"The other options are to pay for health services à la carte, or cover the full cost of COBRA coverage, which—if you’ve ever been in this situation—are expensive options, even for families as wealthy as the Cruzes. Among all the choices, Obamacare is the best one. And then there’s the general principle: “I believe we should follow the text of every law, even laws I disagree with,” Cruz told CNN, following up with a pro forma dig at the president. “It’s one of the real differences—if you look at President Obama and the lawlessness, if he disagrees with a law he simply refuses to follow it or claims the authority to unilaterally change.”
Legal Insurrection "Who knew abiding by the the law was such a novel accomplishment?
"The man who garnered national attention by making himself Obamacare’s arch nemesis is enrolling in the dastardly program one day into his presidential campaign.
"Previously covered by his wife’s cadillac Goldman Sach’s healthcare plan, Heidi Cruz’s departure from the investment behemoth means the Cruz’s will be looking to the exchange for their health insurance needs.
"Evidently, this is a story.
. . .
"But there’s another thing to consider here, too.
"Congress gets their health insurance from the exchanges. All Republican Senators are enrolled in a healthcare plan either on the federal or D.C. exchange. Why would Senator Cruz not follow suit? "Furthermore, Cruz’s Hill staff, like the staff of every other Republican Senator, are covered by a D.C. exchange plan. It would be rather tacky for the junior Senator to find health insurance anywhere else while his staff is stuck with the exchange.
"There are many things you could rightly criticize Senator Cruz for, but his enrolling in Obamacare isn’t one."