"Barack Obama campaigned for America’s top job by promising to usher in a "Post-racial” era that, with The One in charge, would somehow magically bridge the unfair gaps between American people of color and those despicable folks known as Lily white devils, AKA, Republican, Christian, homophobic, gun-toting, capitalists with larceny in their hearts, and insatiable fondness for black slaves in their evil minds. "It would be a gross understatement to contend that Barack Obama, working hand-in-hand with Attorney General Eric Holder, has seriously aggravated racial strife and made racial relations more bitter, contentious, and strident. "Rather than working to ease racial hostilities, the Obama-Holder tandem has deliberately sought to use government power to exact revenge for what they see as a “Legacy of Discrimination”, which, in their vision, is more urgent than unifying and bringing Americans of all races together for the common good." . . .
Bruce Walker. . . " This would be an overt campaign to de-legitimize this corrupt gaggle of leftist organizations as serious news organizations worthy of the attention of America. The left would howl, of course, but so what? No serious conservative ought to be talking to those hostile “gotcha!” outlets anyway. So we ought to treat these leftist news outlets as the ideological hacks that they are and deny them the chance to make Republicans look bad or silly by “gotcha” questions. " . . . More here.
American Thinker "The true enemy of American conservatives and the American Constitution is the liberal media. The most powerful weapon the liberals/socialists/communists/Democrats have is a compliant media, which willingly carries their unchallenged message to an unsuspecting American people, far too many of whom have no idea they are being propagandized every bit as much as Soviet Russians or Mao’s Chinese.
. . .
"Do not lose sight of this truth: As long as you stand up and fight them, you will be igniting the patriotic blood of tens of millions of Americans who are sick and tired of living in a nation where the national and regional media represent only the liberal political view. Oh, and we don’t care if the liberal interviewers are female or male; rip their rears without regard for gender. Those info-babes tout themselves as tough feminists who should be treated as equals? Well, fine. Treat them as equals, and bust their butts just as embarrassingly as you possibly can. "Show some courage, dudes; it’s damned near a lost quality in the Republican Party." Via Doug Ross Journal
"Forget Iran's nuke-seeking mullahs - the real fireworks in this week's political scene happened when Dick Cheney went nuclear on Barack Obama's well-deserving keister. "Appearing on a radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt, the former Vice-President was asked to assess Barry's (ahem) "vision" for the policies he's executing in the Middle East. To which Mr. Cheney replied, "I think his actions are constituted in my mind as those of the worst president we've ever had." And even though many of us would also call that the most obvious statement ever made, very few in either politics or the media have had the courage - and love of country - to say it. "But that wasn't even the best thing Mr. Cheney said. For us, it was this: "If you had somebody as president who wanted to take America down, who wanted to fundamentally weaken our position in the world and reduce our capacity to influence events, turn our back on our allies and encourage our adversaries, it would look exactly like what Barack Obama’s doing.' " . . . Full article here.
. . . "ON the other side of the spectrum, “soft/stealth jihad” is used in many insidious ways, chiefly, through interfaith “dialogue” and the Islamic process of da’wah. Moreover, a stepped up version is now in full force via the newly constituted Muslim-American political party, duly under the leadership of the Brotherhood Mafia! "REGARDLESS of their back door assaults, the fact of the matter is that the U.S. Constitution enshrines certain inalienable rights. Thus, one “accommodation” at a time, it is doubly egregious that the leadership of the free world has brought about this dire situation by silencing Americans. "SUCH is the case because Obama Inc.’s Department of Justice has effectively criminalized any discussion of Islam, regardless of anything else. How many know this? "AND it is through this (illegal) slippery slope that a parent (in New Hampshire) was arrested at a school board meeting, all for daring to question the school’s choice of reading assignments! Imagine that." . . .
It even corrupts entertainment when singers of peace songs become Muslim 1989: Cat Stevens Gives Support To Call for Death of Rushdie Oh yes, Stevens/ Islam did retract his statement later. But the fact is that his first response was to call for the death of Salman Rushdie, which is telling. I cannot say that Islam has brought out the best in Cat Stevens/ Yusuf Islam. The Tunnel Dweller
PREPARING FOR AN ANTI-CHRISTIAN, PRO-MUSLIM FUTURE? Intimidation Coming to a Church Near You . . . " One thing one of the presenters at the conference said has really stayed
with me. He stated that history shows that the more people take the
Bible literally, the more peaceful they become. However, the more people
take the Qur’an literally, the more violent they become. I believe
that’s all you need to remember if you have doubts about what we face."
Manteca Bulletin "Correspondence between the
National Marine Fisheries Service and Congressman Jeff Denham’s office
shows the Bureau of Reclamation wants to flush as much as 15,000 acre
feet of water down the Stanislaus River in order to “save” six fish.
"In an email Sunny Snider of the federal fish protection agency sent
to Denham Chief of Staff Jason Larrabee, it indicated a previous pulse
flow in March that significantly raised water levels on the Stanislaus
River through Ripon despite being in the middle of a severe drought had
moved out 76 percent of the out-migrating steelhead by March 30.
"The email stated that National Marine Fisheries Services (NMFS) only
expects 29 out-migrating steelhead a year and that their plan was to
release 30,000 acre feet by the end of April to help them reach the
"That means there are six steelhead left that the Bureau ordered South
San Joaquin Irrigation District and Oakdale Irrigation District to
release water this week to help on their journey. The 15,000 acre feet
of water based on a statewide per capita use average could supply
174,301 Californians with water for a year to the combined populations
of Tracy and Santa Barbara. Combined with last month’s pulse flow
release, the 30,000 acre feet of water is the equivalent of the combined
annual water needs of the cities of Stockton, Lathrop, Ripon, and
Escalon." . . . Hat tip to Harley Standlee; Placerville, CA
Charles Krauthammer “Negotiations . . . to prevent an Iranian capability to develop a nuclear arsenal are ending with an agreement that concedes this very capability . . . ”
"It was but a year and a half ago that Barack Obama endorsed the objective of abolition when he said
that Iran’s heavily fortified Fordow nuclear facility, its
plutonium-producing heavy-water reactor and its advanced centrifuges
were all unnecessary for a civilian nuclear program. The logic was
clear: Since Iran was claiming to be pursuing an exclusively civilian
program, these would have to go.
"Yet under the deal
Obama is now trying to sell, not one of these is to be dismantled.
Indeed, Iran’s entire nuclear infrastructure is kept intact, just frozen
or repurposed for the length of the deal (about a decade). Thus
Fordow’s centrifuges will keep spinning. They will now be fed xenon, zinc and germanium
instead of uranium. But that means they remain ready at any time to
revert from the world’s most heavily (indeed comically) fortified
medical isotope facility to a bomb-making factory. . . . "Obama imagines that this deal will bring Iran in from the cold,
tempering its territorial ambitions and ideological radicalism. But this
defies logic: With sanctions lifted, its economy booming and tens of
billions injected into its treasury, why would Iran curb rather than
expand its relentless drive for regional dominance? "An overriding
objective of these negotiations, as Obama has said, is to prevent the
inevitable proliferation — Egypt, Turkey, the Gulf states — that would
occur if Iran went nuclear. Yet the prospective agreement is so clearly a
pathway to an Iranian bomb that the Saudis are signaling that the deal itself would impel them to go nuclear." . . .
Walter Scott’s family have asked Al Sharpton not to attend the funeral, it is claimed. The New York-based Reverend became a prominent voice in the wake of Michael Brown’s shooting at the hands of a white police officer in Ferguson last August.
But as the nation’s attention turns to South Carolina and footage showing Officer Michael Slager shooting dead father-of-four Walter Scott, his parents and brothers have made plain that they do not want the same treatment.
According to the New York Daily News, the family told Rev Sharpton to ‘keep away’ from the relatives-only memorial service.
A source close to the Scotts told the paper: ‘We don’t want another Ferguson type of circus here.’
"Fingers crossed that this is true. Sharpton does nothing but compound misery when he shows up to “help” with cameras in tow. The man is a menace to law-abiding citizens and the fact that anyone respects him is all the indication you need as to the depths of progressive depravity.
"Let us also hope that Jesse Jackson doesn’t see an opportunity here."
Overpasses for America Did President Obama get hoodwinked by the Iranians because of
his ignorance of an ancient, time-tested negotiating tactic ingrained in
Islamic law?
“ 'If one wishes to have even a basic understanding of the underlying
principles involved in Middle East politics, then one must first
understand the history and implications of the Treaty of Hudaibiyah,”
Richardson told WND. "He believes Obama committed a “brazenly amateur” gaffe by failing to
understand who he was dealing with – an Iranian regime steeped in
Islamic law. "The rules the mullahs follow trace back to the life and example of
Muhammad, he said. “And one of the most important tactical victories in
Muhammad’s career is what is known as the Treaty of Hudaibiyah.” "Muhammad made this treaty with the pagan Quraysh tribe of Mecca, which was the most powerful tribe in the region at the time. "The Qurayshis entered into a 10-year peace pact with Muhammad and lived to regret it." . . .
“The takeaway is that Muslims today look to the example
of Muhammad and the Treaty of Hudaibiyah as one of the primary go-to
strategies to defeat their enemies,” Richardson said. “Enter into a
treaty, a covenant, a ceasefire. But it is only for the purpose of
gaining strength to eventually defeat your enemy.
“Muslims today clearly understand ‘Hudaibiya’ to be a code-word
which, in brief, means ‘kiss the hand of your enemy until you have the
opportunity to cut it off.’” Hat tip to Sheila Freeman
Standing against radical Islamic treachery, our nation has this:
APPOMATTOX COURT-HOUSE, VA. April 9, 1865 General R. E. LEE: In accordance with the substance of my letter to you of the 8th instant, I propose to receive the surrender of the Army of Northern Virginia on the following terms, to wit: Rolls of all the officers and men to be made in duplicate, one copy to be given to an officer to be designated by me, the other to be retained by such officer or officers as you may designate. The officers to give their individual paroles not to take up arms against the Government of the United States until properly exchanged; and each company or regimental commander sign a like parole for the men of their commands. The arms, artillery, and public property to be parked and stacked, and turned over to the officers appointed by me to receive them. This will not embrace the side-arms of the officers, nor their private horses or baggage. This done, each officer and man will be allowed to return to his home, not to be disturbed by U. S. authority so long as they observe their paroles and the laws in force where they may reside. U.S. GRANT, Lieutenant-General.
Screw the Left; this nation had honorable leaders that we can be proud of. As Bruce Catton once wrote of former Civil War enemies, veterans of the Boyne and Culloden did not see wars end in such a way. TD
"Since the article is behind the Journal‘s paywall, a couple of excerpts:'
. . . More broadly, what has happened is that a generation of American politicians who came of age during Saul Alinsky’s lifetime has moved into positions of institutional power that he so often derided as “the enemy.” They are showing an inability to leave behind Alinsky’s tactics that were intended for the weak against the strong. Civil discourse and academic freedom suffer while the “Prince” becomes more powerful. " . . .
Another Alinsky technique: don't confront opposition with reasons; mock them, and fabricateb"straw man" arguments.
Victor Davis Hanson: The Drought: California Apocalypto "The proverbial thin veneer of civilization has never been thinner in California, as if nature has conspired to create even greater chaos than what man here has already wrought. What follows below was a fairly typical seven-day period in the land of the highest sales, fuel, and income taxes that have led to the nearly worst freeways, schools, and general infrastructure in the nation." . . . . . . "Even those in Malibu, Bel Air, and Old Pasadena must use the unusable 405. Even Hetch Hetchy and other water projects cannot supply the Bay Area’s voracious appetite for water. Putting phase one of high-speed rail down among the yokels of Central California does no good unless it is linked up with a messy, smelly, dirty construction site in the Bay Area." . . .
A hot water issue in the California drought discussion . . . " In addition, simple ideas like increasing our total water storage by building three new dams have been mired in unnecessary environmental legal challenges for years. California voters recently passed the Proposition 1 water bond, which despite promises will likely never result in actual construction of additional water storage – just more money for pet projects and empty rhetoric from the Democrats in Sacramento." . . .
Marijuana Plants Soak Up Billions of Gallons of Water in California. . . " California’s terrible drought has become -- like just about everything
else in the United States -- a political issue. Many liberals have taken
to blaming anthropogenic climate change for the drought, while some
conservatives have placed the blame at the feet of “liberal
environmentalists.” The political point-scoring is tiring and just plain
silly, given that the drought is almost certainly a result of natural processes -- processes that we humans, conservatives and liberals alike, have precious little to do with" . . .