Thursday, May 21, 2015

Nazi flag flies high over mosque in Israel (VIDEO)

 Pamela Geller    
Nazi flag flies high over West Bank mosque (VIDEO), The Washington Examiner [2], May 20, 2015 (thanks to Christian):
Keeping alive the long history between National Socialism and Jihaddist Islam [3], the twisted cross of Naziism is flying high and proud over a heavily Arab-Muslim [4] town south of Jerusalem today, as reported by the Israel National News Service via Google New [5]s on May 20, 2013.
mosque nazi flag
When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front.
Israel should have blown up that flagstaff and minaret.

- See more at:

. . . "Not exactly their first experience Islam has had with the Master Race.

"During the Second World War, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem Haji Amin al-Husaini threw his considerable support behind Herr Hitler, and was even an honored guest on Berlin.

"Al-Husaini was also instrumental in forming the all-Muslim SS Hansar Division who were reportedly very enthusiastic fighters for the cause of Nazism [6].

"It’s certainly not the first time Jew-hating “Palestinian” Muslims have raised [7]the Nazi flag. Below, a Nazi flag bearing a large black swastika was seen waving above the Palestinian village of Beit Ummar." . . .

...Islamic Jew-hatred, it’s in the Qur’an. 
When I ran ads highlighting the relationship and cooperation between the the Third Reich and the Muslim world, Western media and cultural elites widely condemned and vilified me.  When Muslim annihilationists (under the cynically named “Palestinian” movement) proudly display their Nazi sympathies, all is quiet on the Western front.
Israel should have blown up that flagstaff and minaret.

City of Ferguson Installing Memorial Plaque For Mike Brown - See more at:

By Lauren Richardson

The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:
The memorial to Michael Brown on Canfield Drive has been removed and will be replaced by a plaque, Mayor James Knowles III and Michael Brown Sr. announced Wednesday. - See more at:


Hillary emails — Her Benghazi Problem just got worse. How can she deserve to be President?

 Hillary Clinton enjoyed herself with a roundtable of voters in Cedar Falls, Iowa, Tuesday. With cameras rolling, she heard from young Democrats who blasted Republicans as the party of the old and the rich. It prompted Hillary to jot down a note reminding herself to lie about her age and income.  Comedian Argus Hamilton
 Legal Insurrection
 Small window opens on Hillary’s emails, and the view isn’t good, particularly of Benghazi.
 "The New York Times has extensive reporting on the first partial batch of Hillary emails released to the public regarding Libya.

"This is only the first batch, and of course, we don’t know what was deleted from her private server.
The bottom line is that the relationship with Sidney Blumenthal is as suspicious as suspected, Hillary knew the video story was a crock, and most of all, the entirety so far demonstrates why Hillary sought to hide her activities for so long.

"First Batch of Hillary Clinton Emails Captures Concerns Over Libya:" . . .
"The Times has a separate article on the Sidney Blumenthal relationship and influence peddling, A Closer Look at Hillary Clinton’s Emails on Benghazi:" . . .
Knowing this, the decision by Hillary to send Susan Rice to do the full Ginsburg on September 16th with those phony talking points looks a lot more understandable. As Secretary of State, that task should have fallen to Hillary Clinton, not the then-UN Ambassador, who was out of the loop. Rice, however, wasn’t planning on running for President in 2016. With Blumenthal’s e-mail in on the 13th (and the DIA’s corroboration later), Hillary would have known better than to get stuck on video telling the whoppers that Rice ended up delivering on Obama’s behalf.
  Contentions Do You Deserve to Be President After Jeopardizing National Security?
. . . " Clinton’s transparent aim is to allow the sting of these myriad controversies to be acutely felt early, and only to address them when she can legitimately dub them “old news” and thereby scold those reporters who myopically dwell on ancient history. That strategy is only effective, however, when the revelations dry up. But the scandalous details of her behavior exposed in the press continue to emerge, one by one, drip by drip, gradually eroding away Clinton’s presidential prospects." . . .
 Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Ramadi? A mere bump in the road! Global warming is the real issue.

Apologies to Monty Python

 HARF MAKES BAHGDAD BOB SOUND LIKE JESUS: Marie Harf Claims ‘Iraqi Forces Held Their Line’ "Despite the fact that they ran and surrendered to ISIS militants. Harf told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, ' . . Remember Baghdad Bob?
Obama ‘Logic': With No Plan to Stop ISIS, Obama is Worried About Climate Change Threat " ISIS is growing stronger and the White House’s plan to stop the terrorist thugs advances is a joke.
. . .  "Republicans in Washington immediately replied that the weather was not the main concern when Ramadi just fell to ISIS and the threat of terrorism is a real and present danger." . . .

Obama Warns the Coast Guard of Rising Seas, Not Real Threats
 Michael Ramirez Cartoon
For Obama, Admitting Failure Is Never An Option . . . "At a press briefing on Monday, a reporter asked White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest if, given the fall of Ramadi and reports that the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq is moving into Libya, "Would you say that, overall, this strategy has been a success?"

"Earnest's answer: "Overall, yes."

"Even the mainstream press and fellow Democrats seemed stunned by the answer.

"They wouldn't have been if they'd been paying attention to Obama the past six years." . . .

Via Lucianne

Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!

 The obvious choice:

New Zeal  "Once again, It’s time to present this week’s statuette of shame, The Golden Weasel!!
Every Tuesday, the Council nominates some of the slimiest, most despicable characters in public life for some deed of evil, cowardice or corruption they’ve performed. Then we vote to single out one particular Weasel for special mention, to whom we award the statuette of shame, our special, 100% plastic Golden Weasel. This week’s nominees were all disgusting, but one of them stood out as an almost unanimous choice. The envelope please…"

. . . "Of course, just before the crapola hit the media fan, Stephanopoulos ran to the Leftist rag, Politico, and vomited a confession. This was after trying to cover it up. He didn’t tell his bosses about the donations and he didn’t tell viewers that he had given money to the Foundation even as he reported on it and the Clintons.

"On April 26, Stephanopoulos put Peter Schweizer in the hot seat; he’s the author of the sensational”Clinton Cash” book that exposes the Clintons and their graft. Stephanopoulos pressed him to admit the book contains no ‘smoking gun.’ The implication was that, if it’s not indictable, it’s not important. He sounded more like a lawyer than a media hack. Stephanopoulos cleverly used that standard to give the Clintons the all-clear. The anchor also cited Schweizer’s ‘partisan interest,’ noting that Schweizer was a speechwriter for President George W. Bush. Boy, pot meet kettle.

"Another media sycophant bites the dust amid lies and scandal. Flip this media shill – he’s done. Another Progressive weasel gets whacked." . . .

A Deaf Woman Adopts A Deaf Dog Who Knows Sign Language

LifeNews   "Rosie, a deaf pit bull mix, spent three months at the Central Nebraska Humane Society beforeCindy Koch, a woman who is also deaf, adopted her. Rosie has learned a few signs, like thumbs-up for “good girl,” and Cindy plans to keep teaching the pup more.

"This is a touching little story because it shows the wonderful ways in which people with any sort of disability can improve their lives. But for some abortion activists, disabled unborn babies should become abortion victims because they’re not “perfect.' ” . . Read more..

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Obama's Casual Slander of American Christians

Mark Hemingway

. . . "Well, after six years of Obama, it seems he didn't exactly live up to his promise to make cultural and religious warfare is a thing of the past. Instead, he deliberately exacerbated the conflict again and again. We're at the point where the man well-intentioned liberal Christians like Dionne said could end the culture wars makes a flatly wrong and objectionable assertion that fighting poverty is an afterthought for Christians too often obsessed with abortion, and nobody bats an eye. Of course, it's been just over two weeks since Obama's solicitor general warned the Supreme Court that if the White House gets its way on gay marriage, churches could be stripped of their tax exempt status. This would have devastating ramifications for the efforts of churches combatting poverty, but when the White House is so engaged in projection that they think that all churches care about is abortion, it starts to explain how they could do something so obviously damaging to the poor and still live with themselves. 

"It seems obvious that Obama, Putnam, and the liberal elites they speak for want to believe that American Christians are narrow-minded and obsessed to the point of being uncaring. This is an utterly delusional way of discounting the tremendous, literally and figuratively livesaving work of American Christians." . . .

Ferguson protesters demand paychecks for gig they were hired to perform. Paid by George Soros

Thomas Lifson   "This would be hilarious if the consequences hadn’t been so disastrous.  The destructive riots in Ferguson, Missouri over the bogus narrative that Michael Brown was shot while his hands were raised were far from spontaneous.  Protesters were hired and promised paychecks, but those who have not received them yet are now publicly protesting.  Weasel Zippers (here and here) documents tweets (some of which have since been scrubbed) from the angry pay-for-play leftists."

More Proof Of Paid Protesters: Ad Asking For Protesters To Travel To Protest, List Of Payouts To #Ferguson Protest Organizers 
 "MORE and OBS, two groups funded by George Soros, advertised money available for people willing to travel to protest (@organizemo is the twitter account of MORE):"

 Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 10.08.02 PM

"After protesters protested not getting their checks from MORE on May 14th, MORE allegedly distributed the following list as to who was paid to protest in Ferguson and elsewhere, to show where the money had been going. 

"You can see money paid out to Lisa Fithian (pictured below), $1,127.75 for ‘visit expenses’.

"For those who do not know, Lisa Fithian is an infamous leftist organizer. She organized at Occupy, but has been used as a training organizer for many years before that. She spent time in Ferguson in 2014 training people to ‘simulate chaos’
Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 9.08.32 PM

"Brittany Ferrell and Ashley Yates receive thousands on behalf of MAU, Millenial Activists United, one of the protester groups. Ferrell, tries to justify her position in this Facebook post where she blames Ordower for screwing everything up."
 Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 1.11.33 AM
"Her post confirms the payouts to protesters and to her in particular."

 Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 6.48.30 PM
 Screen Shot 2015-05-18 at 8.44.48 PM
 Vega is pictured below.

Talking Syria raid on FOX & Friends

 "We executed a brilliant raid into Syria, ventilated a bunch of bad guys and got all our folks home safe. Bravo!.

"But why did we tell the whole world about the raid before we even had a chance to catalogue the intel we picked up? This compromised our ability to exploit that  intel properly and seems like another example of Obama spiking the football on an extra point.

"We also still have no strategy in Iraq and may as well be acting as the Iranian Air Force as they are the Iraqis main allies now. Not that the fight there is even going at all well, with Ramadi falling. So Yay for dead tangos, and Boo for all the rest.

Top Dem raising 'alarm bells' over Obama Ramadi claims.."It’s becoming clear that President Obama really is a Marxist – but of the Groucho, not Karl school.  “Are you going to believe me, or what you see with your own eyes?” is the next logical answer for administration apologists to employ in claiming the fall of Ramadi isn’t an outright catastrophe.   At least one top Democrat, senior House member Adam Schiff, a Democrat from California, has had enough." . . .

Obama Snatched Ramadi Defeat from Bush Victory  " The fall of Ramadi is the poster child for the Obama administration’s foreign policy failures that has left failed states from Libya to Yemen to Iraq."


 Political Cartoons by Chip Bok
 Ann Coulter   . . . "Indeed, after Bush's State of the Union address laying out the case for war with Iraq, The New York Times complained that he had given too many reasons: "Even the rationale for war seems to change from day to day. Mr. Bush ticked off a litany of accusations against Iraq in his State of the Union address ..." (New York Times, Feb. 2, 2003)

"Among the reasons we invaded Iraq were:
(1) Saddam had given shelter to terrorists who killed Americans. After 9/11, it was time for him to pay the price:
-- The mastermind of the Achille Lauro hijacking, Abu Abbas, who murdered a wheelchair-bound American citizen, Leon Klinghoffer, then forced the passengers to throw his body overboard, was living happily in Iraq. (Captured by U.S. forces in Baghdad less than a month after our invasion.)

-- The terrorist who orchestrated the murder of American diplomat Laurence Foley in October 2002, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, also took refuge in Saddam's Iraq. (Killed by U.S. forces in Iraq on June 7, 2006.)

-- The one terrorist behind the 1993 World Trade Center bombing who got away, Abdul Rahman Yasin, fled to Iraq, where he was given money and lived without fear of being extradited to the United States. (Whereabouts unknown. Possibly being groomed for a prime-time show on MSNBC.)

-- Czech intelligence reported that Mohammed Atta, 9/11 mastermind, met with Iraqi agents in Prague shortly before the attack.
(2) Saddam had attempted to assassinate a former president of the United States. Liberals complained that it was a family feud because that president happened to be Bush's father, but, again, he was also a FORMER PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. (Does being a relative of the president make you fair game for assassination attempts? Bill Clinton, please pick up the white courtesy phone.)

(3) Saddam not only had WMDs, he had used them -- far more prodigiously than Syria's Bashar al-Assad did when Obama masterfully backed down from his "red line" threat if Assad ever used chemical weapons. (Assad's WMDs killed about a thousand civilians -- 350 according to French intelligence, which is a lot better than ours. Saddam's WMDs killed an estimated 100,000 civilians. That's according to everyone -- the United Nations, Human Rights Watch and Clinton-era ambassador Peter Galbraith.)

(4) We needed to smash some Muslim strongman after the 9/11 attack, and Saddam was as good as any other -- at least as good as the Taliban primitives who had allowed Osama bin Laden to pitch his tent in their godforsaken country.
It worked: Moammar Gadhafi, terrified that Bush would attack Libya next, invited U.N. inspectors in, gave up his WMDs, and paid the families of his Lockerbie bombing victims $8 million apiece.
(5) Saddam had committed atrocities on a far greater scale than our current bogeyman, ISIS. He tortured and murdered tens of thousands of Iraqis -- removing their teeth with pliers, applying electric shocks to men's genitals, drilling holes in their ankles and forcing them to watch as their wives were raped -- as reported by USA Today, among others. There was no risk that we were accidentally taking out the Arab George Washington.

(6) Saddam was a dangerous and disruptive force in a crucial oil-producing region of the world. We need oil. Why not go to war for oil?

(7) The Iraqi people were a relatively sane, civilized and educated populace with a monstrous ruler. Removing that leader would provide a golden opportunity for an actual functioning Arab democracy -- an Arab Israel.
. . .
 Political Cartoons by Lisa Benson
"Kelly asked Bush: "Knowing what we know now, would you have authorized the invasion?"

"The correct answer is:
Now that we know that a half-century of Teddy Kennedy's 1965 Immigration Act would result in a country where a man like Barack Obama could be elected president, and then, purely out of antipathy to America, would withdraw every last troop from Iraq, nullifying America's victory and plunging the entire region into chaos, no, I would not bother removing dangerous despots in order to make America safer.

Instead, I would dedicate myself to overturning our immigration laws, ending the anchor-baby scam and building a triple-layer fence on the border, so that some future Republican president could invade Iraq without worrying about a foreign-elected president like Obama coming in and giving it away.
 Coulter's full article here. 
  All emphases added by TD

British Novelist to American Grads: There’s Nothing Virtuous about Being Offended

NRO ..."A rather uneventful college commencement season full of the usual platitudes and bromides was shaken up by British novelist Ian McEwan’s refreshingly challenging the zeitgeist of trigger warnings, free-speech zones, and campus censorship at Dickinson College in Pennsylvania this week. McEwan did not shy away from addressing the current temper on campus, choosing to focus on the creeping group-think in faculty lounges and discussion sections instead of the all too easy targets of Russian crackdowns on free speech or the “industrial scale” state-sponsored censorship in China. 
McEwan directly confronted the problem of a country rooted in the tradition of free expression under the First Amendment meekly submitting to what he called “bi-polar thinking” — the eagerness of some to “not side with Charlie Hebdo because it might seem as if we’re endorsing George Bush’s War on Terror.” . . .   Full article

Could he mean something like this?

PETA Demands Bar Change Its Name Because ‘Ye Olde Fighting Cocks’ Is Offensive to Chickens
 "Carr added that the name change would “encourage people to rethink the way that we treat chickens and grant these birds the respect and kindness that they deserve.”'
BRITAIN'S oldest pub is under to pressure to change its name - Ye Olde Fighting Cocks Ð from an animal rights group.
UK Mirror

In the US, these people are called Democrats.

Monty Python to the rescue against Islamic scholars

American Thinker. . . "Instead, he offered the idea of pairing intellectuals with moderate Muslims and media bigwigs to debate the questions about Muhammad’s historicity in seminars and panel discussions.  Jim Lehrer could even be called in to moderate, he suggested.  Calling into question the foundations of Islam by questioning if Muhammad ever existed would somehow pull the rug out from under the extremists.  As rebels without a cause, they would have to lay down their arms. Islam would settle down into respectable, peaceful patterns like all other religions, and we would live from then on free of terrorists because they would no longer be able to justify their terrorism.  How could they if Muhammad never existed?

"This is where Monty Python comes in.  This team knew how to cut to the quick with skits that could say it better than an avalanche of books and articles." . . .
. . . 
"A word of caution for such intellectuals.  Resist yielding to the temptation to bang coconut shells together and prance up to the enemy with offers to debate if Muhammad ever existed with them.  It may be the last temptation you will ever yield to."