Rabid Republican Blog
"Defense Minister Hyon Yong-chol, who recently spoke at a Moscow defense conference, – has been executed by anti-aircraft fire in North Korea."
"I’m guessing the perverted insecure runt likes to see pieces of flying meat, – rather than simply watching a bullet-riddled body slump in place.
"So far this year [2015] Kim is reported to have ordered the death of at least a dozen high officials – all in public executions. But he’s got an army overflowing with generals – so replacing executed leaders is very easy. What are they going to say when offered a promotion…?"
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"So while Obama plays patty-cake with the Iranian Twelvers, – and plays the politics of race-baiting and class warfare here at home, – it will only take one bad morning in Kim Jung un’s life to forever re-arrange the world order…."
Emphases in the original.