done a great job compiling this list. Via College Insurrection


This is just a list of the subjects Ms. Timpf covers in more detail at the link.
"There are almost too many to choose from, but here are eleven of the most politically correct moments on college campuses in 2014:"

1. Princeton University students launched a microaggression-reporting service.

2. College students invented a roofie-detecting nail polish — only to be told that that’s actually also rape culture.

3. Students hosted an anti-rape-culture rally only to be told that’s — yep — actually also rape culture.

4. A school campaigned against “offensive” language such as “wuss,” “you guys,” and “derp” because it has an “oppressive impact on culture.”

5. Students opposed a female-to-male transgender candidate for class diversity officer because he’s a white man.

6. A school told its orientation officers not to use the word “freshman” because it promotes rape.

7. A liberal group demanded the school teach a mandatory transgender-sensitivity class to right the wrongs of colonial America.

8. A student newspaper’s editorial board wrote a whole piece about how racist bras are. 

9. The War on Tacos.

10. The War on Coconut Bras. The photo at right I used to think hilarious, but it kinda gags me now.

11. Harvard University was about to stop buying water machines from the Israeli company SodaStream because they might be a microaggression.

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