Brutal Carly Fiorina ad: What’s Hillary’s biggest accomplishment as Secretary of State?
"Who knew that the candidate responsible for the legendary “demon sheep” ad had something like this in her? It’s three minutes long, which is about six times longer than an effective ad should be, but the length works here to underscore the point. Those long seconds of silence when someone’s asked to name a Clinton accomplishment feel even longer when you watch a string of people struggling with the question. It’s excruciating.
"Who knew that the candidate responsible for the legendary “demon sheep” ad had something like this in her? It’s three minutes long, which is about six times longer than an effective ad should be, but the length works here to underscore the point. Those long seconds of silence when someone’s asked to name a Clinton accomplishment feel even longer when you watch a string of people struggling with the question. It’s excruciating.
"And, I bet, it’ll prove more effective with voters than attacks on
the Clinton Foundation or Hillary’s e-mail practices will. Reminding
people that the Clintons are crooks won’t move the numbers. Voters
already know that. If anything, I think they’ve come to admire Billary’s
wiliness in managing to get away with so much for so long. Cunning
isn’t the worst trait to have in a president, especially if the main sin
it’s employed for is graft. The Clinton slush fund is a drop in the
ocean of dirty D.C. money. Forcing voters to question Hillary’s
competence does more damage to her than the scandal stuff, I think,
because it demystifies her." . . . More at the link.
PJ Media “ 'Titles Are Not Accomplishments” is the name of the ad and it is delicious. I keep hoping that Carly will get some traction because her relentless focus on tearing Mrs. Bill apart thus far has been a delight to watch."
PJ Media “ 'Titles Are Not Accomplishments” is the name of the ad and it is delicious. I keep hoping that Carly will get some traction because her relentless focus on tearing Mrs. Bill apart thus far has been a delight to watch."
VIDEO: Young Hillary Supporters Struggle to Name Her Achievements
I do have to say about this survey that can it be a good litmus test?. Most interviews of this demographic finds few who can tell us who Abraham Lincoln was.