Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Obama leads his military through shot and shell

Michael Ramirez Cartoon

The left has Al Sharpton and Cher, et al. and it looks like we get Donald Trump.

Political Cartoons by Gary Varvel

 "Witless Ape Rides Escalator " says Kevin D. Williamson at NRO. . . "Donald Trump, being Donald Trump, announced his candidacy at Trump Plaza, making a weird grand entrance via escalator — going down, of course, the symbolism of which is lost on that witless ape. But who could witness that scene — the self-made man who started with nothing but a modest portfolio of 27,000 New York City properties acquired by his millionaire slumlord father, barely out of his latest bankruptcy and possibly headed for another one as the casino/jiggle-joint bearing his name sinks into the filthy mire of the one U.S. city that makes Las Vegas look respectable, a reality-television grotesque with his plastic-surgery-disaster wife, grunting like a baboon about our country’s “brand” and his own vast wealth — and not see the peerless sign of our times? . . .
I'm sure the author means this all in a nice way.

Rush said many out there will love Trump's ideas. . . "But you can see this setting up.  If Trump decides to go third-party, if anybody goes third party, then you could say, "Hello, Hillary," and Hillary's an absolute disaster.  Could we just...? I mean, this is something that I don't get. This is what bamboozles.  If that's the best the Democrats can come up with, they don't deserve to win anything.  That's the best they've got, Mrs. Clinton is an absolute disaster. " . . .

The GOP Joins the Circus With Donald Trump  . . . "A clownish, albeit opinionated celebrity, Trump doesn’t deserve serious consideration from the voters. But his presence will disrupt the race in ways that we can’t predict. Like it or not, if he meant what he said today, the Republican Party has just joined the Donald Trump circus." . . .

Legal Insurrection's Amy Miller:  . . . "We already know Trump the Billionaire Mogul and Trump the Reality TV star; as a wonk, I’m interested to see how his campaign plans on introducing Trump the Man to the American people."

Political Cartoons by Glenn Foden

Playing Devil’s Advocate For Donald Trump. . . "Americans love authenticity and people being themselves. Donald Trump is about as true to himself as a person can be. He doesn’t act like he’s humble or that’s he’s just like you. He’s Donald f***ing Trump and he just a built the greatest hotel in the world that you should totally visit. Right now. And check out the new Trump golf course while you’re enjoying the beauty of his immaculate resort.

"He may go bankrupt again. So what? He’s still Donald f***ing Trump. And you’re not." . . .

 obama, obama jokes, political, humor, cartoon, conservative, hope n' change, hope and change, stilton jarlsberg, donald trump, candidate, 2016
"Donald Trump announced yesterday that he, like everyone else, is now officially running for president. Frankly, Hope n' Change finds it hard to take him seriously - but then again, maybe it's best not to judge a potential president based only on a hairstyle.

"A lesson the Spokane NAACP just learned the hard way."

McKinney bank employee fired for actions during pool party speaks out for first time

Wayne Dupree  
"Tracy says she noticed about an hour after she arrived at the pool, a BBQ with a DJ was being set up outside the pool gates.  Within a half an hour, several of the party goers had made their way into the pool area.
“By the time our security officer arrived for his scheduled shift, the pool had been overtaken by unruly teenagers and young adults,” said Tracy.
"She says many of them became upset when they were asked for key cards to prove their residency and complained it was because of the color of their skin.  However, she said everyone at the pool, including herself, was asked to prove they lived in the community." . . .

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

American silliness; the well doesn't run dry

Michael Eric Dyson: Black People More Likely To Support Rachel Dolezal Than Clarence Thomas   "MSNBC political hack, Georgetown University professor and notorious racial grievance monger Michael Eric Dyson said something absolutely stunning on Monday’s broadcast of “The Ed Show.' ” . . .

The Obama administration is making good on its pledge to all but ban trans fat nationwide.

Progressive Academics Shocked That Their Creatures Turn on Them When the cult of sensitivity begins to eat its children.
. . . " These incidents follow the complaints of other progressives like Kirsten Powers and Jonathan Chait that the intolerant ideology at the heart of progressivism is now getting out of hand. ' . . .

Emperor Obama Preparing To Unleash Wave Of Climate Change Executive Actions… 

 Completely Over The Slide Yet? #RachelDolezal Says No One Can Prove Her Parents Are Actually Her Parents  "Someone wants to give this character a reality show? Watch when she sues them for the imagined discrimination…"

A year from now, will we remember these two candidates?

Mark Levin: 'No to Jeb' ..."Conservatives are not waiting to hear Florida Gov. Jeb Bush's presidential announcement speech to question his electability.

" 'Jeb Bush will be a loser," added Brent Bozell, who runs both the Media Research Center and the conservative group ForAmerica. The group has been opposing Bush and Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton on their website." . . .

But he can bank on mt support if Bush does become our candidate.

Hillary, the orator,...speaker,, reader.

In Hillary's sincere, passionate addresses, what is the longest you have seen her go without looking down at what she is supposed to say?  And with those teleprompters, what's with having to look at the printed text on the stand?

Hillary campaign outrages press pool  "Hillary Clinton reinforced her well-deserved reputation for arrogance and seriously aggravated the media covering her campaign with an unprecedented attempt to choose who will be permitted to act as pool reporter. Annie Linskey of the Boston Globe reports:" . . .
This is yet another bone-headed move by the Hillary campaign. Not only does it look bad and make rational people shudder at how she would behave if elected president, it also encourages the lapdog media to turn against her.

Hillary Clinton’s somnolent* speech. . . "The Atlantic’s Molly Ball mused, “Clinton’s advisers worry about the lack of passion the candidate elicits, but Saturday’s speech was so non-rousing as to make one wonder whether that wasn’t intentional—was it an attempt to bring Clinton down to earth, to make her ordinary? To deflate the aura of fame that clings to her and turn her into just another candidate, one who is solid and sensible and not too flashy, with lots of concrete plans?” It might be simpler than that: She is a remarkably unoriginal and uninspiring pol." Jennifer Rubin 
*Somnolent: 1. Drowsy; sleepy.; 2. Inducing or tending to induce sleep; soporific  (The asterisk tells you I had to look the word up)

She seemed to mostly read the speech

 Mitt Romney:  "When you see her on a stage or when she comes into a room full of people, she's smiling with her mouth but her eyes say, 'Where's my latte?'"

45 times Secretary Clinton pushed the trade bill she now opposes

 Rick Moran addresses this subject at American Thinker: Hillary pushed fast track trade authority 45 times while secretary of state    . . . "The last thing Hillary Clinton wants or needs is an angry base. Better that they resign themselves to her inevitabilty rather than get up on their hind legs and openly oppose her.
"A profile in courage she is not."

CNN   Read them all here.
"Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, seems reluctant to take a firm position on an issue dividing her party: whether President Obama should have fast-track trading authority for the immense trade deal he has been negotiating, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. With some progressive voters eyeing her with some skepticism, and facing a challenge (such as it is) from candidates on her left, she is being advised to tack in that direction.

"President Obama has been pushing hard for the deal, while Democrats in the House of Representatives on Friday revolted and voted against a key part of the legislation. One told me, "there was a very strong concern about the lost jobs and growing income inequality," adding, pointedly: "Ms. Clinton should take notice." 
. . . 
 "Clinton said, "there are some specifics in there that could and should be changed. So I am hoping that's what happens now -- let's take the lemons and turn it into lemonade."

"But as members of the Obama administration can attest, Clinton was one of the leading drivers of the TPP when Secretary of State. Here are 45 instances when she approvingly invoked the trade bill about which she is now expressing concerns:" . . .

Monday, June 15, 2015

The silliness in western culture

Teacher: I Don’t Teach Shakespeare Because He Is White
 "Hooray for public education:"
The Washington Post has published a guest article by a California teacher arguing that American high school students shouldn’t read Shakespeare because he’s a dead, white man.
Dana Dusbiber, who teaches English in Sacramento, says she avoids Hamlet and all the rest because her minority students shouldn’t be expected to study a “a long-dead, British guy” (Dusbiber herself is white). And while Shakespeare is widely regarded as the premier writer of the English language, able to timelessly portray themes central to the human experience, Dusbiber says he only is regarded that way because “some white people” ordained it and he can easily be replaced. . .
And these people vote.

Who Turned the Crazy Machine Up to 11?   "First, we have the
utterly predictable—but still fully absurd—story out of Spokane, Washington, that the local head of the NAACP is in fact a white woman. What the heck, if Elizabeth Warren and Ward Churchill can claim to be Indian Native American, why not allow someone to choose their race? After all, isn’t race itself part of the social construction of everything? A suggestion for the 2020 Census: check all of the race/ethnicity boxes on the form, just to be safe.

"Then there’s poor Tim Hunt, a Nobel Prize winner in biology, who made the mistake of speaking candidly about what we used to refer to euphemistically as the “battle of the sexes”: . . .

And didn't one of Obama's people call him the most Jewish president ever?

Male and female are different: hardly earth-shattering news. But saying it is horribly retro, except when it’s Importantly Feminist.

CNN Anchor Actually Apologizes For Calling Dallas Gunman ‘Courageous And Brave’

‘Hate Crime’ Activists Sue South Carolina for Charging Children of Illegals Out of State Tuition

Campus Cannibals?: A Student’s Take on Political Correctness   "The fact that far-leftists are stifling free speech on college campuses has become almost a truism. But things have taken a surprising turn: leftist censorship has turned on itself. Recently a self-described liberal professor confessed students, and the classic feminist play “The Vagina Monologues” was banned from campus because it committed the crime of assuming women have vaginas." . . . 
Er, say what?

Obama has voted "present" for the past seven years

 Michael Ramirez Cartoon
Trade Defeat A Failure Of Presidential Leadership
 "Leadership: House Democrats handed President Obama a stinging defeat on Trade Promotion Authority Friday, halting the necessary presidential authority to negotiate new treaties. Obama has no one to blame but himself.

"President Obama has had at least three years to get his ducks in line in Congress to ensure passage of Trade Promotion Authority, commonly known as fast track, a routine authority to ensure that a president has the capacity to complete proposed trade deals, such as the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership, which is wrapping up after years of talks.

"Instead, his TPA bill went down in flames with Friday's House vote, mostly because his fellow "Democrats' refused to support it. That speaks to a failure in presidential leadership on free trade rare in U.S. history." . . .

 Robert J. Samuelson: Obama’s leadership failure
 Obama’s abdication of responsibility may be in his political self-interest, but it is profoundly hostile to the national interest.

The Failures Of Obama’s Leadership  . . . " For the most part the public impressions about the President’s leadership abilities are set in stone thanks to the events of the past five years. Some of the perception that has set in is due, no doubt, to the incessant criticisms from Republicans in Congress, but in the end the President has nobody to blame for the situation he finds himself in but himself.

Obama’s Plan for ISIS: Leave It for the Next President

 Remember how Obama blamed his problems on President Bush? Just watch him telling the press how the next administration is wrecking the stable world Obama has created.

Legal Insurrection

"As a direct result of Obama’s amateurish, quasi-idealistic, and completely ideological failings in Iraq, we will almost certainly end up sending ground troops back in order to undo the damage wrought by the failed Obama doctrine.

"Obama knows this, of course, and his plan is to run out the clock rather than make the decision that needs to be—and will be—made by the next president. The National Journal reports:
On using U.S. combat troops? In a detailed interview with The Atlantic, Obama made his view clear. “If they are not willing to fight for the security of their country, we cannot do that for them,” he said, but added that he’s committed to training Iraqis over a “multi-year” period.

How many, exactly, is “multi?” State Department official and ISIS expert Brett McGurk laid that out on NPR: “It’s a three-year campaign to degrade the organization.”

Three years marked from mid-2014, of course, falls after Jan. 20, 2017, the date Obama leaves office.
Read more..

Hillary don't get no love

"On Saturday, Hillary Clinton attempted to inject some much-needed excitement into her presidential bid with a campaign speech to a surprisingly small number of New Yorkers, almost all of whom were white. Although whether they self-identify as white is anybody's guess.

"Mixed in with Hillary's standard populist sloganeering about despising Wall Street and the evil rich who are writing the checks for her campaign, her Foundation, and her pantsuit collection, Mrs. Clinton took time to humanize herself by making reference to the inspiration she's found in her mother's miserable life.

"As a child, Hillary's mother was abandoned by her father at age 8 and sent to live with nightmarish grandparents until she ran away and became a housemaid at age 14 (a job option no longer available to actual American citizens of any age).

"In her autobiography, which we highly doubt Hillary has even read, it says "I thought often of my own mother’s neglect and mistreatment at the hands of her parents and grandparents, and how other caring adults filled the emotional void to help her.”

"In other words, don't look to your family for support and guidance - look to the (ahem) "caring adults" of the Big Government "village" which Queen Hillary wants to rule over to help exorcise the demons of her own criminally dysfunctional family." . . .
Political Cartoons by Jerry Holbert

Hillary’s Top Flack Makes the Case for Her: ‘She Really Listens . . .’   . . . “She can dive deep into any topic,” said Mook. “She is warm and caring about all of the people on her staff.”
“Her story, her life is advocating for other people,” added Palmieri.
"Ah. If only the American people had known about that the last 25 years, then they would have had a completely different perception of Hillary Rodham Clinton."  . . .

Hillary Clinton: launched but not engaged  . . .  "Real presidential candidates have always taken positions on key issues, especially those current enough to be voted on by Congress.
"Hillary Clinton refuses. Judged conventionally, she’s still in exploratory mode.
"What is she exploring? Two things. The political winds and how much (or little) she can get away with.
"The mainstream media, it appears, will let her get away with plenty. Republican contenders, be they governors or neurosurgeons, are expected to opine on a wide range of foreign policy topics. If they trip up even slightly, they are said to be unready for the Oval Office.

"Meanwhile, Clinton, who as Secretary of State helped formulate current U.S. foreign policy, opines little. And the MSM makes little complaint."

 Romney Rips Hillary: Smiles With Mouth, But Eyes Say 'Where's My Latte?'

Obama’s military: Great for homosexuals but not Christians

"For nearly two decades, the U.S. Army has provided an honor guard for the Independence Day celebration at Abilene Baptist Church in Augusta, GA, a church that predates the founding of America. Sadly, that tradition has been brought to an end. Officials at Fort Gordon have decided they will not send an honor guard to the July 5th services at the church because it would be a violation of military policy.

"In a lame attempt to justify the decision, Public Affairs Officer J.C. Mathews stated that officials at Fort Gordon and the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate reviewed the church’s request and determined that the event was “a religious service.” Here’s how he explained it:
“While there are conditions under which the Army can participate in events conducted at a house of worship, we cannot participate in the context of a religious service.”