Thursday, May 14, 2015

Marco Rubio Says America’s Physical Strength Has ‘Deteriorated’ Under Obama

Observer/News  ..."Laying out a hawkish foreign policy vision repudiating the Obama era, Sen. Marco Rubio declared in Manhattan today that America’s physical and ideological strength had “deteriorated” since Mr. Obama took office in 2009.

"Mr. Rubio, a Florida Republican and leading contender for president, said his foreign policy agenda would have three pillars: projecting American strength with more defense spending, more free trade, and a “proud advocacy” of American core values. In his prepared remarks, he also called Hillary Clinton, a top Democratic presidential contender, a “leader from yesterday.”

"Mr. Obama “entered office believing America was too hard on our adversaries, too engaged in too many places, and that if we just took a step back, did some ‘nation building at home’–ceding leadership to other countries–America would be better liked and the world better off,” Mr. Rubio said at a Council on Foreign Relations event.

“ 'He demonstrated a disregard for our moral purpose that at times flirted with disdain. He criticized America for having ‘arrogance’ and the audacity to ‘dictate our terms’ to other nations,” Mr. Rubio continued. “From his reset with Russia, to his open hand to Iran, to his unreciprocated opening to Cuba, he has embraced regimes that systematically oppose every principle our nation has long championed.” . . .

OverpassesForAmerica  would agree with Sen. Rubio:
..goodbye obamaville

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