Friday, April 10, 2015

In California, liberals have been a natural disaster

 Victor Davis Hanson: The Drought: California Apocalypto  "The proverbial thin veneer of civilization has never been thinner in California, as if nature has conspired to create even greater chaos than what man here has already wrought. What follows below was a fairly typical seven-day period in the land of the highest sales, fuel, and income taxes that have led to the nearly worst freeways, schools, and general infrastructure in the nation." . . .
. . . "Even those in Malibu, Bel Air, and Old Pasadena must use the unusable 405. Even Hetch Hetchy and other water projects cannot supply the Bay Area’s voracious appetite for water.  Putting phase one of high-speed rail down among the yokels of Central California does no good unless it is linked up with a messy, smelly, dirty construction site in the Bay Area." . . . 

A hot water issue in the California drought discussion   . . . " In addition, simple ideas like increasing our total water storage by building three new dams have been mired in unnecessary environmental legal challenges for years.  California voters recently passed the Proposition 1 water bond, which despite promises will likely never result in actual construction of additional water storage – just more money for pet projects and empty rhetoric from the Democrats in Sacramento." . . .
Read more:

 Marijuana Plants Soak Up Billions of Gallons of Water in California  . . . " California’s terrible drought has become -- like just about everything else in the United States -- a political issue. Many liberals have taken to blaming anthropogenic climate change for the drought, while some conservatives have placed the blame at the feet of “liberal environmentalists.” The political point-scoring is tiring and just plain silly, given that the drought is almost certainly a result of natural processes -- processes that we humans, conservatives and liberals alike, have precious little to do with" . . .

Political Cartoons by Michael Ramirez

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